How Much Weight Have You LOST?



  • charlotte_luisa
    charlotte_luisa Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm 11 weeks post c-section.
    I weighed 160lbs pre-pregnancy (had gained 14lbs after a life threatening ectopic pregnancy).
    Gained 65lbs during my pregnancy (yeah whoops)
    Lost 18lbs during delivery.
    Currently weigh 188lbs.

    I would like to end somewhere between 126lbs and 140lbs, but have 28lbs left to lose to reach pre-preg weight.
  • deannavanzee
    deannavanzee Posts: 3 Member
    Staying away from the scale worked!!! I drank a ton of water because a thread said if one is not used to working out then our muscles will hold onto the water in shock. Today I am 10 lbs lighter :) very encouraging. I also added a huge calorie day this weekend because I think that may have been a little too fast.
  • chantiesou
    chantiesou Posts: 10
    Pre Preg: 155
    39.5 (before delivery): 223
    Left the hospital at 217
    4 weeks Post Partum: 198
    8 weeks post partum: 187
    12 weeks post partum: 186

    I had a 4th degree so wasn't allowed to walk or exercise until 8 weeks. The first 20lbs fell off fast from eating healthy and nursing.

    I'm really starting to plateu now at 12 weeks. Initially all weight started to melt off after gaining a whopping 75 lbs! I just stopped nursing and hope to focus more on diet and exercise now that we can exclusively bottle feed formula. I hope to be down to 175 by this time next month and back to my pre pregnancy weight by Halloween!
  • Mshukh
    Mshukh Posts: 24 Member
    Pre Preg: 120
    Preggo Weight Gain: 35 lbs (155 lbs total at delivery)
    Post Delivery:...I want to say 140lbs?
    4 weeks PP: 135lbs
    2 months PP: 130 lbs
    5 months PP: 143lbs (yeah, I guess I was using BF as an excuse)
    1 year PP: 133 lbs (lost 10 lbs in the last 3 months)

    I hope to get down to 120 soon, but it's going to be a long process of completely transforming my body (gaining muscle, dropping fat etc.)

    I credit dropping the weight originally due to eating well and being very active prior to delivery. I started walking up to 2 hours a day 6 weeks after and kept dropping the weight. Then it got colder and I kept using BF as an excuse especially since I had a huge oversupply and thus gained some weight back. Well, I finally decided to incorporate strength training and real cardio again, along with watching what I eat like I used to in the beginning of March and that's when the weight started coming off, although very slowly. I now wake up around 4-430 am and workout 5-6 times a week. MWF is strength training with recently HIIT cardio and TuTh are longer run / jog days with the dog. I also try to work out on Saturday by taking a class and doing active rest on Sundays (long walk with family, cleaning, etc.) But the biggest thing has been focusing on nutrition. Abs are made in the kitchen :)
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    PP baby #3: 135
    Day of Delivery: 157.0 (22 lb weight gain)
    Evening I came home from hospital: 148.8 (ugh! I had a 7lb baby and I figured I'd lose more with fluids, blood loss and placenta)
    2 weeks: 142.6
    4 weeks: 142.6 (UGH! my mom came and helped out and just kept cooking!)
    5.5 weeks: 140.2

    Finally getting serious and the scale is moving. So I thought the weight would fall off more since I lost so much easier with my son, but I weighed more then...

    5 lbs to go. Then another 10 lbs to get to goal (married at 19) weight. I'm frustrated, but I do know what to do and I'm starting to get my act together. My husband started back to work this week so I'm guessing I'll probably have less time to eat, but I'll have to watch my snacking! I have a 3 year old and an almost 18 month old and an almost 6 week old. There are snacks everywhere all the time and less meals... Hopefully I can do this quickly and get it done!

    My goal is to be 125 by Halloween (my husband's birthday). I won't hate myself if it doesn't happen though. 3 smalls are going to either make it easier or harder! 4 months 15 pounds, possible to do, but I know the last ten will probably be the hardest.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Quick check-in!

    I'm 33, 5'6", and this is my 6th biological child.

    Pre-pregnancy: 159 lbs
    41 weeks: 183.4 lbs

    Roisin Marie born on Christmas Eve at 41+5 weeks, 7lbs 5oz, 19" long

    1 week post-partum: 154.8
    1 month post-partum: 151.8 lbs
    6 weeks post-partum: 150.2 lbs
    6 months post-partum (now): 141 lbs!

    Goal weight: 135 lbs

    So, my daughter is 6 months old, and I am currently 18 pounds UNDER my pre-pregnancy weight! Only 6 pounds left until my goal weight! :happy:
  • andrearene05
    andrearene05 Posts: 1 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy 150
    (was very sick for 16 weeks dropped to 135lbs)
    4/20/14 delivery 40+3 162lbs

    4 weeks post partum 139lbs

    Today- 145lbs

    Baby girl is breastfed, very frustrated at lack of weight loss, but scared to restrict calories due to dip in breast milk.Starting insanity program tomorrow
  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I lost about 30 pounds prior to becoming pregnant. I did not eat healthy during my pregnancy, and had a very rough time emotionally. I went from about 170 to 206. I'm now at 188. I hope to get to 135 eventually. I exclusively breastfeed and my daughter is 5 months old. I plan to let her wean when ready, so I'm not sure how easy this will be.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    3 months pp: 82.5kg (181.9lbs)
    4 months pp: 81.1kg (178.8lbs)
    5 months pp: 79.2kg (174.6lbs)
    6 months pp: 78.2kg (172.4lbs)
    7 months pp: 76.5kg (168.6lbs) Waist 88cm
    8 months pp: 74.7kg (164.6lbs) Still breastfeeding
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Prepreggo: 144 lbs
    At term: 176 (+32)
    2 weeks: 158
    1 month: 159
    2 months: 154
    3 mo: 150
    4 mo: 147
    5 mo: 146
    6 mo: 147
    7 mo: 150
    8 mo: 148
    current (8.5 mo): 146.5

    exclusive BF to 6 mo then added solids. Stalled pretty much after 3 months so I've decided to pay attention to my diet.
    Goal: 140, BF% 20%
  • newmommy2714
    newmommy2714 Posts: 4 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: 130
    Delivery (37w): 170 (baby weighed 7lb 2oz)
    5 months postpartum: 140
    Goal: 125

    I'm EBF so I'm taking this weight loss slowly! But it is working so I can't complain!
  • ARoe9410
    ARoe9410 Posts: 97 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: 165
    Delivery (35w): 201
    1 week PP: 175
    3 months PP: 185 (I'm another one who used BF as an excuse) :(
    4 months PP: 178

    Short term goal: pre-pregnancy weight by the end of the year
    Long term goal: 120-125 I was at this weight a few years ago and LOVED the way I looked and felt so that's what I'm aiming for again!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend; it's always good to have extra support and motivation!
  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I'm not even sure actually.. thinking about it it seems like I've lost more than I've kept track of or mentioned in my previous post.. if that makes sense

    I started out at about 162 or so. I had previously lost 30 odd pounds prior to getting pregnant using MFP, tracking and working out.

    My highest pregnancy weight was 206 (which was my highest pre-pregnancy/pre-weight loss high as well, coincidentally)

    Didn't weigh myself for a long time following delivery because immediately after I was so full of fluids the number horrified me. I'm sure it dropped quickly, but I don't know when.

    5 months PP : 188 with a goal of 140
    6 months PP: 184
  • MommytoBen
    MommytoBen Posts: 5 Member
    Pre-baby= 131lbs
    Delivery @ 41weeks= 199lbs (oops!)
    Current @ 3months pp= 157.5 (current MFP starting weight)
    Goal= 103- 104lbs (pre- husband weight- LOL!)

    Dropped a lot of weight quickly, but I have been at the 157.5 mark for awhile now, so I signed up with MFP hoping that by tracking my food intake and exercise outtake I will drop to my pre-husband weight (gained weight due to the happy factor). I am exclusively breast feeding.
  • 123Allyxox
    123Allyxox Posts: 112 Member
    Prepregnancy I was 127, 40 weeks I was 178, I left the hospital at 179!! after having a 9 pound baby (and several bags of fluid and other medications that made me swell like a balloon)

    Now at 7 months pp I'm stuck around 140, still breast-feeding... I think thats why I'm really holding on to this weight:'(
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    Pre-Preg Weight: 150
    Delivery Weight: 190-ish (+40-ish)
    After Delivery: 172
    6 Months Postpartum: 168
    Goal #1: 158 at 9 months PP
    Goal #2: 150 at 1 year PP
    Ultimate Goal: 145

    I am 5'9 and just recently weaned. I am hoping to net 1200 cals a day to jump start my weight loss goals.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    3 months pp: 82.5kg (181.9lbs)
    4 months pp: 81.1kg (178.8lbs)
    5 months pp: 79.2kg (174.6lbs)
    6 months pp: 78.2kg (172.4lbs)
    7 months pp: 76.5kg (168.6lbs) Waist 88cm
    8 months pp: 74.7kg (164.6lbs)
    9 months pp: 75.5kg (166.4lbs) Still breastfeeding, but baby is on three meals a day now. Will reduce 'breastfeeding' calories.
  • Hi All,

    I didn't weigh myself right after my little guy was born in March, but here's some info:

    Height: 5'5"
    Pre-Preg: 140
    Deliver Day: 183 (43lbs gained)
    Baby was 6lbs 11oz
    Current weight: 154

    My goal is to get to 135. Two weeks ago I cut out refined sugar and started the 30 Day Shred and have lost 5 lbs. I'm also EBF, hoping to lose 5 lbs by Labor Day.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    prepregnancy weight 125 lbs.
    height 5''2
    at 6 and a half months postpartum and finally back to where i started. I weigh 124-125lbs and my measurements are back except for my waist and hips which are actually an inch SMALLER then prepregnancy. I guess exercise really helps with the inches. Now working on maintaining and getting more fit.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: somewhere between 160 and 165 (I think)
    Pre-delivery: 240 (yikes! That's what happens when you go from eating 1200 to maintenance and then aren't allowed to work out)
    Postpartum settled weight: 220

    I lost almost 20 more in the first six months postpartum, but then when my baby started STTN, my weight went back up. I had the hardest time losing while BFing. It took so much effort for so little payoff, plus I was watching my supply like a hawk. A week ago my little guy turned one, and we are now fully weaned.

    One year postpartum (5/23/14): 211ish
    Two days ago (5/28/14): 206.4

    I am eating 1750 calories/day and am hoping my body finally lets go of this weight now that we're done BFing! I'm so tired of not having any clothes that fit me (not even close).

    ETA that I'm gearing up to start running again in hopes that it will help me out like it did after my first was born.

    Update: currently 195 (8/25/14), and my little guy is 15 months old

    ETA that I'm eating 1600-1700/day, plus I'm working out hard on the weekends (Spinning) and running as much as I can during the week (2-3x for about 30 minutes, so not crazy).
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 113lb. at 5'4 height, small frame. Delivered my first baby on August 19th (40w/1d) and weighed right at 131lb. So a total gain of 18lbs. Today I went to the doctor for a checkup, at 2 weeks/2 days post-pregnancy my weight is 114.4lbs! Pretty happy about it! Especially since I've been taking it really easy - BFing exclusively, which must be helping with the weight loss. Happy with my 16.6lbs loss, still have 1.4lbs to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. Would like to get down to 110lb, but would be happy to maintain anywhere between 110-115.
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 113lb. at 5'4 height, small frame. Delivered my first baby on August 19th (40w/1d) and weighed right at 131lb. So a total gain of 18lbs. Today I went to the doctor for a checkup, at 2 weeks/2 days post-pregnancy my weight is 114.4lbs! Pretty happy about it! Especially since I've been taking it really easy - BFing exclusively, which must be helping with the weight loss. Happy with my 16.6lbs loss, still have 1.4lbs to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. Would like to get down to 110lb, but would be happy to maintain anywhere between 110-115.

    Very happy for you that you've had such an easy time. Seriously. I gained exactly 25 lbs with my last pregnancy ( baby is 14 months old now), breastfed for 12 months and I STILL haven't lost it all. I run 15 miles a week, lift weights twice a week and religiously log my food. Still have 3 lbs to go. I'm currently 5'3 and 118lbs. I know that I have more muscle this time around, which I guess "weighs more" but I'm still pretty committed to seeing that 115 on the scale. Like you, I'd also like to get to 110, but I'm not sure if it is realistic for me. I will certainly try!

    I'm not going to lie, I'm jealous of your easy success. Happy for you, but jealous just the same. :)
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    I am 5'5" and was losing weight before I got pregnant. I got down to 145ish. The day I went in to deliver (41 wks) I weighed 198! Baby was 10 lbs 8 oz, so I am blaming her for a lot of that, lol. At my 6 wk check up I was 165, so I lost 33 lbs without work and exclusively bfing. I am now 10 wks pp, and I am starting to focus on losing weight, since I also went back to work this week. Currently down to 160. I would like to get down to 120ish ultimately.
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 113lb. at 5'4 height, small frame. Delivered my first baby on August 19th (40w/1d) and weighed right at 131lb. So a total gain of 18lbs. Today I went to the doctor for a checkup, at 2 weeks/2 days post-pregnancy my weight is 114.4lbs! Pretty happy about it! Especially since I've been taking it really easy - BFing exclusively, which must be helping with the weight loss. Happy with my 16.6lbs loss, still have 1.4lbs to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. Would like to get down to 110lb, but would be happy to maintain anywhere between 110-115.

    Very happy for you that you've had such an easy time. Seriously. I gained exactly 25 lbs with my last pregnancy ( baby is 14 months old now), breastfed for 12 months and I STILL haven't lost it all. I run 15 miles a week, lift weights twice a week and religiously log my food. Still have 3 lbs to go. I'm currently 5'3 and 118lbs. I know that I have more muscle this time around, which I guess "weighs more" but I'm still pretty committed to seeing that 115 on the scale. Like you, I'd also like to get to 110, but I'm not sure if it is realistic for me. I will certainly try!

    I'm not going to lie, I'm jealous of your easy success. Happy for you, but jealous just the same. :)

    Thanks! I was really surprised with how fast the weight came off, wasn't expecting that at all. But I think since I stayed relatively active (worked out about 5x/week up until my due date) really helped my body to bounce back. Also, since this was my first pregnancy that may have made a difference, not sure?? Now, I'm just eager to start running again, it was such a big part of my life! But, still in recovery mode so I'm not going to push it. Will probably start back with easy walking and maybe light jogging around my 6 week post-pregnancy date. Had some major pain with my left hip flexor and groin about mid-way during my pregnancy, trying to allow that to heal completely before hitting the road again.

    And you are right, muscle weighs more than fat, so don't get discouraged, you will get down to 115. Also, I think it's important to try and eat enough calories, sometimes if you don't consume enough, your body will hold on to those last few pounds you are trying to lose. You will get there, don't give up! :)
  • JakquiBug
    JakquiBug Posts: 6 Member
    Prepregnacy: 106
    39+5 weeks at delivery: 136

    I have a scheduled repeat cesarean. I am now almost 9 weeks pp and weight about 116. Cannot lose the last 10. Assuming it's because I'm EBF :/
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    3 months pp: 82.5kg (181.9lbs)
    4 months pp: 81.1kg (178.8lbs)
    5 months pp: 79.2kg (174.6lbs)
    6 months pp: 78.2kg (172.4lbs)
    7 months pp: 76.5kg (168.6lbs) Waist 88cm
    8 months pp: 74.7kg (164.6lbs)
    9 months pp: 75.5kg (166.4lbs)
    10 months pp : 73.9kg (163lbs) Still breastfeeding
  • Hi everyone!

    My pre-pregnancy weight was 155
    Day of delivery: 212lbs! (first pregnancy)

    Before I found out I was pregnant again (my girls are 18 months apart) I had gotten down to 166lbs!

    Delivered baby number 2 on April 30 at 207lbs
    Down to 191 one week postpartum
    181 two week postpartum
    176 four weeks postpartum

    ..then I got lazy. My youngest is 4 months old and I am at 173lbs. My prepregnancy weight was 155lbs and my doctor wants to see me at 135lbs by the time my baby is one!

    Good luck to everyone!! =)
  • bmdominguez26
    bmdominguez26 Posts: 7 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight: 135
    35 weeks (delivery day): 163
    8 months postpartum: 131
    Goal weight is: 125 by this Christmas.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Congrats on your losses! :)

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 165ish
    Delivery day: 179 (14 lbs gained)
    1 week postpartum: 165
    4 weeks postpartum: 160
    25 weeks postpartum: 144
    36 weeks postpartum: 143.4 (I maintained for awhile)
    Goal weight by May/1 year postpartum: 130

    9 month check-in: 139.2

    My flabby tummy has almost disappeared after six weeks of busting rear, woohoo! Just 9 more pounds to lose before my one year postpartum goal in May

    Good luck, ladies!.

    Daughter is 19 months now and I'm down to 128 lbs (tummy is almost flat again!); I've been successful at maintaining around that for the past several months and the holidays. Goal for this year is to finish reaching 115-120 lbs!
  • Mshukh
    Mshukh Posts: 24 Member
    Height: 5'5.5"
    Pre Preg: 120
    Preggo Weight Gain: 35 lbs (155 lbs total at delivery)
    Post Delivery:...I want to say 140lbs?
    4 weeks PP: 135lbs
    2 months PP: 130 lbs
    5 months PP: 143lbs (yeah, I guess I was using BF as an excuse)
    1 year PP: 133 lbs (lost 10 lbs in the last 3 months)
    19 months PP: 127 lbs (lost 6 lbs in 4 weeks) - I had the flu, 2 bouts of stomach flu, and went on a vacation all in one month. Not sure what did the trick, but I like it. My body just Would.Not.Break. the 131lbs limit no matter what I did and all of a sudden it dropped. Still nursing and no period.

    Goal is between 115-120

    I do know for me MFP way overestimates calories as I've always been active, so my body is very used to it. I also have hypothyroid condition which makes losing weight much more difficult. But I will get there! I don't count nursing and exercise calories any more and that seems to help somewhat. We'll see if it sticks. Religiously tracking my food and keeping myself within limits to see results!