
jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
Hi. I'm in the UK. I have toyed with the diet using measuring cups but have now bought the DVDS and the pots. I am on holiday at the moment but going to start on Monday. I'm going to double up and do it with Piyo as I'm not finding that very tough. I suppose I should add a couple of hundred calories onto my intake level. What do people think.


  • AnnaYESiCANdoIT
    AnnaYESiCANdoIT Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, I was going to start this yesterday but dont have all the exact info I want so why not start with you guys! I have a couple questions that I am hoping you can help me with....are you starting with the 3 day quick fix?
  • crumpgirl
    crumpgirl Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Karen. Looking for support and motivation. I have had my Fix kit for over a month but have not committed to doing it. I think being apart of a group will provide the motivation for me to get through it. I'm really concerned about the low amount of starchy carbs tho! I would rather trade a fruit or two to have a couple more yellow containers. I will do it as planned though! It just may be the reduction in starches will "fix" me!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I agree about the yellows. I find it too much protein and not enough yellow or fruit.
  • flares27
    flares27 Posts: 17 Member
    I too have had my kit for a few weeks now but haven't really started using the containers. I have used them a few times but nothing close to how it should be properly utilized. I love the idea of portion control (no counting calories) along with exercising but doing this by myself is tough. I 'm hoping there will be someone in this group that will be motivating and inspiring to help me kick start this program and keep at it. My mind and body never seem to be on the same page. Good luck to everyone in accomplishing their goals and wish you all success!!
  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    I just ordered mine from Amazon so it should arrive in Bermuda by Wednesday. So excited. I kept seeing the infomercial with Montel Williams. Loved his other one for Tommie Copper which my husband and I swear by (Knees).
  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Michelle. I need to lose 22lbs to get back to feeling like myself again. I have been on MFP for 2 years and have been up and down and up and up. My greatest success was being a part of a group challenge and having that support, so I am glad to have this group. I ordered from Amazon and it will be here today.

    Looking forward to hearing about everyone's success.

  • PeaceMama2002
    Hi y'alI! I recently switched from Weight Watchers to full time tracking on MFP. I just learned about 21 Day Fix last week and started on Sunday. So thrilled to find the challenge group starting today.

    I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian and found a great Vegetarian/Vegan 21 Day Fix Quick Reference Guide on Pinterest, which has slight modifications to the Protein and Carb list.

    Took my starting measurements. My waist measurement made me cringe a bit. Looking forward to whittling away some inches as well as dropping lbs.
  • jewelsnyc
    jewelsnyc Posts: 20
    Hello everyone. My name is Jewels & just started the program today. This is going to be a slight challenge for me because my diet is a major issue. I don't eat properly and I often go for long periods of not eating, and then eating junk. But so far, I'm off to a good start. I packed all my little containers & went to the gym and did 30 mins on the eliptical/treadmill. I didn't get a chance to do the dvd, but will do it in the morning.

    How is everyone doing so far?
  • hig17
    hig17 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi all! I am waiting on my 21 day fix package to arrive in the mail (should be here Wednesday).

    Wanted to go ahead and get involved in the group. :) I am wanting to learn better portion control and hoping this plan does just that for me. I have been actively tracking food and exercise on MFP since January of this year and have lost 17 pounds. I got married June 14th and have slacked off a little since then. But I am wanting and needing to get back into things, and I truly believe portion control is one of the reasons why I haven't lost more than 17 pounds in 7 with that being said, I look forward to motivating each other in this group. Feel free to add me as a friend! =)

  • jewelsnyc
    jewelsnyc Posts: 20
    Hi Hig...congrats on your marriage & your weight loss!! 17lbs is nothing to sneeze at!! I wish you much success!
  • ccarew77
    ccarew77 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Christina and I just started 21 Day Fix yesterday.
    Currently living in Toronto and been "playing" with MFP for awhile now. I am a former WW member who found much success with it the first time around but grew tired of it. Just couldn't get myself back into it. Been focusing more on not just how much I eat but what I eat for last few years. Consistency, portions, and putting myself first (squeezing in workouts) are my challenges.

    A few friends back home in the US did 21 Day Fix and loved it. I thought it might work well with my schedule so off we go.
    Really hoping to see some results 21 days from yesterday.

    Good luck to everyone and look forward to reading about your experience and seeing those results!
  • ccarew77
    ccarew77 Posts: 54 Member
    Congratulations on your marriage and weight loss! I can totally relate to the post wedding routine.
  • hig17
    hig17 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi Hig...congrats on your marriage & your weight loss!! 17lbs is nothing to sneeze at!! I wish you much success!

    Thank you Jewel! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm going to send you a friend request and we can motivate each other!
  • hig17
    hig17 Posts: 159 Member
    Congratulations on your marriage and weight loss! I can totally relate to the post wedding routine.

    Thank you! And thanks for the add! We will support and motivate each other! My package doesn't arrive until tomorrow (hopefully).

    I also did WW a few years ago lost 20 lbs but gained it all back when I quit smoking :(

    Are you a newlywed? I just got married 1 month ago, hard to believe it has already been a month!
  • jewelsnyc
    jewelsnyc Posts: 20
    Hi Hig...congrats on your marriage & your weight loss!! 17lbs is nothing to sneeze at!! I wish you much success!

    Thank you Jewel! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm going to send you a friend request and we can motivate each other!
    Hi new friend...hehe! Hope all is well with you today : )
  • Decrucian
    Decrucian Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Resa.
    I've had the program for a few weeks now and I have tried a few of the work outs here and there, but nothing consistent. Overall, I probably need to lose about 50 lbs.but I would just like to start with getting out of the 200s!

    I really need motivation and hope this helps.

    So far doing Pilates are really challenging for me and the "Surrenders". I did the Total Cardio Fix the first night I got the DVDs and couldn't walk for a couple days after because of them. :ohwell:
  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hi, my name is Resa.
    I've had the program for a few weeks now and I have tried a few of the work outs here and there, but nothing consistent. Overall, I probably need to lose about 50 lbs.but I would just like to start with getting out of the 200s!

    I really need motivation and hope this helps.

    So far doing Pilates are really challenging for me and the "Surrenders". I did the Total Cardio Fix the first night I got the DVDs and couldn't walk for a couple days after because of them. :ohwell:

    Welcome Resa! You got this!!

    I know what you mean about the surrenders...I am still a wee bit sore today.