Acne? WHAT!!!!

sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
Hi there, My third week and I have had horrible problems with acne. I have never had acne even as a teenager then all of a face is horrible! Does anyone have any feedback or advice for me? I have done keto in the past and low carb. I have never had a problem before. The only difference is I am using coconut oil in my coffee and I can't imagine what could be causing this issue for me.

Thanks in advance.....Sophia :(


  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Could just be the transition of keto adaptation. Mine got a little worse at first, but has completely cleared and I'm only 5 weeks in.

    Or something else? Hormonal shifts? Exposure to someone's hormone meds they use on their skin (testosterone)?
  • MzSmythe
    MzSmythe Posts: 32 Member
    I read something that said it can be due to the toxins being released from your fat cells (along with excess hormones). I can't remember exactly where it was so I can't link to it for you I'm afraid.

    I have that problem every time I go back onto keto/low carb after a holiday lapse! I would highly recommend products containing glycolic acid e.g facial wash/moisturiser/facial masks. I've found them to be an absolute godsend in getting rid of the pesky blighters whilst my body recovers. Also, apart from the coconut oil, are you eating anything different to the other times you've done it? Or have the ingredients changed for any of your go-to products? You could have a sensitivity to something.

    I'd be inclined to agree it's an initial purge whilst your transitioning though x
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    I haven't been eating anything I haven't had before that I can recall. No exposure to testosterone either. Releasing toxins makes sense. I will look into the face wash that you mentioned as well. I haven't had this problem before but I am greeting own hormones, possibly dairy that's been treated with hormones? I usually check my labels but will be careful now.

    Thanks for the feed back and advice!
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    The only thing I might add is: are you drinking enough water? From what I've read and experienced you really need to be sure to stay hydrated when on a keto diet.
  • SisterMable
    SisterMable Posts: 40 Member
    And... you know... if after another week of extra water you see continued acne, try eliminating the coconut oil for a couple weeks... if the problem doesn't go away, you know it's not this WOE or the coconut oil :)
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    Yes I drink lots of water. I did stop the BPC for a week an d I just added it again. We will see.... thanks for the feedback! :D

    My face got better without the coconut oil...but I just added it back to see if it was just a coincidence. I miss my BPC in the morning.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    It could be increased dairy consumption. Fat is an amazing thing in supporting brain function, helping our skin, keeping us sated for longer. Try switching some of your dairy to other healthy fats like oils. I've always had horrible acne so I'm hoping reducing dairy will help. I've seen it first hand with a friend when she cut out dairy her skin cleared and she lost a lot of weight without other changes. Good luck!