Week 2 (July 14th)

sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
It's the start of Week 2! Here is a thought... When we get bored, depressed, stressed etc it’s easy to find comfort in food. Let’s replace that habit with something more productive. What bad habits have you replaced so far? And with what did you replace it with?

For me, my bad habit was drinking soda everyday. It's been a few of months now so I am happy with that. I replaced it with water.


  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Well triple digits ???????????? and no AC means I didn't get sweat done, hey I was already sweating all day. I did however get all my steps in from deep cleaning the lvrm, family room, and bathroom. The plan is to get up early and get it done

    I hate the time of year triple digit ads and 70+ degree lows. Love spring and fall when there are crisp, a chill in the air mornings for a great walk. Night all
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that. I hope the weather cools down soon. You definitely don't want to overheat. But, at least you got your steps in.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Don’t focus on what you cannot eat! If that is what you focus on that is what you will crave and you will start to feel deprived. Many people ask me “What should I eat?” And my answer is take out a pen and piece of paper and write down all healthy foods that you like. Make a list… Then when you have that list think of meals and food you can make with that list. For example if my list is –eggs, oranges, chicken, peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, steak, strawberries, turkey, salsa. Once you have that list you can really look at it and make a lot of meals out of what you already like.

    What's on your list?
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    How is everyone doing today? Are you seeing any progress in what you can do today that you were not able to do on Day 1 of PiYo? I'm able to do Warrior 3 without holding onto a chair. But, once she wants us to touch the floor... I need the chair. But, any progress is progress!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Doing good did define lower and core, I'm sure I'll feel core in a bit some of it difficult but I know I'll get it after another time or two. I'm with you on warrior 3 I didn't need a chair today still some wobble but getting better.

    I have a lot of healthy foods celery, sugar snap peas, sweet peppers hummus, trail mix, etc. I did over do it with the snacks yesterday (sleep deprived) but making better choices today.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Did sweat and define upper. And I have AC again. Nap time now.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Yay for AC! I hear ya when you are tired and just want to sleep but can't... you start to snack a bit more that what you are use to. So, I try to get my sleeping habits under control and have healthy snacks at home.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Here is a healthy recipe! Salsa Chicken Recipe... This recipe is so easy and delicious!


    Have you guys been on Pinterest or Blogs or YouTube looking for new recipes? When you find one post it in this group!
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    It's almost the end of Week 2. How is everyone doing? I'm sore but it comes with the territory so I am okay with it. Let's talk about clean eating.

    People always talk about “Eating Clean.” But what does that really mean? Here is a video that simply explains eating clean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEgB5LK3brw

    Search for clean eating videos and post one here for all to see.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Haven't seen many people post in the group. What are you struggling with today? We can all be honest in here and we will all go through different obstacles. Post below what is your biggest struggle and comment giving someone else advice on how they can overcome that struggle!
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Rewards are an important part of the process. We need to celebrate what we’ve accomplished! But rewarding ourselves with food is the wrong way to go. When you think of bad food as a reward it has higher value in your mind than healthy meals.

    What’s something you can reward yourself with, without taking a step backwards?

    I like to give myself some more me time or buy new clothing if I dropped a size.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Happy Sunday back from camping got in swimming and some good walks will get piyo in tonight going to need it.

    My ultimate reward is a tatoo I want, my kids footprints. Small rewards are clothes, shoes, bras, and a spa day. A spa day with a mani/pedi is my next reward.

    My biggest struggle is going around these weekend trips and somewhat out of my control meals. This weekend I did bring some good snacks but I forgot about loading up on protein and then taking advantage of dessert a bit too much. Today is opted for another egg instead of a quater of a costco muffin, then at a stop we made had unsweetened tea instead of the iced coffee that was probably 250-300 calories.

    I say don't beat youself up over a meal or day but don't let that turn into days or weeks. We didn't gain weig because of a weekend we gained it because of years of over-eating/indulging. IMHO
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Hey codycsweet! Welcome back from camping! Nice way to keep active.

    I love how you have mini rewards and one big one for when you ultimately reach your goal. It's a good way to reward what you have accomplished today and tomorrow.

    You are right in not beating yourself up when you slip up. Just acknowledge it and do better tomorrow. It'll happen. We cannot be on point 24/7. When it happens don't let it control you so that it doesn't become a landslide.

    Which this nicely leads me into the thought for the day.... most people look at the word “failure” as the end all be all and it’s NOT! It’s apart of the process. It’s how we learn and grow and get BETTER! If you messed up over the weekend, forgive yourself and commit to being better this week. It’s not about being perfect… it’s about progress.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Made up for core today and also did upper

    This is a journey and weight loss isn't linear there are many things to consider the scale is the first that most think of, then there's, inches lost, how you feel, overall health and fitness. I keep these things in mind when I have a bad day and generally speaking a day of indulgence is planned or at least I'm consciously aware I'm going over and I'm okay with that as long as it doesn't turn into a daily habit.
    Most of the time we learn more from failure than success. We learn what not to do and this can be a good thing as long as you take what you learned and then apply it.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Holy BUNS on fire ✔️
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    May I say codycsweet that I love your attitude? Because I do. :D

    You are so right, if we tumble, it's okay. We are not perfect. We are human beings. As long as it doesn't become a habit, any ill effects will go away with some calorie burning. Like BUNS!

    Omg... as I type this... I have to keep shifting in my chair. lol We will be feeling it tomorrow. But, that means it is working.