How Much Weight Have You LOST?



  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    time to check in! baby girl is 7 months old today :) this month was not a good month. I slacked on logging, ate more processed foods than usual. exersize was the same. and baby girl started eating some solids. so this month's check in isn't great... but here is to planning for a better weigh in next month!!

    pre-pregnancy/goal weight: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI
    total weight gained: +22 lbs
    initial loss: 10 lbs, baby = 7 lbs 6 oz
    weight left to lose:
    1 week: + 11 lbs
    1 month: + 8.5 lbs
    2 months: + 7.5 lbs
    3 months: + 5.5 lbs
    4 months: + 3.5 lbs
    5 months: + 1.5 lbs
    6 months: + 1.5 lbs
    7 months: + 3.5 lbs (oops... got off track)
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    3 months pp: 82.5kg (181.9lbs)
    4 months pp: 81.1kg (178.8lbs)
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm 30 years old and 5'9".

    Pre-pregnancy : 190 lbs
    Delivery day: 210 lbs
    Few days after birth: 192lbs (only gained 20 and my son weighed 10.4, so I lost the weight quick! I was literally all baby! Lol)
    10 months after delivery (Nov. 26th):: 171 lbs
    13 months after delivery (Feb. 26th): 159 lbs.

    My goal is 145-150 lbs. Its taking a little longer to come off now. Lol
  • carstekj
    carstekj Posts: 25 Member
    My last check-in was in November... and the scale hasn't moved much since then. Christmas cookies got the best of me. Not to mention the KitchenAid Mixer I got for Christmas has me making deliciousness all the time (and nibbling while I bake). So, I'm trying not to bake as much and I started working out again.

    Pre Preg: 154
    Weight around birth: 186 (August23, 2013)
    Couple weeks after: 166 (9lb baby)
    Decided to get my butt in gear when I saw the scale at 168

    Initial weigh in - 168
    Week 1- 163.8 (November)
    Week 2- 161.4

    Today - March 7, 2014 - 157.8 - Started exercising this week.(+6months post partum)

    I realized I can gain 3-4lbs in water weight over the weekend if I skimp on my water consumption.

    I hope to be more consistent with my check-in's here :-)
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Congrats on your losses! :)

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 165ish
    Delivery day: 179 (14 lbs gained)
    1 week postpartum: 165
    4 weeks postpartum: 160
    25 weeks postpartum: 144
    36 weeks postpartum: 143.4 (I maintained for awhile)
    Goal weight by May/1 year postpartum: 130

    9 month check-in: 139.2

    My flabby tummy has almost disappeared after six weeks of busting rear, woohoo! Just 9 more pounds to lose before my one year postpartum goal in May

    Good luck, ladies!.
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    8 months pp here. I have the same 7 lbs left to go before I'm at my prepregnancy weight. However, I have not been trying at all in the last 4 months. I have logged a handful of days and worked out even fewer. My LO still wakes up 2-3 times at night to nurse so I'm going pretty easy on myself. When he sleeps better, then it will exercise regularly again. I'm a little nervous about finding a summer wardrobe that fits from my closet, but I'm not going to stress over it. I'm also going to be a little disappointed when I drop 2 cup sizes this summer after weaning!
  • Today I am 6 days post partum, little Aiden was born march 6th at 1025 weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20 inches long. I delivered at 144 pounds even. Starting weight was 115 at 5'4, so I gained 29 pounds total. Today at 6 days postpartum I weigh 126.8, so far that's about 18 pounds lost and I am EBF. Started slow walking yesterday for about 20 minutes and will slowly work myself up to more. Had an uneventful vaginal delivery that required 1 stitch and bleeding has nearly completely stopped. I have 11 more pounds to lose and it would be awesome if I lost it all by 6 weeks postpartum :)
  • elizabethsimons2
    elizabethsimons2 Posts: 1 Member
    pre-preggo: 135
    end of pregnancy: 167
    4 weeks post partum: 140
    3 months post partum: 135!!
    now looking to get to: 125!
  • So I'm almost a year PP...

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 226 lbs.
    Delivery Day weight: 250 lbs. (baby 5 lb.)
    3 months PP: 224 lbs
    6 months PP: 219 lbs.
    9 months PP: 213 lbs.

    Currently 209 lbs. Still breastfeeding at least was tough balancing calories (low enough to lose weight but still keep a supply!) It's coming off slowly, but I'm already 17 lbs. under my pre-pregnancy weight, and 41 lbs down total!

    Edit: Just so no one is confused, yes, baby was 5 lb...she was born at 34 weeks due to pre-e :)
  • 9 days postpartum today and weigh 122 :) weight at delivery was 144. I have exactly 7 pounds until I am at pre pregnancy weight of 115. The weight loss has slowed down quit a bit so I'm sure I'll hold onto some of it since I am breastfeeding. But my first pregnancy it took me over a year to lose any weight so I'm super happy!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    3 months pp: 82.5kg (181.9lbs)
    4 months pp: 81.1kg (178.8lbs)
    5 months pp: 79.2kg (174.6lbs) Still breastfeeding
  • carstekj
    carstekj Posts: 25 Member
    April Check-In

    Pre Preg: 154
    Weight around birth: 186 (August23, 2013)
    Couple weeks after: 166 (9lb baby)
    Decided to get my butt in gear when I saw the scale at 168

    Initial weigh in - 168
    Week 1- 163.8 (November)
    Week 2- 161.4
    March 7, 2014 - 157.8 - Started exercising this week.(+6months post partum)

    April 10, 2014 - 153.8 - Lost 4lbs from last check in! My goal is about 1lb a week.
  • Pre preg weight for baby # 2 was 111
    Gained 35 pounds total.
    Currently 13 months post and at 118. Have lost 6 pounds in the past 40 days since starting MFP. Currently still breastfeeding at night. I just got my first cycle back and u think that has helped with weight loss. I am not sure I need to get all the way back to 111. I just want to continue to work on fitness and healthy eating.
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi ladies, I just had baby #3 on 4/15. She is 2 weeks old today. I have 3 kids under 3: ages 2, 1, & 2 weeks.

    Prepregnancy weight: 200
    Weight at delivery: 203

    1 week pp: 186
    2 weeks pp: 180

    I am pretty ecstatic with where I am. Before I got pregnant with my first I weighed 187, and was 191 before I got pregnant with my second. I can't remember the last time I was this small.. The smallest I ever remember being is 183. I am breastfeeding right now, and working on recovering. I am really looking forward to exercising again!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    3 months pp: 82.5kg (181.9lbs)
    4 months pp: 81.1kg (178.8lbs)
    5 months pp: 79.2kg (174.6lbs)
    6 months pp: 78.2kg (172.4lbs) Still breastfeeding
  • shelbz123
    shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
    amazing! what are you doing for your weight loss?!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Walking 5 miles or more, five days a week, every week. And thank you!
  • vlsay4what
    vlsay4what Posts: 10 Member
    Pre-preg 105
    Delivery weight 170 (a freakin 65 lb gain!
    7 months to the date pp 116
    11 lbs to go

    Oh yes I'm still mostly breastfeeding (my son gets 1 bottle of formula a day during the week)
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Prepregnancy 220lbs

    38 weeks pregnant 248lbs

    Now 199.6. Baby will be 7 months next week

    I'm still exclusively breastfeeding though. Baby refuses solids right now.
  • pallen33
    pallen33 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello ladies,
    With my first one
    pre-preggers I was 170 lbs not much fat courtesy of Dr. B
    Delivery 185 lbs
    Post partum 175 lbs then I ballooned to a whopping 200 lbs

    With number two
    Pre prefers 200 lbs
    Delivery 177 lbs
    Post partum 171 at 2 weeks

    Now baby girl is 7.5 weeks and I'm a lovely 177 lbs. Worst thing about it is that I am putting on weight even though I am strictly bf and walking 40 min, 3 - 5 times a week.
  • susieq1014
    susieq1014 Posts: 1
    pre-pregnancy weight- 145
    highest pregnancy weight- 221
    leaving hospital- 211
    1 week post partum- 208
    4 weeks post partum- 198
    6 weeks post partum- 196.4
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: somewhere between 160 and 165 (I think)
    Pre-delivery: 240 (yikes! That's what happens when you go from eating 1200 to maintenance and then aren't allowed to work out)
    Postpartum settled weight: 220

    I lost almost 20 more in the first six months postpartum, but then when my baby started STTN, my weight went back up. I had the hardest time losing while BFing. It took so much effort for so little payoff, plus I was watching my supply like a hawk. A week ago my little guy turned one, and we are now fully weaned.

    One year postpartum (5/23/14): 211ish
    Two days ago (5/28/14): 206.4

    I am eating 1750 calories/day and am hoping my body finally lets go of this weight now that we're done BFing! I'm so tired of not having any clothes that fit me (not even close).

    ETA that I'm gearing up to start running again in hopes that it will help me out like it did after my first was born.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi All! I am a first time mom but my baby is already 7 month old now.

    This is my progress.

    pre pregnancy weight: 44 kg (although I've been 39-42kg way before)
    9 month pregnancy weight: 60kg
    one week post partum weight: 54kg
    2 months after: 50kg
    current weight (7 months after): 46kg

    Not much progress as I lose track for some weeks. I have been able to reach 44kg as my minimum weight since pregnancy but well, I binge a lot. I hope I can make a continuous progress from now on. It is kind of hard when you're exclusively breastfeeding as you don't want your milk supply to suffer.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Mfp starting weight Jan '13: 93.7kg (206.6lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs) (Waist 118 to 122cm)

    Baby Rosanna born Nov 3rd @ 40+6 wks and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs) Waist 114cm
    2 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs) Waist 106cm
    3 wk pp: 85.2kg (187.8lbs)
    4 wk pp: 85.8kg (189.2lbs)
    5 wk pp: 84.2kg (185.6lbs) Waist 102cm
    6 wk pp: 83.8kg (184.7lbs) Waist 98cm

    3 months pp: 82.5kg (181.9lbs)
    4 months pp: 81.1kg (178.8lbs)
    5 months pp: 79.2kg (174.6lbs)
    6 months pp: 78.2kg (172.4lbs)
    7 months pp: 76.5kg (168.6lbs) Waist 88cm Still breastfeeding
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    My daughter is now 5 months old, and I am currently 14 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight. I've been stalled here for a couple of months, because I wasn't really focused on my health. Monday I'm starting a new exercise challenge. My goal is for my husband and myself to both be able to walk 5k,and in the process hopefully lose that last 10 lbs to get to my goal weight.
  • pallen33
    pallen33 Posts: 11 Member
    My sister in law has brought in something new for me to try to encourage my weight loss. We have both decided to do the 30 day ab challenge. We start as of tomorrow.
    Pray for me I can keep it up for the 30 days.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Good luck with the Ab Challenge! I've completed the 30 Day Squat Challenge, failed the 30 Day Plank Challenge and am now doing the 30 Day Shred. They are great motivation to just keep trying and every little bit helps :)
  • theoddlittleduck
    theoddlittleduck Posts: 37 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 205
    Delivery: 226
    3 weeks post-partum: 207
    2.5mo post-partum: 212 (after starting on domperidone)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Pre-pregnancy - 132
    End pregnancy - 165.7
    Current - 133.3 at little over 4 months pp
    Goal weight - 120
  • deannavanzee
    deannavanzee Posts: 3 Member
    I am 7 weeks PP. I started out at 150 lbs which is 25 lbs heavier than my normal weight. I had gained 30 lbs after a horrible miscarriage and bleeding that put my body into shock and almost killed me. I think depression may have had a role in that as well. I started getting fit to prepare to try again but did not loose alot of weight, although I could feel my stamina build. With this pregnancy I gained 35 lbs and weighed 185 on delivery. I lost 20 lbs by my 2 week check up :) It was mostly water weight and a large baby (8 lbs 13 oz). I am starting now at 158 lbs and hope to get to my goal of 125 lbs again. I will aim for 135 lbs while breastfeeding so that I do not compromise my milk :) I am excited to see a group of ladies on here in the same boat.

    My plan is to do my elliptical to 200 calories (takes about 30 min, I would love to decrease that time), and pilates on M W F S, I will do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred on T and Th doing each week for 3 weeks. I will rest on Sundays.

    I am hoping to loose 2 lbs a week, and eat cleaner. I have gained a few pounds since starting, but feel slimmer so I may just stay away from the scale for a while and check in a month. I get discouraged easily.

    I am loving breastfeeding my sweetheart, and even though it is tough getting my old shape back, she was worth it!!!