old habits

amirakabira Posts: 29 Member
okay, so I started out eating a few extra carbs over the 4th of July holiday. It is now Tuesday and I have eaten at least one "junk food" item per day. Not Bueno. I am working on transition and will get back on track tomorrow. I did the 5:1 and the 4:2 (my own version) successfully and I think I can do the same for transition. I am going to start training for a tri and will probably need to up the calories a bit more. any thoughts/suggestions on any part of this disjointed diary entry?


  • AhamPrema3
    I think as long as you keep yourself in check, you will be fine!!! If you are going to start training, incorporate a protein shake that is high protein and low carbs. Supplement superstores helped me pick the perfect protein powder for Medifast and running. Try them!
  • amirakabira
    amirakabira Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks. I will try that. I have unfortunately been getting my supplemental calories from giant Costco muffins this week. On a positive note I haven't gained any weight, the muffins are gone, and the purchaser of said muffins is out of town for an extended period. The protein shake will help get me back on track I am sure.