Weigh in days

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
Do you have specific days that you weigh in? And do you look at other things besides just the scale?


  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    I do not weigh myself! The only time I get weighed is when I go to the doctor and that is once a year. I used to weigh myself weekly, then weekly turned into daily, then daily turned into several times a day. I would be discouraged if the scale went up from hour to hour, until I read a fitness blog that discussed the obsession of weighing oneself. I learned that there is a difference bewteen losing weight and losing fat! The scale does not show how much fat you lost, only that you lost some weight. The scale does not tell the whole story! From hour to hour we have things going in, coming out, and being digested; thus our "weight" will fluctuate. In fact, you could be losing fat and the scale may go up. I could care less what the scales says, I go by how my clothes fit and how I look naked. I haven't been weighed since February when I went to the doctor, that was right after all the holidays and my birthday. I was up 12 pounds and I knew it by how my clothes fit. I won't be weighed again until February 2015. I refuse to be a scale junkie lol
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Thursday morning as soon as I wake up.

    It's my day off without extra class or anything, so I can take my time.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I hear ya Texasbeau about the scale obsession. I do need the accountability of a weekly weigh in which for me is on Friday morning, but if I start to get too obsessed with the scale I replace it with my YAY scale for awhile which looks like this

    I also keep track of non scale victories. Lately I have been keeping track of the things I do each week to make progress toward my long term goal of Healthy Living. I have a box of what I call my " milestones " and every time I complete one goal each day of the week , I put in in a basket ( the blue 8 means 8 glasses of water)


    How about you 13Srong?
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    A scale like that needs to be mass produced!

    Actually, I need to weigh myself weekly with a goal in mind, else I'll get sidetracked. So for me, it's apart of being accountable. I weigh myself sometime between Friday Sunday. Although, I care more about inches than the actual scale though. Stomach, Hips, Butt and Thighs are where my weight is mostly held.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    A scale like that needs to be mass produced!


    It actually us - you can google it - it really is called a yay scale ???? (it is a little pricey though )

    I also do measurements as sometimes the scale doesn't budge , but I've been forgetting to do that so thanks for the reminder ????
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I weigh in every day, I don't get emotionally attached to the numbers (meaning if it goes up by a kilogram know it's just something I ate the previous day) and then I log it in my spreadsheet together with all of the other numbers, dating back 1989 (which was really a guess since I didn't know my weight back then - I didn't know about BMI, BMR, low carb diets, or gynecomastia - such innocence!). I'm also tracking fatty areas and the ability to wear my new thinner jeans (so far, unworn), the ability to tie my shoelaces wearing my current jeans without undoing them, and those patches of fat around my upper chest and sides of my chest.
  • Binglebangle
    Hey guys, I'm checking in now as I am away for a couple of days. I have lost 2lbs since last Wed, half an inch here and there and my new jeans can go on and do up without having to do the jitterbug! Few more lbs to go before I can sit down in them but I'm very pleased with my first week :-)