July Chat



  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Hi all,
    Weekend winding down. Had a potluck yesterday with a knitting group I joined recently. Lots of stitchin'n*****in' and so many yummy foods! I used a small plate and had only a few bites and couldn't believe the calories when I counted them up later. Scales showed me this morning by going up a pound. just unbelievable how fast it goes on and how slow it comes off :cry:

    as for the marathon- i don't ever see myself running a marathon. I am really proud that i'm walking everyday now, twice a day. So i get in about 4 miles a day and I've kept it up for 6 weeks. My daughter and her DH are into running. Very proud of her - she started last year and runs events every month. I hope she keeps it up.

    Being very short my calorie limit is very low, and I also have a hubby who believes having a good time always involves eating out, mostly pizza! We are both bread addicts, but I'm doing pretty good a minimizing my bread intake.

    Going to take one more walk today before curling up for Sunday evening knitting and TV watching.

    Hope we all have a healthy week ahead!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yes, Reba, I very often get antsy and want to do something. I am lucky that I really like (and usually prefer) to do things alone. So, when the feeling strikes, I go. Most days I leave the house in the morning and don't return well into the evening.

    The nice thing about having Sunday and Monday as my weekend is that Friday night and Saturday is still the weekend, so I can do fun weekendy stuff then, too.

    I did go to an Ohio Wine Festival after work yesterday. Samples were only 1.5 oz. and I had 6 samples. Ohio wines can be pretty good. Met my daughter and her SO there. Ate at my favorite pasteria. Don't get there too often.

    Then realized that if I hurried, I might be able to drive to a Columbus area high school that I heard was doing Funny Girl. (Didn't know what time it started or how much). I got there 1/2 hour early. They still had tickets. $14 for seniors. (That's why I love local theater). I love Funny Girl, but let's face it, no one is ever going to be a Streisand! Still it was fun.

    Spent a good part of today with my grandkids so kids could further work on the new house. Painting now. They were having rest of family over to watch the World Cup and a cookout, but sitting around with the kids all day, I decided instead to go to the gym and work out. Left and stopped for a quick walk through at our local Arts Festival, but was winding down. Then to Pei Wei for dinner. Also went to the park to walk a trail.

    I still have tomorrow. Usual two hours with grandkids, working out, take my car in to see about a squeeky door, and then dinner with a friend.

    No one has ever accused me of allowing grass to grow under my feet! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, People!
    Monday again...and can you believe it's already the middle of July?

    I got up at 2am today...it's now almost 5. There's a beautiful full moon out there. I was enjoying it and the peace and quiet of the very early morning when I went down to put out peanuts for the squirrels and have a cigarette (I know, I know). That's my morning routine. I really don't mind waking up so early every day, tho' I am tired. I never nap, but I do rest.

    A while back I made an eggplant stew....vegan, very yummy and only 65 calories for a big portion. I may make it again this week.

    Hope you all have a good day.
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Hello All, I hope you all had a good weekend, mine was fairly uneventful, but relaxing for a change.

    Charlie, you are one active person. I am amazed at all the activities you get in during the course of a week :smile:

    Fig, I could never get up at 2 am and function all day, kudos to you :wink:

    My area is supposed to have rough weather all week this week, I hope not, that means I will have to walk on the treadmill, which is not my favorite, I much prefer walking out in the fresh air. Hoping there will be some early evening breaks so I can get my miles in outside :happy:

    Have a great week everyone!

    - JB
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!
    I finally took off the 2 lbs I put on the weekend before, Whew, sure wish it came off easier than it comes on.! Hope everyone has a great week.

    We are looking for rain, rain, rain this week - hopefully the weekend will turn out to be decent. Would love to spend some time outside working in the yard. We are beginning to look like a jungle!

    have a good week everyone!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Let's make this week count!! :drinker:

    I am through bingeing - I have moved my reading materials (including my Bible) to my bedside table. Once I am in bed that is where I am going to stay!! No reason to come downstairs!

    With the Lord's help I will do this!!

    This week is suppose to be in the 70's starting tomorrow - in Kansas, in July - NO WAY!! :noway:
    But oh how I am going to love every minute of it! :heart:

    Larry and I will be celebrating our 48th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. :love:
    Are we going to do anything special - probably not. I was so hoping to do something over this past week-end but it did not happen.

    Charlie, when our DD & DSIL were living in Ohio we went to one of wineries but can't remember where. I will have to look at the map and see if I can figure it out. That happened a couple of moons ago LOL

    I hope everyone has a great Monday and a super week!!

    Thanks for always being here! :flowerforyou:
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Another Monday down-

    I too cannot believe July is flying by. Summers' go way too fast in northern Ohio.

    Was thrilled to be down a pound this morning! Caught me by surprise I had waited so long.:happy:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I too cannot believe July is flying by. Summers' go way too fast in northern Ohio.

    It is going very fast in western Kansas also!! I am not involved in school any longer but it goes too fast for us also!

    Congrats on the pound!!
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Hi everybody, nice to read your posts and keep up with how you are all doing. I am having a good day. My goals this week are to include 60 min of exercise everyday and measure my dinner foods. I did 30 min swim and 30 min elliptical. My outlook is changing a bit for the better. Over the weekend we saw the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and was the first time in the movie theater here on Big Island. It was good. Good luck this week meeting your goals.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    First time I have run with a friend..... no music as constant talking....over three miles on the banks of the canal...lovely...hope to do it again next week!

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    I wrote this earlier today but forgot to hit Post Reply. Not surprised.

    "The song stuck in my head today is "Crying in the Rain". .....I played a LOT of Everly Brothers back in the day. That sums up the weather and how I feel so if you want cheerful....skip the rest.

    I gathered my nerve and phoned the vet this morning and our little 10 yr old furbaby has cancer. I expected it but it may take some time to get to the next step. I need to figure out how to keep her comfortable and I am not doing very well.

    My virus is now into week three and I feel worse so, unless there is a vast improvement tomorrow, it is off to the doc's.

    Well the rain has stopped for now so I am taking a sample to the vet so I know the poor thing is not also suffering from an infection. It is a half hour drive each way on Caribbean mountain roads.

    Thank you for listening.

    Wanda "

    So now I am back. Yes the day did get even worse. I ran over a bird. :cry: I am not sure if my flu is still contagious but it was good to get out of the house. I thought the vet's would be safe from seeing anyone who is high risk. So today there is a newborn and a pregnant woman there. Good thing the waiting room is outside.

    On the way home I thought about what the locals would tell me to use to get better. 1. Get my head under water so I am going to do that in a few minutes and 2. coconut. I have a yard full of coconut but forget any picture you may have of me climbing a tree with a machete between my teeth. So I went to town and bought two. That will really put my calories up.

    I am doing a little better now....haven't cried in at least 2 hrs. Off to the beach.


    PS the dog does not have an infection.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    6:15 pm update. Headed out to the beach when there was a funny noise under the hood of the vehicle. My belt is hanging on by a thread. Still made it to the beach with DH vehicle but mine now incapacitated. I think I will go to bed before anything else happens today and have a drink!
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Wanda - sure hope things are getting easier for you!

    in 1964 when I was glued to the black and white TV madly in love with The Beatles I could not envision going to the city park and listening to a small tribute band play their music while I danced with my granddaughters and taught them how to make the Peace sign. But tonight I found this is a lovely way to spend the evening and enjoy sweet memories while making new ones. Great summer evening.

    Thought this might be a group that could relate!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Joyce -- Sure can relate! Sounds like you really had a fun evening! My 4-year old granddaughter learned Twist and Shout somewhere along the line. Love to hear her sing it and dance.

    Jean -- sounds like a fun run and you were afraid you couldn't keep up. Knew you could do it!

    Wanda -- you sure are having a tough time of it. So sorry about your sick puppy! There are times when you just need to take cover and hide!

    Reba -- sounds like you have a good plan to avoid the munchies! We are rooting for you!

    You all are reminding me of my dear ex-father-in-law. He was somewhat of a hermit and lived in the Pennsylvania forest in a log cabin. Every Memorial Day we would go visit him. Just about the first thing he would say is: "Well, it's Memorial Day. Next thing you know it will be the 4th of July, Labor Day and summer will be over!" It always made me laugh how quickly he could eradicate my whole summer! :laugh:

    I don't know what I was thinking when I suggested we have a surprise party on Thursday for a co-worker who is getting married this Saturday. Decided on a breakfast for the office staff. So, I went to Panera and ordered bagels, cream cheeses, and pastries. Way too much. Then that same day I'm taking my staff for an Italian lunch as one of them is leaving (it would have to be my best worker! Leaving me short-handed and with all cry-babies who right now have filed a grievance against me!) I am happy for him though as it is more money and hours that will fit his life better. He deserves it! But, it will be a tough day calorie-wise. Panera AND italian! I really need to do some advance planning!

    We are having beautiful weather, too. Is to last through Thursday and then get a little warmer for the weekend. I love 75 degrees with cool nights! Wish it could stay like this.

    Well, it is 1 a.m. I need to go to sleep! Sweet dreams everyone!

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    I tried a new thing today - an Aquafit class and I really enjoyed it...parts of it were very hard using weights in the water, pressing them down while floating and feet sticking out of the water...lol....what a sight! Will be going again...fab fun!

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    Yay Jean. Aquafit sounds like fun.

    Charlie. Hope you are doing OK with all your delicious tempting foods today.

    The best thing about a bad day is that tomorrow comes. That would be today. I feel better and my breathing has eased, I am now focussing in on how to care for the pup, the dog is feeling better on the increase in pain meds and my vehicle is in the shop.

    I hope everyone else is having a good day.

    Wanda 157fs409780.gif
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks to Wooken 3 for tip on setting ticker. This is a test to see if it posts :)
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    I had a lovely evening last night attending a dance/drama (drama/dance?) put on by local dancers. The production was designed as a stage production but they lost their funding so they scaled it down so they could present it in the dance studio. It was awesome. These were amateurs but the quality of dance and acting was purely professional. It was an original production about the slaves being brought to the islands. A lot of emotion expressed.

    Tomorrow I plan to go to Necker Island to play with the lemurs. I have mixed feelings about animals in captivity and lemurs on this side of the world but I admit I am looking forward to interacting with them. I hope I will learn to put a picture or 2 up to share with you but have not had much luck so far.

  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you all have a good weekend. I met my exercise goal every day this week with at least 30 min at day. I think my word from now on is *moderation* in eating as well as workouts. Have fun!
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Keeping on track, however I just realized the 3 pounds I lost is not showing up!! I will put update on Monday!! That will be my weigh-in day!!