Grilling Recipes

RespiratoryScot Posts: 32 Member
There is nothing more masculine than a post about grilling, right? Well maybe grilling on the muffler of your Harley would take it another level. Problem is I don't ride a Harley (sigh, there goes my man-card).

Actually I am curious for any lurkers out there if anyone has some great, healthy grilling recipes? I tend to do a lot of chicken breasts with seasonings, did grilled asparagus last night, but know that some of you must have some ideas to add variety?


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I'm interested in this too even though I'm really masculine despite once owning a Honda motorcycle. I've been a lemon pepper fan for a while, goes good on salad. Would love a simple idea for an oriental chicken grilled.
  • Alsvic
    Alsvic Posts: 93 Member
    Lawry's thirty minute marinades can work wonders.

    Recipe one

    Venison on a stick, Cut 2 pounds of Venison round steaks in to strips marinade in Lawry's Garlic and herb for at least half an hour.
    Thread on wet bamboo skewers and grill for a few minutes per side. Serve over brown rice or grilled vegetables. Works with chicken pork, beef or game.

    Tip; do not over cook, thin strips of meat cook quickly on a grill.

    Recipe two

    Grilled vegetables: Put frozen vegetables in a wire basket spray with Olive Oil from a Misto Sprayer. Season liberally with Salt free seasoning. Grill on medium heat for 10-20 minutes.

    The dry heat from the grill dehydrates the vegetables and concentrates the sugars Truly makes the vegetables taste like candy.

    I currently ride the other American motorcycle, Victory.
  • autoee
    autoee Posts: 19 Member
    I'll by a Salmon Filet, wrap it in foil with a little bit of olive oil, lemon, garlic powder, onions, cut up lemons and John Henrys Orange Dill Rub seasoning. I keep it sealed until about 135, then open it up and cook until 145.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    You can grill almost anything.

    Meat - obvious, cook it the way you like it. Love grilling the Carne Asada from Costco. Pre Marinated, thin as you can get, it cooks in 8 minutes and melts in your mouth. Otherwise do you own marinate for your animal protein of choice.

    What's summer without brat's on the grill? Boil them in beer or chicken stock cut with water to remove most of the fat and keep them moist. A quick few minutes on the grill adds the brown that looks so great and can add a bit of flavor. Watch your macro's and enjoy the real thing. Turkey brats just don't cut it in comparison. You can make due, but have a real brat sometime during the summer. Life's too short to eat only turkey replacement products. :D

    Fish - someone has already mentioned Salmon. I love Halibut filets directly on the grill. Rub some olive oil and seasonings on and watch it closely. I've done most types of fish in the foil packs, but do love fresh trout - again directly on the grill.

    Vegetable medley - Fresh potatoes, to start, then later add whatever fresh you have otherwise. We have done asparagus, green beans, various squash, adding onions is a blast of flavor. This is about the only way I'll eat brussel sprouts. Season to taste, put the veggies you want to cook in a gallon ziplock bag, season and add a bit of oil and shake until everything is coated.

    Want something sweet? You can grill almost any type of non-berry fruit. Grilled peaches are amazing. Add some lite cool whip and really enjoy!

    Google is often my best friend when looking for grilling ideas. A bit of modification can make most choices pretty healthy too.