How to Stop Binging!

cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
How have others recovered from binge eating?


  • VGomez22
    VGomez22 Posts: 34 Member
    eating more calories, not depriving myself, drinking ALL the water, and fasting. I do the 16:8. Eat between 12pm-8:00pm. It helps me keep the binging at bay. I've also lost the "all or nothing" mentality. It helps so much. Stay strong!
  • elektrolization
    I'm not recovered but am interested in hearing other people's stories. I'm trying the Normal Eating method. So far i haven't binged in 2 weeks
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Read some older threads here, there are so many useful tips from everyone :)

    Some things that help me:
    1. Take it day by day, moment by moment. It's much easier to not binge for the next 20 minutes, than to face the next week/month all at once.
    2. Try to think about what your triggers are, what drives you to binge. If you can identify those things, you can start taking steps to avoid the binge and replace it with other coping mechanisms. IE: taking a walk, talking to a friend, etc.
    3. I think the most important: Remember that recovery takes time, and learn to forgive yourself for mistakes. They will happen, and that's ok! Just get up, and try again. You are worth it.

    Hope that helps :) Good luck
  • MissElectricEyeliner
    MissElectricEyeliner Posts: 122 Member
    I've been a binge eater my whole life. I've always been depressed and have anxiety (I'm on medication for it). But, I had to realize to let go of everything in my past that haunted me. I couldn't eat my problems away. I believe most people with ED's have some kind of bad past that doesn't help. Once I chose to let go of everything a heavy weight on my shoulders had been lifted and it showed in my weight. I wanted to be happy from that moment forward and I couldn't do that being morbidly obese.

    By eating my problems away - which really wasn't solving these problems, only covering them, I was creating more problems with my health. I had to realize it was alright to believe and love myself and know that I have a better future in store for myself, but only if I put the work in for it. I failed time after time with "diets" because I didn't deal with the main reason that caused me to eat. Since I addressed my "personal demons" I've been doing fine and counting my calories.

    18 days binge free.
  • Summerfit321
    Summerfit321 Posts: 142 Member
    I wish I knew, but really don't. I did have a binge free streak for about four months once. I had started a new fitness program. The joy of getting through each day binge free was enough to motivate me to reach that far. Once it was done, I started binging again. I've never had such a long streak since then...
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    I will say the same as the poster above me... I wish I knew! For me, it's definitely not as simple as eating a certain way (i.e.: more protein, smaller more frequent meals, etc.). There's no magic recipe. It is true however that overly restricting my food intake and "forbidding" certain foods will likely trigger binges eventually. On the other hand, I never had success with allowing myself to eat *whatever*. Certain foods will trigger binges for me. Considering these foods are also super crappy and disease promoting, I figure it's best to avoid them.

    So that's one part of it. The other, more complex part, is the psychological aspect. Part of me obviously likes binge eating and gets something out of if. I use food as a coping mechanism. I use it for a million different reasons. So I have to work at it every day, to change the way I think, to let go of this crazy notion that food is the only thing I have, because that's bullish*t. And of course I have to stop cultivating negative thoughts.

    Sometimes though, all this is easier said than done, obviously.... But you have to keep trying. It's never too late to do better.
  • red869
    red869 Posts: 59
    I wish I knew the answer to this. I hadn't binged at all in a year (almost) and then I had one bad day and since then I just cannot stop binge eating :( From July 10th last year to 23rd June this year I didn't binge, but now I do well for a couple of days or even a week or two and then binge again. It's so frustrating!