advice please, newbie here

Been debating with myself... Is it easier for you guys to jog in the early morning then do workouts in the evening or is it better for you to workout in the morning n jog in the evening? Not sure what I want to do.


  • cbt007
    cbt007 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I don't jog, so I can't give you the most helpful advice, but this group seems dead and I don't want you to go without any answers. I've always heard it's best to weight train before cardio, so maybe start there? When I lift too early in the day, I am ravenous allllll day, so I prefer to lift later. Again, sorry that wasn't very helpful. Good luck! I hope you figure out what works best for you.
  • LiftHeavyWeights
    LiftHeavyWeights Posts: 336 Member
    do what best fits your schedule. As long as you are not trying to do lifting right after cardio you are good.
  • lol oh shucks. Well thanks for the advice ladies=) With my schedule living in Alaska n doing subsistence in the evenings, I thought working out in the mornings is better for me.
  • DStroyNKonker
    DStroyNKonker Posts: 19 Member
    Hey, if running in the morning works best for you, then do it! I'd never pass up an opportunity to work out, whether it's lifting or cardio. Sometimes I run in the morning, sometimes I run in the evening. (I'm a single mom and I work full time).

    A workout any time of day is better than no workout at all.

  • I had a nice routine going that I enjoyed very much - I did a Jillian michaels DVD (30ds-20 mins) in the morning and did c25k training at night. I worked for me because the DVD was not as attractive as to me as getting on the treadmill was so I always felt super accomplished just to do the DVD before my day began. That feeling generally stayed with me through the day and by evening I had enough energy to do the c25k- and if I didn't , so what? I had already accomplished something tremendous in my mind.

    But really it's whatever works for you. Try each and see which you enjoy better. If you do it the way you want you're more likely to stick with it in the long run (pun intended).
  • kiarafitjourney
    kiarafitjourney Posts: 33 Member
    for me, its more whether you're a morning person or not.
    i'd really like to wake up and run in the morning, only it's not possible. i've tried so many times before but i always end up with turning my alarm off and continue to hug my pillow. lol.
    i hate wake up early, so yea i choose workout in the evening after work.