For today Jul 7th

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
“If all pulled in one direction, the world would keel over.” – Yiddish proverb

“For today: Am I helping those I sponsor find what works best for them?”

Funny how today's reading (as all reading) is relevant to what's going on in my life at the moment. The reading also touches on what brings us together, our similarities, not our differences. I remember when first coming into the program and working the room to see where I thought I fit best. I soon realized that I fit everywhere! In every share, I was able to see the similarities. It doesn’t matter what race, class, or religion, we are forever connected in OA. I know that I belong and I take comfort in that I don’t have to feel judged or special. I just walk into a room, or tune into a phone meeting or Podcast, and I’m home. Even posting on MFP, even if you don’t post, I know that you can all relate to what I’m saying.

Have a great, abstinent day everyone!


  • blackthrux
    blackthrux Posts: 58 Member
    As I read this message this morning, it struck me that you don't need to be a sponsor to help others find what works for them. I was having supper with my neighbor last night, talking about a lot of the things that are happening for each of us, and found myself in the middle of "carrying our message to other addicts." If that message resonates with him and he begins his journey with OA, I may have helped him to find something that will work best for him.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Blackthrux, absolutely! Many times we don't know that we're doing program work because it just comes naturally, which is an example of walking the talk! Sometimes I walk away from a meeting thinking that I didn't say anything helpful or meaningful, then I'm approached by someone that was touched by my share. It's awesome that you were able to carry the message!
  • traceyandelliemay
    traceyandelliemay Posts: 88 Member
    Whenever I talk at a meeting I always think omg I shouldn't of said that then somebody usually says they can relate when its their share. I hope I don't jynx it by saying it here. I dunno if I'm helping people by being in o.a prob helping people who are abstinent to stay abstinent cause they can see how mad eating disorders have made me. You guys in o.a are sane I want that so much I'm scared my daughter is gonna end up a diet freak like me and doing harmful things to her body. I ball my eyes out for her cause I wouldn't wish this on anybody. Thanks for having this group here it's abit of sanity when I can't get to a meeting I hope I catch your sanity.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Tracy, I sometimes feel that way in a meeting too, but as long as you’re speaking from the heart, people see that. You are helping someone who is uncomfortable speaking up, or someone who needs to be reminded of how this disease takes hold of us. I still have moments of insanity, but through the tools of recovery, I recognize the issue and address it immediately. Don’t beat yourself up about your daughter. You’re doing your daughter a great service by working on your issues. We lead by example. I’m glad this group is here also, it allows me to come to a place where I’m understood.