Food from MFP not syncing to Jawbone Up

I log food in MFP but it doesnt show up in the Up app on iPhone!! Help!


  • millejj1
    millejj1 Posts: 20
    I'm having the same problem here too. I just got my UP yesterday and have tried to disconnect and reconnect the apps and no success. I'm interested in what you learn.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP sends aggregate meal data to MFP, not individual foods. It appears in the green tab on the right, the one with a knife & fork.
  • asissulak
    asissulak Posts: 1
    I've been having the same problem since yesterday afternoon. UP isn't grabbing my food data that I've successfully entered into MFP. It's quite frustrating! I'd love to know what went wrong here
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    There was an update today for the iOS app.
  • MattFealy
    MattFealy Posts: 2 Member
    Same problem, was fine yesterday but now since the Up App update on iOS no food is being pulled through from MFP.

    I was about to delete/unlink/reinstall both apps on my phone to see if that sorted it, but I guess it may be a wider issue.
  • sefenwick
    sefenwick Posts: 8 Member
    I'm using Android and having the same problem. MFP is pulling data from UP (i.e., step count and calorie adjustment are fine) but UP isn't pulling data from MFP.
  • eharpsichord
    eharpsichord Posts: 2 Member
    Does anybody know how to fix any of this? I have an iPad and and Android phone (I know it's very controversial having both ;) ) and I downloaded the app last night after buying my UP. I lvoe the device and the app works well, but I cannot sync any food inofrmation over to the UP app.

    I enter everything on MFP on either of my devices but nothing sync's over to the UP app. Any help?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have an iPhone, and my food shows up in UP.

    Perhaps the new (super annoying) food score has made the Android app buggy?
  • eharpsichord
    eharpsichord Posts: 2 Member
    I have the iPhone app on my iPad but it doesn't sync my meals. UP will however push my steps into MFP. I am very confused. I just want to see my calorie count in UP!
  • MattFealy
    MattFealy Posts: 2 Member
    MFP food has now started just appearing in my Up app, must have been a syncing issue with their servers?
  • dtherese83
    dtherese83 Posts: 15
    I just bought the bracelet this morning but some things aren't adding up.

    Not only is my food not showing in UP but I also have UP creating a positive calorie add to MFP.
    I've taken 5300+ steps and it has only added 14 calories to my "exercise" portion of MFP.

    Is this a mistake or is there just something in the way it works that I am missing?

    I thought I would be super pumped to take it out on it's first "walk" and now I'm bummed that even after I sync'd it to MFP (before walk) and Map my Fitness (after walk) that it is basically showing nothing but my step count in the UP app
  • deadlystingnyc
    MFP estimates a total day's calorie burn based on your height, weight & activity level settings. You will only get a calorie adjustment from UP activity when the estimated projected burn from UP exceeds the estimated burn from MFP. Generally, when you have your activity level set to "Sedentary" in MFP, you'll start to see a calorie adjustment around the 5000-step mark. If you have your activity level set higher, it will take more steps to see any calorie credit for your UP activity.

    For example, I have my activity level set to "Sedentary" in MFP. Yesterday I logged just over 10,000 steps in UP, and I earned 85 extra calories based on that activity. MFP had estimated that I'd burn 1462 calories, and UP claimed I burned 1547, so I got credit for those extra burned calories.

    Hope this info helps!
  • dtherese83
    dtherese83 Posts: 15
    That is VERY helpful. Thank you!

    I think I just need to wrap my head around the numbers.
    I liked it better when I used "MaymyWalk" and did a 3 mile loop and it said I burned 400 calories.
    I put in the time and calories into MFP and could see clearly what was happening.

    Right now in MFP at the bottom of my diary I thought the "calorie adjustment" was in addition to the calories I've eaten since the number is in the same column, not deduction (even though at the top it shoes correctly)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Your UP total burn is your TDEE (aka maintenance calories)—way more accurate than any online calculator. If you eat less than your UP burn, you will lose weight.

    Your MFP calorie goal is your activity level minus your deficit. MFP looks at your UP burn, predicts what it will be at midnight, then subtracts your MFP activity level calories from that number to calculate your adjustment.

    My adjustments got better & better, as if the system was "learning" my routine.

    If you don't enable negative calorie adjustments, you probably won't eat at a deficit on lazy days:

    Log food & drink in MFP. Log exercise in UP, not MFP. (The burns are way more accurate than MFP's one-size-fits-all-guesstimates.) Follow your MFP calorie goal, and eat back your adjustments.

    Edited to add that when you first setup your UP, it has to guesstimate your burn since midnight. So the first day's burn is always a mess.
  • dtherese83
    dtherese83 Posts: 15
    Ok this makes sense now. I went back and disabled negative adjustments.

    As for MFP Goals- The UP input is effecting that count.
    For example- I walked 2 miles a bit ago with my dog, 35 minutes.
    In MFP it shows I did 1 minute of my 45 minute goal and 14 calories of my 310 goal.
    Should I just ignore these goals now that things are being tracked in UP or adjust them so I don't feel like I am failing?

    Congrats on all of your success BTW, I hope I can have as much motivation as you have had <3
  • dtherese83
    dtherese83 Posts: 15
    Thanks for pointing out the first day being a mess...I was starting to feel sorely disappointed!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Ok this makes sense now. I went back and disabled negative adjustments.

    As for MFP Goals- The UP input is effecting that count.
    For example- I walked 2 miles a bit ago with my dog, 35 minutes.
    In MFP it shows I did 1 minute of my 45 minute goal and 14 calories of my 310 goal.
    Should I just ignore these goals now that things are being tracked in UP or adjust them so I don't feel like I am failing?

    Congrats on all of your success BTW, I hope I can have as much motivation as you have had <3
    I wasn't losing much weight at all until I got an UP. It showed me that even though I have a desk job I get a lot of steps. Once I started eating back my UP adjustments, I started losing weight.

    Enable negative calorie adjustments! If you disable them, you won't eat at a deficit on lazy days. They'll never put your calories below 1,200, so even with them enabled I don't eat at at true deficit when I binge-watch TV. (I"m only 5'2".)

    I'm sorry, but I have no idea what minute goals you're talking about.
  • dtherese83
    dtherese83 Posts: 15
    Thanks for clarifying, I thought you meant disable not enable, LOL. My brain is still adjusting to lower cal levels.

    What I mean by minute goals:

    In MFP
    >My home
    >fitness goals
    I set my goal for 3 workouts of 45 minutes each per week
    With just using Up (and maybe it is just funky because today is the first day)
    When I go to
    >Daily total/goal and Weekly total/goal are only showing my net "14" for today, not my actual.

    Thanks again for all the help.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    When I changed those goals my calorie goal didn't change at all, so I've always just ignored them.

    It will take trial & error to find what works for you.
  • raymiles
    raymiles Posts: 13 Member
    UP was syncing to MFP but not vice versa. I disabled the connection between the apps and then reconnected them. Now it syncs both ways.