How Much Weight Have You LOST?



  • MadgieDO
    MadgieDO Posts: 8 Member
    Pre-pregnancy 143 lbs height 5' 5"
    40 weeks 4 days (delivery): 178 lbs
    PP day 1: 165
    PP week 1: 155
    PP week 3: 158 (where I am now)

    Trying to maintain under 160 until my 6 weeks with breastfeeding fully establishing still. I lost about 20 lbs before getting pregnant with MFP. Not really ready to start trying to lose necessarily but moreso just want to track my intake to make sure I get a healthy balance of foods with breastfeeding and recovery at this point. Haven't braved trying to get into my fat jeans even yet..still rockin my maternity pants.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Not that anyone needs to stress about it, but for those who are interested or enjoy the accountability, I thought a thread dedicated to losing the baby weight might be fun. It is interesting to see how much people lose initially, how long it takes to get back to pre-pregnancy weight, etc.

    Here are my stats so far, my baby is two weeks old tomorrow! We are having a blast :)

    pre-pregnancy weight: 114 lbs. total gain at 40 weeks/delivery: +22 lbs. baby weighed 7 lb 6 oz :)
    1 day post delivery: -9.5 lbs (12.5 lbs from goal)
    1 week pp: -11 lbs (11 lbs from goal)
    2 weeks pp: -13 lbs (9 lbs from goal)

    I am still figuring out how many calories i need right now. 1400 for me, 500 for exclusively breast feeding? So 1900 total? As for exercise, I got in two good, 30 minute walks, pushing the double stroller. Hoping to make it three or four this next week!
    Probably won't start running until at least 4 weeks; stitches are still healing!

    Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying their beautiful babies!

    THIS BABY...
    Pre pregnancy weight: around 155
    Weight at delivery: somewhere around 210
    Weight 4 weeks pp: 190 (start of MFP)
    weight at 1yo: 130
    Weight after 16mo: 115
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    prepregnancy weight 189
    delivery day weight 252
    post part 230
    1 year later 215

    I have PCOS and it has been tremendouly hard to get me hormones to get together. I was doing a wonderful job before becoming pregnant but despite excersie and 1460 calories, plus excersie calories (which was what I was doing before) i have not moved very much. But I guess somehtin in better than nothing. 26 pound to go to reach prepregnancy weight, and 55 to reach my ultimate goal!
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    H = 5' 7"
    Pre- Pregnancy Weight = 147
    Delivery at 40W (came on due date) = 189 (42lb gain)
    2 weeks PP = 166 (Down 23lbs), baby was 8lbs 3oz

    147 was the lowest I have EVER been that I can remember. I can fit most pre pregnancy tops, but I admit the jello tummy is a hard one to deal with. Bottoms are either maternity or workout clothes for fit and comfort. I am breastfeeding/pumping and have my settings for 2000cal/day + 500 for BF. I go back to work in 6 weeks and am hoping to start my workout regime back around that time or at the 6 week checkup.
    I have been walking about 15-30 minutes at a time a few days a week, don't want to push too hard since I am still healing with stiches, etc after delivery. Im sure I burn some calories with all the cleaning I seem to do keeping up with a newborn, 3.5yo and hubby! LOL.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 147 (I was 157 before my son, so this was better, but not great)
    40.7 weeks pregnant: 193 (yep 46 lbs)
    2 months pp (first time I stepped on a scale): 171 (-22lbs from birth)
    Almost 8 months pp: 136 (-57 lbs and -11 from pre pregnancy weight).

    I'm pleased, but I would love to lose another 11 lbs. I am finally healthy BMI though!

    I eat 1600-1700 calories a day. My daughter is 8 months so I don't need the 500 calories, plus I'm not very active (besides chasing the 2 year old boy and the 8 month crawling girl).
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    10 weeks pp and haven't lost any weight in at least 6 weeks. Only 7 lbs to go, but I'm annoyed that the scale isn't moving. But I completed stage 1 of nrolfw and doubled my strength in shoulder press and lunges!
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    my baby is 3 :) I have had 3 and am slowly getting back to prepregnancy. I have lost the weight gained from baby number 3 and baby number 2.... I have about 20 more to go to get back to what I was before baby number 1 :) who is almost 10!!!! So you ladies try hard to get it off now!!!! so much easier than waiting 10 years and adding more with more babies. i have lost 50 lbs this year through beach body programs. turbrofire, insanity, combat, and now t25. these programs work and are so fun and motivating. anyone in need of a program??? I became a beachbody coach to help others like me who need a little extra push and motivation to get the job done everyday. follow me on facebook if you'd like. katy atkinson fitness.

    good job ladies, keep it up!!!!
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: 137

    Day the baby was born: 182

    Right after delivery: 165

    Current: 161

    Baby is 8 months old...breastfed...extremely, extremely frustrated. Booooo.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: 137

    Day the baby was born: 182

    Right after delivery: 165

    Current: 161

    Baby is 8 months old...breastfed...extremely, extremely frustrated. Booooo.

    I know, BFing isn't the awesome weight loss tool that it's cracked up to be (at least not for everyone)! I'm right there with you on that one.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    I know! Maybe it would have been, if I would have eaten the same way I ate before getting pregnant...but holy cow...I am STARVING all the time! I'll wake up in the middle of the night to feed Bug with pangs of hunger so bad that I have to go to the kitchen and have a small glass of chocolate milk or some cereal just to make it until the morning...haha!
    Pre-pregnancy: 137

    Day the baby was born: 182

    Right after delivery: 165

    Current: 161

    Baby is 8 months old...breastfed...extremely, extremely frustrated. Booooo.

    I know, BFing isn't the awesome weight loss tool that it's cracked up to be (at least not for everyone)! I'm right there with you on that one.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I know! Maybe it would have been, if I would have eaten the same way I ate before getting pregnant...but holy cow...I am STARVING all the time! I'll wake up in the middle of the night to feed Bug with pangs of hunger so bad that I have to go to the kitchen and have a small glass of chocolate milk or some cereal just to make it until the morning...haha!
    Pre-pregnancy: 137

    Day the baby was born: 182

    Right after delivery: 165

    Current: 161

    Baby is 8 months old...breastfed...extremely, extremely frustrated. Booooo.

    I know, BFing isn't the awesome weight loss tool that it's cracked up to be (at least not for everyone)! I'm right there with you on that one.

    Yeah, I overdid it in my pregnancy, without a doubt. If I'd eaten like I did pre-pregnancy, I wouldn't be in this boat! I'm just trying to get as much off as possible, and hopefully it will just fall off Biggest-Loser-style (minus the starvation, drama, tears, and angry trainers) when I wean!
  • Jasminna
    Jasminna Posts: 24 Member
    Pre super healthy weight 135
    Pre prego weight 150
    Delivery day 189 omg super filled of fluids
    After delivery 176
    1 month after delivery 162
    NOW 4 1/2 month after delivery 150

    I'm gunn get back to my healthy weight 135
    I'm determined!

    Time n effort is all it takes
    Eat heathy & start walking if your having a hard time getting started.

    I had back pain for months. I couldn't bend without sharp pain, walking and stretching helped and now I can run and workout without pain.
  • Jasminna
    Jasminna Posts: 24 Member
    If you need help or suggestions were here for you
  • Pre-pregnancy weight: 137
    Final Weight: 164
    Baby Weighed: 7lbs 0oz
    4 months Later I Weigh: 142

    16 pounds down, 5 pounds to go until pre-pregnancy weight. My goal weight is 133.
  • graycalico
    graycalico Posts: 30 Member
    Prebaby: 148
    Delivery at 33 weeks: 182, baby was 5. 6 pounds
    3 months pp: 162

    I've been extremely active but my body is holding tight. I'm working on cutting down on sugar. I have huge cravings post baby. I know I didn't really start losing weight last time until 9-12 months because that's when my ds started eating more solids and breastfeeding less. Then I got knocked up again. Lol. Now I'm nursing a just turned 2 year old and a three month old. I thought I might go down faster with nursing two, but nope.

    My ultimate goal is 125-130 but my focus is more about getting strong and toned. It was a rough recovery with a c-section and a lot of blood loss (I had an abruption) so I just started running again and hopefully I'll see some progress. Daily walks aren't cutting it.
  • Pre-pregnancy weight: 158

    Delivery weight: 181 (+23 pounds)

    3 weeks postpartum: 172
    4 weeks postpartum: 172 (14 pounds to goal)
    5 weeks postpartum: 171 (13 pounds to goal)
    6 weeks postpartum: 170 (12 pounds to goal)
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    gained 20 total, had him 2 nights ago and I am down 10 right now :happy: hoping to drop the rest in the next week or so and them drop down to goal wt..... here is hoping!
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    No weight change, but I lost another inch around my waist!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    pre-preg/goal weight: 114
    full term weight: 136 lbs (+22 lbs)
    1 day: 126.5 lbs (baby = 7 lbs 6 oz)
    1 week: 125 lbs
    2 weeks: 123 lbs
    3 weeks: 122.5 lbs *started longer walking
    4 weeks: 122.2 lbs
    5 weeks: 123.0 lbs *gain, no no!
    6 weeks: 122.8 lbs *started jogging/running
    7 weeks: 121.2 lbs

    Breastfeeding is going great. Ran 16 miles total last week, on track for about 18 miles this week. Ya double BOB stroller :)
  • This will be helpful to me and hopefully not discouraging to me. I have loved reading other ladies victories and struggles for me. It helps me to know that I am not alone. I also have loved seeing so many other ladies who have the same goal weight and who are at the same weight as me right now! If anyone needs more friends to help motivate, please add me! I know I do!

    Pre-Pregnancy weight: 140
    Weight at 40 weeks: 175
    Gained 35 pounds and exercised until week 32 and after that sporadic walks
    Weight at 5 weeks PP: 152

    I want to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but honestly, I would love to get to 135 or even 130 (but that might be pushing it). This is my fifth baby and last baby too. I am EBFing and trying to keep my calories around 1800 a day. I lost the baby weight so quickly after baby #1 (10 years ago when I was younger, haha). Baby #2 I didn't lose all the weight. With baby #3, I lost all the weight and almost 20 pounds extra from lots of hard work! I looked awesome and was proud! Baby #4 I lost all the weight and was happy with where I was. Now here I am with baby #5 and the weight isn't coming off as fast as it did with my others. I'm older now (33) and hopefully will be able to get it off. Eek!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Weight gained during pregnancy: 30 lbs

    1 Month PP: - 14

    2 Months PP: -16

    3 Months PP: -18

    Weight loss is so slow!
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    36 pound gain during pregnancy

    lost 30 by 2 months postpartum........................ate crap and went up 15 pounds,

    still at 15 pounds, breastfeeding but my body comp is drastically different more muscle so i look way leaner than the scale weight say. Working on getting rid of mommy tummy.....
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Not sure how much I gained during pregnancy as the scale and I weren't friends pre-preg. But here's my guess:

    I'm 5'0" for reference.

    Estimated pre-pregnancy weight: 138 lbs
    Estimated heighest pregnancy weight: 174 lbs
    6-week PP check-up weight: 164 lbs
    5 months PP: 162 lbs (this was my wake-up call!!)
    One year PP: 120 lbs
    Now (15 months PP): 108 lbs.

    I look better at 108 lbs than I did at 100 lbs when I was 17. Yay for muscles!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm 5'4" and gained 25 pounds during this pregnancy. I was very happy about that and now hoping to see the weight fall off like it did with my first baby. Not so sure that will happen since the first time was 11 years ago. Here's my progress so far:

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 122.2
    Weight a day before delivery at 38 weeks: 147.4
    2 days postpartum: 142.4
    5 days postpartum: 135.6

    I was in the hospital for 3 days due to a uti and was getting fluids the whole time so came out swollen. I know I gained weight while in the hospital bc when I came home I hadn't even lost the weight of the baby yet. So as of today 5 days postpartum I have lost 11.8 pounds Also, my baby weighed 7 lbs 13 oz.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Congrats Jaylas-Mom!!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    pre-preg/goal weight: 114
    full term weight: 136 lbs (+22 lbs)
    1 day: 126.5 lbs (baby = 7 lbs 6 oz)
    1 week: 125 lbs
    2 weeks: 123 lbs
    3 weeks: 122.5 lbs *started longer walking
    4 weeks: 122.2 lbs
    5 weeks: 123.0 lbs *gain, no no!
    6 weeks: 122.8 lbs *started running
    7 weeks: 121.2 lbs
    8 weeks: 121.5 lbs *gain, ugh!
    9 weeks: 122.5 lbs *gain! um, I need to get my eating under control, stat!
  • Hey. I just joined this group and was reading everyones post. I see that we were about the same pre- pregancy weight, and pregnancy weight. I am curious as to how you lost the weight. Did you breast feed? My little one is 4 months old, and I breastfeed for a month and got down to 165. I am now back up at 175. What are you doing to lose weight if i might ask :)
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Congrats Jaylas-Mom!!

    Thank you! I like this weight just falling off! :)
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 122.2 (5'4")
    Weight a day before delivery at 38 weeks: 147.4
    2 days postpartum: 142.4 (Baby weighed 7 lbs 13 oz but I retained a lot of fluid from the hospital)
    5 days postpartum: 135.6
    1 week postpartum: 132.4

    Total loss of 15 pounds so far! 10 more to go to be at pre-pregnancy weight.
  • Pre-Pregnancy weight: 140
    Weight at 40 weeks: 175
    Gained 35 pounds and exercised until week 32 and after that sporadic walks
    Weight at 5 weeks PP: 152
    Weight at 8 weeks PP: 150.2-slowly going down!