Low Carb Group Moderators Needed



  • LaPanadera
    LaPanadera Posts: 9 Member
    I can help. I've been following a low carb diet since 2/2011. I need to be filled in on the details, but I have the time. Send me an email. I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read, "Low Carb Proselyte." After turning my life over to Jesus I changed it to read, "Low Carb Coach."
  • ni1966
    ni1966 Posts: 17
    Is this site still active
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member

    I am new here today, but not new at all to low carb. I would be glad to help if help is still needed.
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    Is anyone out there still doing Atkins? I hope so because it works! I have received invaluable information on these forums that has helped me through some pretty rough days. I did a few days of the Atkins diet several years ago before I got so familiar with the internet and without the support I couldn't understand things like the Induction Flu or why it was so important to keep carbs low. I even read the first Atkins book several times, but it was still not sinking in! It's especially difficult to keep your willpower when you aren't sure if you will feel cruddy for the entire time you are on the diet. I want to thank everyone who ever posted a question about Induction and especially thank everyone who gave an encouraging and informative answer. I owe a lot of my willpower this time around to you people. You're the greatest!!
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    I am going to be asking questions and I guess if there is no one out there to answer them, then I will try to answer them myself. I hope all the wonderful low carbers are doing well! Now that I'm committed to doing low carb, I would hate to find out that you all succumbed to some horrible disease from your low carb life-styles! Lol! I don't think that is the case. People get busy with their lives, I know, but I hope someone with reliable information is still around? I'll wait to see.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    memlizzy, you should create a new topic for your questions. This topic is not one that people are going to see and respond to.
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    Ok, thank you! I'm new to this and was just trying to find out if anyone was still on here. Thanks for your help!
  • jendlich
    jendlich Posts: 4 Member
    Hoping someone was out there trying to live low carb too! Not sure how the chats work, but thank you for letting me know you are out there!:smile:
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    I'm interested!!
  • kellymatteucci
    kellymatteucci Posts: 1 Member
    Happy I joined!
  • Diane804
    Diane804 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new too! Glad to see this group is alive and well.