What Should I Eat When?

Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
I’m hungriest from after work until bed and that’s when I am most likely to make unhealthy choices.

I usually eat like this during the week:
7 am protein shake (365 whey protein powder + almond milk, sometimes ½ a frozen banana or pb) or protein bar with fruit
10 am morning snack (usually oatmeal, fage or cottage cheese with fruit or goat cheese with fruit and almonds)
12:30 lunch (leftovers, big salad with protein, or lean cuisine with veggies)
3:30/4 afternoon snack (usually a lot of carrots, a pound or so, egg whites & hummus, fruit, and if I’m still hungry, protein bar)
6:30 Man-alive-I’m-hungry-but-let’s-put-the-toddler-down-first evening snack (protein bar or protein shake or cheese & crackers)
7:30/8 dinner then sugar-free treat like TJ’s sugar free chocolate almonds or Atkins PB cups

I try to have family dinner at least a few times a week and it’s better for my hunger but it can be harder (and less enjoyable) than feeding the kid first then eating with my hubs after. I am open to any suggestions on how to rearrange my meals or make different choices.


  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Do you workout? If so, you might need to eat more calories.

    Or, add a little fat to your diet so you won't feel hungry. For ex. on your big salad, do you use olive oil based dressing?
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Yes, I workout and my fitness tracker syncs with MFP. I definitely don't need to eat more calories, I go over almost every single day :(

    I do use olive oil based dressing on my big salad.
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    For me I find that days I do not drink enough water I feel more hungry, so may want to try drinking more water. 2nd part I would ask is are you eating back your exercise calories? I battle the munchies at work on slow days. Not always easy to win but worth the fight.
  • andywraithmell
    I also find that drinking water when I am eating really helps. I also snack on things that have very few calories like carrot sticks and that helps me overcome hunger. Recently I have been having a larger breakfast which really helps me get through the day and I only really eat a light lunch, like salmon salad or a homemade chicken wrap
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    You might also need to increase you hearty protein intake (fish, beef, chicken, tofu). I always feel better when I eat something bulky instead of the why powder (which I love on those days I can't get other sources of protein).
  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    Maybe if you cook ahead and re-heat you can do more of the family meal thing before night time for your child? I do that routinely although end up snacking later at 9 or 10 which may not be any better than what you do. I have read it is a good habit to get into the family meal thing, although my 4 year old somehow hasn't gotten the healthy eating memo yet (the other night she ate not a single bite--spent the whole meal making "soup" out of her milk and carrots and apples and ignored her chicken and rice). Good luck.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Increasing protein & (healthy!) fat will decrease hunger longer.
    Having a large breakfast (about half your calories), medium lunch, and small dinner leads to more weight loss than the usual US pattern of having very little for breakfast or lunch, then a large dinner.

    See the last half of this blog post for quotes from & links to research which supports the "eat a large breakfast" idea.