What do you do???

Sivangj Posts: 182 Member
How do you work to get fit and do you do anything spesial to "calm down" your fibro ?

I just know I had fibro a little more then a year, and being a nerd I kind of jump into things I hear, see or read shall work.
Now at summer I find it easy to exercise some at least 5 times a week, but at winter time it so much harder since I have a lot more pain and fatigue.
From this june I have tryed to cut down on grains, especially fine flour. Same goes for sugar and milk. And I am feeling better. If its due to summer time and I always feels better at this time or not I sure dont know.
My big worry is that it really dont work, any of what I am doing, - loosing weight, changeing my eating habbits and exercise. I really dont want one more winter when I have to be home from work since my body dont work. I know Im lucky that are able to work but hehe I want it all :p And I really dont want to stop loosing when it get colder due to not being able to move so much.

So thats why I ask.
What do you do?
What do you find work?
And how do you stay focused during bad days ?

Warm hugs to all from Siv


  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 126 Member
    I am glad you're on My Fitness Pal.
    I'm sorry that you were diagnosed with fibromyalgia. One thing is that now you know what is wrong.
    I was diagnosed over 20 years ago and I cannot take any medication.
    I always feel better in the summer, too. The sunshine and warm days help.
    I have had to try many things over the years. I find that things to alleviate stress are the same things that help fibromyalgia:
    Relaxation techniques, stretching, meditation, healthy diet.
    Work at a job where you can change body positions when you need to. Not just sitting or standing all day.
    Exercise when you can. Build up slowly.
    I go to a massage therapist twice a month.
    Sometimes my fibromyalgia goes into remission for awhile and sometimes it takes over my life.
    When it takes over my life, I find one thing I CAN do that will help improve my life. For instance, get all the sleep I need. Then add things one at a time.
    Talking with people who understand is important.
    I will send a friend request and you can send me a message if you need to.
    You can find ways to make your life better.
  • Sivangj
    Sivangj Posts: 182 Member
    Thank you so much for your answer Eileen and for the friend requiest :)
    Working in a Office it easely get to sit or stand in the same way. I'm Lucky though, my working Place have done all they can do to help me out, have a table I can move up and Down and I can work long days when I feel good so I can go early on bad days.
    Relaxation and meditation I've heard once or twice before :) Those I need to work on.