What benefits have you seen since low carbing?

LondonSuz Posts: 165 Member
I started cal counting originally and moved to also count my carbs a month ago which has had some fantastic effects (as well as steady weight loss!) and seems much more sustainable long term as I finally understand the feeling of changing eating habits rather than 'being on a diet'. I'm low-er carb rather than low-low-carb-keto and try to stick to around 50-70g carb a day max.
So far I've;
- lost my sweet tooth and developed a taste for strong dark chocolate (used to hate it)
- haven't had sweet / binge cravings
- took myself off migraine tablets and have not had a full migraine, only couple headaches which aspirin sorted
- haven't craved bread/crisps like used to
- feel less bloated
- no heartburn

What general or health benefits have you experienced?!


  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    For me the best part is getting off the blood sugar roller coaster with my energy levels. I love having a consistent dependable energy level throughout the day with no irritability due to being glucose deprived. I also love having a "clearer" head - I'm able to perform much better at my job in the late afternoon where before that used to be a "dead zone" period for my productivity.
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    I've been low carbing since Oct 2013 so far I've noticed:

    More energy
    No bloating
    Don't feel like I'm "bottoming out" around 3pm
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    Where to start!
    Almost off all blood pressure medication
    No longer considered "pre-diabetic" due to lower blood sugar levels
    BMI in "healthy" zone
    No more knee pain
    No more bloating
    IBS gone
    So much more energy
    Mentally more alert - no more foggy feeling
    Asthma has not bothered me since I started LCHF
    Better mood
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • RhysJones92
    RhysJones92 Posts: 18 Member
    I've noticed a massive improvement!

    - I feel more energetic (used to hate getting out of bed, would have several low dips during the day - now I wake up refreshed and stay constant throughout the day!)
    - Used to have heartburn, that's gone!
    - Used to carry an extra 25lbs, that's gone haha
    - I have a slipped disc :( But since going low carb, or perhaps more from losing weight really, the pain is pretty much gone :)
    - I still get sugar pangs every now and then so i'm going to wean myself off artificial sweeteners too so that I can be completely void of my old sweet tooth!
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    Periods are lighter.
    More energy when I run.
    No bloating.
    No acidreflux.
    Fast fat loss.
    Clear skin.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    i've noticed that...

    i've gotten very good at customizing any restaurant menu and fully explaining that no, i don't want the bun, i don't want the fries, i don't want rice, and would you please ask the cook not to put any pancake batter in the omelet?

    the ketostick range has given me a whole new outlook on interior design... "let's paint the walls a moderate mauve, with a heavy purple baseboard, and do the couch cushions and curtains in a trace pink with negative borders."

    the looks other shoppers give you in the grocery store when you unload carton after carton of heavy cream and butter, jars of coconut oil, and several packages of meat is highly entertaining.

    ketobreath will remove rust from a chrome bumper better than a can of coke will.

    everyone else in the office is more than happy to take care of the leftover holiday candy.
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    For me the best part is getting off the blood sugar roller coaster with my energy levels. I love having a consistent dependable energy level throughout the day with no irritability due to being glucose deprived. I also love having a "clearer" head - I'm able to perform much better at my job in the late afternoon where before that used to be a "dead zone" period for my productivity.


    I also have found that it's become almost second nature at this point. I don't have trouble ordering food at restaurants anymore. I know what I can eat without going too high on my carb intake. I feel in control and not subject to the highs and lows of food cravings. Most of the time. :wink:
  • Today marks week one for me and I have steady energy, I can sleep again. I eat when I am hungry (and sometimes when I am not to meet calories for day) and I eat delicious stuff. I actually did all my laundry and have kept my kitchen spotless. It is a shame when you get sore from doing laundry! That is what eating crap carbs did to me. Made me pig out and then feel like napping. They made me feel much like I did when I ate chinese food at the buffet.....full as crap but an hr or so later hungry again. :huh:

    I am not super low on carbs but I try not to pass 90 a day. I just eat perimeter foods. I never use my microwave anymore, I never make more than a serving at a time. So far it is working..lets hope it remains! :drinker:
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    fat loss
    more energy
    clear skin
    improved racquetball game
    sleep better
  • eljohnw
    eljohnw Posts: 2 Member
    I feel happy -
    No more cravings, ever with all the higher fat calories I rarely exceed 1400 cal/day
    My skin feels smooth ( haven't put moisturizer on for more than 3 weeks).
    My hair is shiny.
    Energy is through the roof.
    Love the food I eat.
    Do not need as much sleep.
    And last but not least I have lost 14 lbs in 6 weeks. ( it's a record for me)
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    If feel in control of my eating.
    Have a lot of energy.
    Need less sleep.
    Lost 19 pounds in 5 weeks.
    Eating much more nutritious.
    The only way I can lose weight.
    No puffy face.
    No indigestion.
    No cravings.