What specifically caused your stall???

eatspopcorn Posts: 63 Member
Hi everyone! So I've been stalled for the last couple of weeks, and can't get my weight to budge! Actually, that's a lie, its budging but in the wrong direction! :grumble: If you've experienced a stall (most of us do!) were you able to pinpoint what it was and get things moving again once eliminated?

Right now I'm removing HWC to see if that is contributing. Lately I've taken to having several cups of coffee a day (cup = 16oz travel mug) and may be overdoing it on the dairy. Actually a big portion of my intake is from dairy. I really wish there was an easier way to figure this stuff out.

For those that found dairy was the main culprit and you are pretty sensitive to these carbs, what did you have to cut out or drastically reduce? I think I would cry buckets if I had to cut out cheese completely :sad:


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    For me, it is maltitol. I have learned to count it as if it was a full carb, not subtract it.
  • eatspopcorn
    eatspopcorn Posts: 63 Member
    Also, has anyone here tried a fat fast?

    I know its not good to do if you are new to this woe, but maybe it will break a stall? So confused right now and just want things to work!!

    frob23 - was this hidden in anything specific that you had to look for or is it one of the general 'sugar alcohols' found in most processed marketed "low-carb" foods?
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It is basically in every "low-carb" processed sweet food. Anything that is atkins and sweet, a lot of protein bars, etc. It isn't in quest bars (those don't cause problems for me). If you check the ingredients, you'll see it there. Not hidden, exactly, but it is also not mentioned prominently. Maltitol is the worst of the sugar alcohols.

    Here's a good source on it: http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/nutrition/a/maltitol.htm

    Your mileage may vary. But, it definitely caused a huge stall, and even a gain, for me. I started having an Atkins or Detour bar in the mornings and sometimes for a snack... kept the calorie count close (maybe up 100-200... not enough to stop weight loss, let alone cause gain). And, suddenly, I stopped losing weight. Didn't think much of it, at first, after 2-3 weeks, I started going back and really looking over my logs... cut the bars out... weight started dropping shortly after.

    I advise against fat fasting (especially early into low-carb). It isn't necessary, and you risk losing muscle mass by cutting too much protein out.