


  • carlaeliza29
    carlaeliza29 Posts: 10 Member
    I am Carla, new to clean eating but I believe this is the lifestyle I am meant to live. I weight train twice a week and run/walk on the other days.

    Goal for the next ten days is to go grocery shopping and get some good things in my fridge/pantry!
  • jeanners98
    jeanners98 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Jean and I've been really up and down on MyFitnessPal the last year. I'm going to make the best choice for myself from here on out, and that includes eating as healthily as possible. I cook often, and when I do it usually checks all the boxes (locally sourced, organic, low cal etc) but I also go out to eat a lot and snack on junk. Or I eat baked goods.

    In terms of exercise, I've been keeping it low key by walking to and from work, climbing some stairs on my lunch break, and playing a lot of tennis on the weekends. Hoping to step that up, but it's so hot outside!

    -Get greens and fruit into every meal
    -eat healthy proteins at every meal
    -plan ahead and bring smart clean choices for breakfast and lunch (at work)
    -go running four times a week
  • jolybac
    jolybac Posts: 130 Member
    Hi, I'm Jo. I'm 33 and mama to 3 kids (old enough that I can't call my extra lbs "baby weight" anymore). I highly suspect I have a thyroid issue (others in the family do, have had tests done, but feeling I should do them again). I too feel I have to work twice as hard to lose half as much. It can be SO discouraging. I'd be flamed to a crisp on the main boards for even suggesting this, but it doesn't seem to be as simple as calories in vs calories out for me. I only see success when I eat CLEAN.

    Clean for me is mainly about cutting out ALL added sugars and ALL flours. After that, there really isn't much boxed/bagged/canned food to choose from, so my diet is much more natural and from whole foods.

    Cooking and exercising are both.....not my favorite things. I really struggle with both. My goals for the next 10 days are to....

    - clear the pantry & fridge of my temptations
    - figure out a system to prepare food ahead of time
    - make a menu (or just a list of easy snacks & meals) and have ingredients ON HAND
    - work on reaching my goals for sleep & water intake

    After I get some of these goals met I will start a more intense exercise routine (so far, I'm just trying to get 20-30 minutes in on the exercise bike). I'm a little worried because the pain from hallux limitus has been increasing (I have to modify all workouts to avoid lunges, pushups, etc - anything involving dorsiflexion of the big toe).

    I'm really looking forward to sharing some recipes and finding new ones!
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    Thank you all for the introductions. I do read them all, but wish I could like them so that you can see that I read them all. I'm humbled by the number of people who have joined and commented thus far. When I first started there were 2 people I knew who said they were interested so this is a huge surprise and I want to thank each one of you in advance for your support and participation. I even had a win today where I decided to eat blueberries instead of a piece of chocolate. I feel good about that choice! Anyone else have a victory today?
  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    Hi, I'm Lisa. I’ve been on myfitness for a few years now and lost some weight then stopped tracking and fell back into old habits I never quite got rid of. Now I’m trying again. I have been logging and watching everything I eat consistently again since Jan of this year. Personally I was never a huge fan of fast food but once I met my husband 10 years ago it became more of a staple in my diet then I would have preferred. Although I can now say that I haven’t had ANY fast food since before Christmas and since I cut it out my husband is eating it a lot less as well.

    I love cooking and baking which is also why I started selling pampered chef about 2 years ago. It has always been my go to stress relief. My friends joke when they come over then don’t get a ‘hi’ from me they get ‘here try this’ and some form of my cooking shoved at them. :P Not that they complain. This spring we signed up for a local organic CSA and have been getting lots of tasty fruits and veggies. Besides that I get local grass fed, free range organic beef, pork and chicken as well as farm fresh eggs, raw milk and raw honey. It’s a great thing when you know and can see where your food comes from.

    Not only have I cut out fast food we have cut back so much on anything overly processed, that the last time we had a ‘snacky’ night neither of us really enjoyed it. Everything just tasted off which I think is a good thing. I like being able to control what goes into what I’m eating.

    I do have a sweet tooth that I can’t seem to lose. So I like to make my own desserts rather than buy them. Everything is ok in moderation and if I’m craving something I don’t try to deny myself it. I found when I do in the end I just end up bingeing on it. So I make my own cookies, brownies, potato chips…you name it. And if I’m making it then you can guarantee it’s never from a box. I’m always on the lookout for a new recipe to try.

    I try and get exercise whenever I can squeeze it in. I volunteer a few days a week at a local rescue. Walking the dogs is so much better than paying to join a gym. I have been volunteering with the new York Bully Crew for over 2 years and a few of the dogs there I swear think I belong to them. Recently I also started adding in some strength training.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    Hello I am beaches222 and I am hoping I can get the motivation to eat clean from this group with maybe having a special treat at least once a week to keep me going. Lately it has been a true struggle for some reason I want to just eat. The exercising is no problem now its just my eating. I have really been making some bad choices. Anyway my goal is to take it week by week and focus on clean eating and LOTS of water.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi I am Jo from Alberta, Canada. I will be 40 in October and struggling to lose 12 lbs. I think the key is to eat clean, but to actually commit is the big challenge especially with all the processed food out their. I am not a really good cook yet I have a ton of recipe books for Cleaning Eat and also own all of Tosca Reno's books. I start off good in the morning and usually fall apart when I get home from work as I am starving and need something to snack on.

    Anyways looking forward to this group.
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    Hello , I'm Rose and as of today ( July 11th) just turned 36. Childless by choice and myself and my husband have both changed our lifestyles for the better. We eat clean about 80-90% of the time and I love t cook and try new things so it makes it fun.
    I've currently lost 31.2 lbs since April 2th 2014 and currently weigh 278 lbs with a goal of 150 lbs so a long journey ahead.

    I recently started doing the C25K program and am excited to start running and hoping to do my first 5k this winter.

    I love finding new recipes and enjoy supporting others.
  • brandeka
    brandeka Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, my name is Kathy and I'm from Ontario. I have been overweight most of my life. I recently returned to MFP after falling away from the tracking and exercising and back into the old habits. I have asthma and some COPD and the extra weight makes it difficult to breathe and exercise. I would like to break the sugar and carb cravings and I'm hoping that clean eating will help me on that journey, which in turn will lead to more energy to do what I need to do.

    I have never signed into anything like this before in my life, but there's a first time for everything. I'm looking forward to reading suggestions from other members. I am a long way from my goal, but I'm going to take it one step at a time and try not to get discouraged along the way. Any encouragement and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 304 Member
    Hello group. I'm Sandra, a 61 year old retired horse breeder/trainer who still lives on the farm with 16 horses and a couple of dogs. Clean eating is a phrase I came to know after joining MFP and I realize everyone has a different notion of what it means. I have never had a fast food, snack food or soda addiction, although I ate all of these things on occasion. That said, I managed to reach 210 pounds on a 5'2 body!

    Clean eating means to me that the food can be identified as food. Then I take it further in buying our meat from local sustainable farmers, eggs from the organic neighbor, organic vegetables from the grocer and my own vegetables during our short growing season. I make our food from whole ingredients.

    I was diagnosed insulin resistant and hypothyroid in Feb. this year. So I took the next step and have eliminated ALL simple carbs, which includes potatoes. Potatoes turn to glucose almost as soon as they hit your mouth! No rice at all because it is the real fast-to-sugar carb. I feel so much better, so an old dog can learn a new trick.

    I joined the group because I think I can be of help to anyone who wants help.
  • jewelryS
    jewelryS Posts: 24 Member
    Hello my name is Susie. I started on my journey to a healthier lifestyle change truly about 5 years ago. It was a slow process for the first few years and has become more progressive over the last 2. I have been eating fairly clean for over 2 years now; staying about 90% clean when it comes to food. Whole foods, fresh veggies, and fruit, making a majority of my food from scratch including breads is pretty much my normal habits. I like to not only know what’s in the food I’m putting in my body not to mention being able to pronounce what is in it most of the time.
    I am by no means perfect; a French fry now and again is still in the diet. Currently I am finishing up some powdered protein (there are a couple of things in it I can’t pronounce). The decision to change my eating habits, my activity level well basically my life began because I couldn’t stand the way I was feeling anymore. There is way more detail to it that just that but this is an introduction. I love to cook using herbs, fresh produce and I love to create new things from scratch. I hope to learn a few things from others and share some of my own experiences and ideas.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm Mr. Tolerable.

    I'm a bit over the top, but then just get more obnoxious to boot.

    the goon of glib, the shogun of sarcasm.

    I eat clean about 90-95% of the time.

    but occasionally I goof up.

    I'm here because I hope you guys know how to come up with new creative dishes to try.
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    First off, happy belated birthday Rose! And thanks for organizing this, Abby! I can't believe how many members there are. I can hardly keep up with the posts now aha.

    I'm Caitlin. I'm 25 and currently in physical therapy. My focus right now is mainly my diet since I am limited with my exercises. I was eating really clean at the beginning of the year but have kind of strayed from it. I started dating someone and although we are trying to be in this together, at times we are both a bad influence on one another.

    Anywho, you can read more about me in my bio! I'll try to keep this short.

    My goals for the next 10 days are:
    - to log every day (I'm on a streak :D)
    - to limit my caffeine intake (decaf and switch to herbal teas)
    - to reduce my alcohol consumption
  • mustangEvie
    mustangEvie Posts: 39 Member
    Hi! I just joined the group. I'm new to MFP, just started using it regularly about 3 weeks ago. I started clean eating about a month and a half ago. Taking small steps and following some paleo guidelines too. I love to eat and I love fruit and veggies but not as much as I love cake and cookies! I have a definite sweet tooth.

    I'm doing this to lose weight and get healthy and introduce healthy eating habits for my whole family. So far I've done pretty good I struggle some days because of how time consuming clean eating can be. I joined this group to get support from like mind individuals and for inspiration and recipe ideas.
  • Stacy_of_Oregon
    Stacy_of_Oregon Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Stacy and I am very new to clean eating - as in so new I'm still reading a book about it!

    I guess you could say I eat "dirty" a lot,...lots of diet soft drinks, designer coffees, Wheat Thins, etc. I tried clean eating about a year ago by reading Tosca Reno's books. The recipes I tried were not very flattering to my palate, and especially not to my family's. so I think I lasted maybe 3 days. Also, Tosca's recipes called for ingredients that just aren't available in the rural community I live in. I'm hoping the book I'm reading now will offer tastier recipes with ingredients I can find locally.

    My goals for the next 10 days are:
    - Finish "The Quick and Clean Diet" book I'm reading
    - Wean off diet soft drinks
    - Wean off designer coffees

    I wish everyone a lot of success in their endeavors to eat clean!
