Let's all get to know each other :)

This is a new group so I would like for everyone to introduce themselves say a bit about yourself :)

I'm 22 I live in England, I like music, art, films and games. I want to lose weight because for all these years I never really looked at calories, and struggling with anxiety, insomnia and depression I never really had the motivation until a couple of months ago. Now I am feeling really positive about losing weight because its the only thing I have to be positive for, and once I lose the weight I will have many things to be positive about! :D


  • Hi! I'm 42 years old in United States. I have been battling with extra weight for a long time. Now i am at my highest ever and starting to notice it's affecting my health and happiness. I am feeling pretty positive about changing my lifestyle to get my health back to what it should be.
    Love that we can connect with people in the same situation and not feel so alone on this!
  • NurseGetHealthy216
    NurseGetHealthy216 Posts: 548 Member
    Hi! I'm 26 years old and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I have PCOS so its a little more difficult for me to lose and keep the weight off then most, but as I get older its becoming more important that I get it together. I'm genuinely concerned that if I don't get my ducks in a row that I will not be able to have children one day and that is something that I have always wanted. I love reading, music, and movies. I'm a nurse and I work midnights so my schedule is backwards from most people lol. I'm excited for the new friends and hope that we can watch each other lose the weight and reach our goals!
  • tannadine
    tannadine Posts: 115 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I'm Natalie, I'm 27 years old and I live in Scotland. I've had a weight problem my entire life, and I have unsuccessfully tried to diet my way out of it. However, no matter how cliched it sounds, I've realised I need to make a lifestyle change, rather than just be on another faddy diet, so that's why I'm on this site. My weight is slowly beginning to erode my good health, so I am motivated to do something about it (alongside the aesthetic reasons!).

    Really looking forward to getting to know you all and being on this journey together :) xx
  • ashgirl95
    ashgirl95 Posts: 48
    Hello, I'm Ashley. I'm 19 years old and live in the United States. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember, and it has impacted my social life and self esteem in a very negative way. I was never confident in school, and I think I missed out on a lot of opportunities because of it. I managed to lose around 30 pounds last year, but I gained nearly all of it back in my first year of college. Now that I've adjusted to college life, I'm determined to stick with my healthy lifestyle and become a better, stronger, thinner, sexier me!

    I'm excited to get to know all of you :)
  • paladin01
    paladin01 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am 54 years old and live in the United States. My goal is to lose 40 pounds so I can enjoy mirrors again. I have started a lifestyle change with exercise and diet and now need to add a support mechanism into the mix. I enjoy music, computer gaming, HBO series and all the things that don't burn calories or support a healthy lifestyle. It is my goal to make that change and I am looking to find the support I was lacking in other attempts to achieve my weight loss goals. I truly hope this group will provide the support and motivation to do it! Here is looking forward to a healthier and more active me!
  • michaeljacksonfan333
    michaeljacksonfan333 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm Melanie and I live in the U.S. (Tucson, Az). I am 19 years old and going to college. I am not looking to lose too much weight. After high school, I gained about 25lbs while at my dorm (I didn't have a scale)! I had no idea my metabolism had dropped! So far, I have lost 10lbs, and am looking to lose another 8lbs. In high school, I struggled with anxiety and was actually underweight. I am 5'6 and was around 110lbs at my lowest and 118lbs at my highest. I am looking to be the healthy weight of 125lbs!
    It has taken me a very long time to lose 10lbs, because i kept losing it, and then gaining it back (yo-yo dieting). When I am not stressed in my life, I am very addicted to food because I don't have a lot of other exciting things in my life. As i try to lose this weight, I am constantly fighting urges to eat more!
  • Hello, my name is Ariella, Im in class of 2014-2015 to say the least. I haven't always been overweight, but it seems like when I hit a certain age I realized that I've gained so much. I've always been in denial of it till just recently, I've always been unhappy with myself due to what's in the mirror even though I've tried to ignore it. My ultimate goal is to lose 60lbs. I discovered that I should lose the weight as early as possible in my years and keep it off and get back into extra activities. I just found myfitnesspal yesterday and I'm still learning the ropes of this weight loss thing. I just want to become the winner I know I am.:)
  • KayKari
    KayKari Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys! Im 27, USA :-). Id like to lose 50 lbs. I have gained it steadily over the past 4 years. Im ready gor change :-). If yall domt mind, I will add some of you guys zs friends
  • jnetholmer
    jnetholmer Posts: 30
    Hello! I am 34 and in the US - Ohio. I have gained weight steadily over the last 10 years or so and have constantly tried to lose weight. I managed to lose 20 pounds last year but gained it all back and more when I stress-fractured my hip running. :( I am now at my heaviest weight ever (minus the times I have been pregnant) and intent to take off as much excess weight as possible. My goal for right now is just to be small enough that I don't register obese at the doctor's office but that is 40 pounds away! Hoping I can do this while training for my second half-marathon....hoping not to break any bones this time.
  • I am 39 years old and am a mom of 3 kids. I want to lose weight and keep the weight off. I usually have a hard time maintaining the weight loss. I am five foot two inches and weigh 141.6 I would like to lose about 20 pounds and keep it off for good this time.
  • SomberG
    SomberG Posts: 36
    Hi everyone. I'm 37 from the USA. I like to get to know people and connect on a human level. I don't wanna be a motivation robot that likes your posts and says cliche things to give you a false sense of motivational support. I'd like to make some lasting friendships on this journey.
  • alucido
    alucido Posts: 167 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I’m Angela and I’m 26 years old. 2 years ago I started my weight loss journey and lost 80lbs in a year; and in the past year I have gained almost all of it back. Last month I decided to get back on for good; and it has been a slow start but it’s going down instead of up. Besides the fact that I want to be healthier more confident, I am getting married in November and had gained 40 lbs since I bought my dress. My short term goal is to lose at least 40 in the next 4 months (previously I had lost 80 in 8 months- so I know that I can do it if I put my mind to it.) My fiancé was a really supportive and held me accountable when I lost the weight previously, but now that he is stationed in Texas it’s hard for me to keep me accountable with the distance. It’s always easier to lose weight with other people holding you accountable so I hope I can gain support, recipes, critiques and successes from the group to keep me motivated. Please feel free to add me :smile:
  • daniellee725
    daniellee725 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Danielle, I'm 23 and a high school English teacher. I love to hike and play golf, both of which are activities that are near impossible to do in Arizona during summer. My heaviest weight was 310 my junior year of high school. I lost quite a bit, got down to 240, now back up to 260 which seems to be where my body is most comfortable. Oh, and before you guys tell me that there's no way I weigh 260, keep in mind that I am 6'1", so I hide the weight well. My goal weight is 180. That will put me at the high end of a healthy weight. I am following Chris Powell's carb cycling, which is the diet seen on his show "Extreme Weight loss" I'm only on week 2, but I really like the program and saw great results during my first weigh in. Can't wait to lose the rest of my weight with your support!
  • enicus91
    enicus91 Posts: 16 Member
    What's up? My name is Eric from California. I'm 23 and currently getting a duel teaching credential for English and Spec Ed. I mostly read or watch movies, nothing too exciting, but I prefer being in an air-conditioned room haha. Right now I'm 325, having started at 340. I'm hoping to get to my sophomore year of high school weight of around 240-250 (I've been 6'3'' since 8th grade so I know it's possible). Right now, I'm following a pescatarian diet where I eat mainly vegetarian but with fish added every once in a while.
    That being said, less doo theees
  • karbhat
    karbhat Posts: 50 Member
    Hi I'm karishma! I've been trying to lose the "last 20" for a while now. I got really close last year, but then gained some of the weight back. I'm looking for a group to help me lose the last 20 for good.
  • briemyre
    briemyre Posts: 25 Member
    Hey everybody! Sorry, I'm a little late to the party, but here's a little about me. I'm 24 (tomorrow) and a graduate student studying sea turtle physiology in Louisiana. I've always been overweight, but got to my highest weight of 271 lbs during my senior year of college. I had 6 months between my undergrad degree and the start of graduate school, so I decided to take that opportunity to start changing my lifestyle. My lifelong dream has been to save sea turtles, and it requires a very active lifestyle. I've realized if I want to stay in this field, I'm going to have to lose the weight and get in shape! Over the past 16 months, I've lost 57 pounds. I've been a little disappointed that it hasn't come off faster, but I'm pretty proud of the fact that I've been able to lose steadily and keep it off despite 3 huge moves, leaving my entire family, friends and boyfriend behind and starting a much more intense academic program. I ran my first 5k last fall, and have been working on getting into weight training and HIIT. My goal is to lose a total of 130 lbs, getting me to 140 lbs. I've been plateauing for so long that I sometimes get frustrated, it seemed so much easier in the beginning! But, I'm hoping that having a more accurate way of tracking calories burned throughout the day will help me to create a calorie deficit day to day - I just got a fitbit and a polar ft4 for my birthday. I have a few friends at home and school that are also trying to lose, but I need a larger group of friends to help support me as I try to break through this plateau and lose again! Please feel free to add me!
  • nbaylor5
    nbaylor5 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi There!! My name is Nicole, I'm 44 and from the US (Maryland). I have alot of weight to lose and am determined to really do this. I have been overweight for about 1/2 my life now (adult life) and I am tired of being tired. I have made my mind up this time and there will be no stopping me. Hardest thing for me is accepting that slow and steady wins the race. For the first time, I have noticed my health being affected by my weight and I have to do something and do it now.
    Please add me as a friend because the more encouragement and support the better!!