July Goals

jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
Good Morning, because I am impatient kind of guy, and I need goals to help keep me motivated I thought I would start this topic. Of course being a newbie, I can probably get away with that and ask for forgiveness later :laugh:

July Goals;
Exercise goal - Walk 60 miles during July
Food/Diary Goal - Be under my daily goal 95% of the month
Weight Loss goal- Lose 10 lbs during the month of July. (and not the same 2 lbs over and over again :wink: )

Always open to suggestions for additional goals and/or categories

- JB


  • cch200
    cch200 Posts: 10 Member
    Goals are good, however sometimes I find them distracting and sometimes disheartening. I try to focus daily on my eating, exercise, and MFP entries and somehow the goals just happen. But each to his own, keep up the good work !
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    OK..we will let you off for jumping the gun....just this once! :bigsmile:

    Some of us decided last month not to make losing weight a goal as it was a bit too random and vague.......we can't actually guarantee it whatever we do. So I made my goals within my control.......more exercise and better eating .... which should be within my control...(not saying it always was but hey...you get my drift....lol....:bigsmile: )....... .a goal should be achievable because of our determination, control and good practice...... the weight loss/change is a happy result of achieving the behaviour goals ..... flowerforyou

    The weight loss thing will follow if we get the first thing down right! So the first thing is my goal ....... and will be the same for the month of July too....... I didn't run enough in June because of the hot weather but I started swimming again so hopefully the two, along with my walking every day, a bit of exercise, hula hooping, skipping, Tai Chi will all add up and I will have a happy result at the end of July...sounds good on paper so let's see if it works out with the few social weekends I have planned! :tongue:

    Do it right everyone ... Happy Results all round!:laugh:

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    My goal is to get more consistent with my resistance bands. I seem to get them in 3 times a week, I want 5.

    Walking isn't even a goal for me now. I love it and have to keep myself from doing too much. I love the stationary bike, too. Don't love the band and I just don't think of it sometimes.

    I have some self-improvement goals for myself: brush up on my French. Hit some of those appointments that are due like mammogram, haircut, and oil change.

    I am so anxious to see my cardiologist in two weeks or so. I'm hoping that I can lower at least one dosage of my meds.

    I am going to make a weight challenge to myself: 8 lbs. from whatever I weigh on the 1st.

    Here's to all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    OK, do I want to be ambitious in July? I should probably post now after a super active day that has made me feel great!

    My first goal is to really, really stick to my exercise program. I am off work, even though I'll be travelling to the Cincinnati area to visit my brother, so I have no semi-legitimate-sounding excuse to get off track for exercise. I'll bring little stuff like resistance bands on my trip. (I love them, really - Charile how can you not love them :laugh: )

    And my second goal is to KEEP recording my food. I have managed an easy 1 pound a week just by getting back on the journaling and being more responsible for what goes in again. I will keep it up even during travel. I won't have an easy time with internet, but I will find a way! Whether or not I lose is not important - tracking is the goal.

    Thanks for starting this one, JB! It is always good to plan ahead - so I more than forgive you, I shake your hand, cuz you're cool. :glasses:
  • Buckeyebill413
    Buckeyebill413 Posts: 26 Member
    My goals are to remain under 1500 intake calories per day, and record everything I also want to walk 40 minutes per day, 5 days per week. I have no actual weight goal because that will be a product of my following my plan.I do weigh myself weekly to measure how well i follow my plan.

    Good Luck and keep fighting the good fight...
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks for getting us off to a good start JB. I am doing fairly well in the food planning dept but I need to be more consistent with my exercise. Although, I do love my stationary bike, I need to do more. I will plan ahead by creating a weekly food plan and shopping accordingly. Most of all I will do it in small chunks. My new mantra is- Can I just do it today? If I stick to eating properly and exercise the weight loss will follow.

    Good luck to all in the month ahead.
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm setting a FIRM goal for myself..... we have an exercise room here in my apartment building. It's on the main floor, and it's always open. It has a treadmill, stationary bikes, some other thingy that I don't know the name of......

    Anyway, my goal is to get down there and USE the blasted stuff!!! (mainly treadmill and bike). I'll aim for 2x a week to start, and go from there. Please hold me accountable, ok?
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Well I'm hoping that the dreaded lurgy will disappear in a few days time and I can get back to exercise - at the moment I feel like *kitten*. :sick:

    So my aim is to continue with my fat loss - not calling it weight loss as I am doing lots of heavy weight training, and the tapemeasure/clothes seem to be a better indicator of progress. Almost at goal so I know it is going to be slow going now.

    Continue to try for 2 runs a week - sometimes that depends on what weight training I'm doing - it doesn't alway fit in with the scheme of things!

    I've mastered pressups, now I have to try to do a pullup - I can do assisted ones, even with very little assistance but totally cannot do one unassisted, although I can do a chin up (underhand grip). Also going for 40kg (88lb) bench press. Managed 37.5kg a week ago so can build on that.

    The main thing whatever is to keep up with the positive mood I have at the moment. I can do anything when I feel like this!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Jugar: When driving by or flying over Columbus, wave to me. I'll do the same when I get to Quebec in a couple of months. Hope you can hear me all the way from Quebec to Montreal! I don't hate the resistance bands, just don't feel the love yet. I'll get there.

    Welshlady: I always love your attitude! It is great feeling great!

    Everyone else: I love how you are all so centered and seem so sure of what you are doing and what needs to be done. I think that we all deluded ourselves and now being honest is showing the results!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    My goal for July is to get back here and log and try to really do good from here on out! Would be nice to lose at least 2 pounds too, but for now, I am just going to focus to getting back into a good routine.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    July -- how can the year be half over already? :noway:

    July's goal will be to keep cool while keeping the fat/carb count in the green!!

    My new exercise program for July is to get the house ready to sell after the first of the year. With everything to be done, I'm guessing every muscle group is going to get a good workout over the next six months!! bangin.gif

    Thanks to biking and yard work, my weight held through June; however, I do need to continue watching the fat/carb intake as I never met a starch I didn't like. censored.gif

    Wishing everyone a wonderful and successful month!!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    But first it's

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member

    Where are you moving to? Leaving AZ?

    And,yes, how the heck can the year be half over?? I need to know, I really do, so when you find out, please tell me! LOL
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    It's almost Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • angelsail
    angelsail Posts: 8 Member
    Happy July everyone!!!! Yes, 6 months from today we will be thinking how we survived the holidays:laugh: and how to keep our "new" New Years resolutions! :drinker: Time just seems to go by so quickly! Carpe Diem and good luck with your July goals!:flowerforyou:
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Happy 4th and summer! I maintained my weight through June, even though I wanted to loose at least 3 lbs. But I figure with all the stress, traveling etc... maintaining is ok this time. I'm shooting for 3 lbs in July.!

    anyone have any good travel plans cooked up? We don't for a change, I think this is going to be a "stay at home" july. That is ok by me seems like this year has been hectic and I can use some down time.

    Hope everyone has a safe 4th of July -
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    I agree where to heck is the timing going. July is going to be tough for me and when I think back it is always something so I am going to really think about this and analyse are they excuses or what??? Anyway, we will be gone most of July...visiting friends in our home town of Timmins Ontario then going to our cottage where family and friends will be coming for a couple of weeks. I just finished doing the menu for the time and really tried to make it good and yet with the ability for me to eat properly and stay within my allowances. I can do it but the only downfall we will be socializing and partying a lot and wine will be the downfall.....but I plan to minimize that as much as possible. I will no have access to a computer in Timmins and at the cottage the reception is very slow so I may not be able to go on MYP a lot. I will be thinking of you all though and still on here for the rest of the week.

  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    My July challenge is just a simple one - eat more fruit and veggies - will strive for a salad a day - blew the first two days of July but I still have a whole lot of salads ahead of me.

  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Everyone, Happy Almost Independence Day!

    My July challenge/goal is to start jogging at least two days a week. :tongue:

    I walk on my treadmill 30-minutes, five days, at a good speed (4-4.5mph), but I've never been a jogger/runner. Since my weight has been stuck for so long, I decided that maybe I need to "bite the bullet" and try jogging. Because of knee and back issues, I've always preferred walking, but I'm going to give it a try and see what happens.

    I'm also wondering if anyone here exercises in a pool??? If so, what do you do for exercise other than swim? We have a pool at home. I don't know how to swim :ohwell: but I'm ok with doing stuff in the pool and would like to try exercising in the water. I've looked at those barbells you can use in water. I don't know it it's worth getting those. Any thoughts?

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Rose- get a couple of pool noodles - inexpensive then google pool exercises & pool exercises with noodle.

    Dug mine out today!

    Holly :wink: