
Peggy108 Posts: 32 Member
Does anyone do chair yoga or any kind of yoga? I really need to work on balance. I would love to know some names of good yoga DVDs.



  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Megan Garcia has several DVDs for plus sized yoga (try Amazon) shop around for "Just My Size Yoga" I have seen it on Ebay for a lot cheaper but you need to be patient. Her website:

    I would also check you-tube for Plus sized Yoga Balance and see what happens.

    I also enjoy Sara Ivanhoe's Crunch DVD's, especially the Candlelight Yoga, she has several balance posture's.

    I love yoga and have been trying to get back into it...don't be discouraged when some poses are more difficult (for instance my stomach gets in the way of many poses).

    Balance is the weakest part for me...I had a really good instructor a few years ago and when anyone would fall out of a balance pose she would just remind you that you have another chance to try the pose.

    You could also try just googling "Yoga balance poses modified" and see what happens.

    Be careful and don't push. There is no benefit to falling. When I do tree pose it "should look like this: but mine still looks like this: (hopefully the links work).
  • Peggy108
    Peggy108 Posts: 32 Member
    Balance is very weak for me. So is flexibility. The only thing I have going for me is it is easy for me to touch my toes for some reason/ Now, try to bend my knees and that is another story
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Here's a thread about differnt types of yoga I thought would help.
  • xopizzo
    xopizzo Posts: 6
    Yoga is actually one of the main reasons I want to lose weight! I want to be a Yogi so badly :)

    I have Googled time and time again "Yoga for Weightloss", "Fat Yoga", "Gentle Yoga", "Alternative Yoga" and every combination of these things I can think of! Apparently California actually has Yoga Classes JUST for Overweight Women! This sucks for me… because I am all the way in CT!

    Well…I did a bunch of research to find an instructor I would be comfortable with actually going to a public session with (I am almost 400 lbs and every other person in my town who does Yoga is… just larger than a stick) I found an instructor who lost 70lbs doing Yoga and this is the reason she teaches. Cool! So I went to her class and it was AMAZING. No judgement passed, no one even looked twice in my direction (except when I lost balance or grunted a lot).

    One of the GREAT things about Yoga, and if you find an Experienced Teacher is, that they can provide you with alterations to every basic move with Bolsters and Chairs, rolled blankets, fitness bands, until you can gradually do them on your own.

    Well… I did the class one time. And then, I realized how expensive my Yoga habit would quickly become if I made it my main weightless effort. $40 a session sometimes! And I need to exercise 3 times a week… Yikes! So I gave up the idea :(

    Then I saw this video on my Facebook 5 days ago, and it is the very reason I am getting off my a** to start working out now:

    DDP Yoga! After I am done with my 6 Week Body Makeover package (starting it tomorrow) I will transition in to DDP Yoga because Man! This looks awesome!