Trying not to be selfish :-(

geto2010 Posts: 20 Member
Hi all - i'm a 42 year old man, i have used MFP on and off for years, but since giving up smoking 2 years ago, my weight has slowly be creeping up. although i ran or rather plodded the London Marathon in April this year.

Lots of people say i dont look over weight as im 6'5" and carry the weight where i can hid it! but with a BMI of 33 im obese.
I am sticking to the slimming world type of diet that seems to be working, but with family meal times put in to disarray in me eating differently, exercising after work, and missing family time/meals in order to shift the pounds, am i being selfish?My wife says not after i explained that i am 42 and prime heart attack material, and need to change! But this has to be a way of life not just a quick fix, so will have to fit my training nutrition into family life ?????

My biggest problem though is Booze!!!! I really need to cut this out, i justify that a slimline G&T is only 100 or so calories, but its still booze. I even have a diary section with it in!!!

So i'm looking for a group of like minded people that have busy lives, but can support each other, give advise and or constructive critic :noway:

Feel free to add me and good luck in your journey. xx


  • RockClimber69
    RockClimber69 Posts: 82 Member
    Kudos on the quitting smoking! I quit a year and a half ago, so I know it's not easy. As for the booze, could you try to cut down slowly to one or two days a week, and then stick to the lower calorie options? Perhaps get your family involved in the process. Look up lower calorie recipes for your favourite family meals and make it fun. Weight loss & fitness doesn't have to be about deprivation. Get your family involved in group workouts, play games in the park, walk together, etc. Congrats on the marathon too! :smile:
  • Ryan_Case
    Ryan_Case Posts: 29 Member
    A year and a half ago I was making beer every other weekend. Had four taps always live in the garage with big ales on. I would have three or four beers a night. Easy 1000 calories there. I even have a key to the $20k pilot sized brewery at the Hop Union and an alarm code.

    As I changed my mindset about what I wanted from myself and my family regarding my health, my desire to drink beer waned. I haven't made beer in over a year, and only have two or three a couple times a month. I have also switched to dry German Lagers.

    As far as being selfish goes, I don't see it that way. Boozing it up, eating whatever I want, smoking cigars (also quit them about a year ago) and just basically living it up, that was being selfish. I was putting my desire to live like a frat boy in front of my responsibility to my family as Husband/Father/Breadwinner.

    I don't have a good answer for you as far as meal times go. I work nights, so my family is used to a weird schedule. I have found that getting highly involved in the cooking has helped too. And sometimes you just have to adjust the rest of your day's macros to make family meals work/fit.

    Friend request sent.
  • naanpocen
    naanpocen Posts: 11 Member
    Wanting to be healthier is NEVER selfish. I think it is a brilliant idea to incorporate that into family life if you intend for it to be long term.
  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    Hang in there. It's a tough balance--I end up having to work out after 8 after little one is in bed and then tend to need a snack late night. I try to keep with the family meals though, because family meal time has been recommended as a factor to prevent childhood obesity. If you are really concerned about health risks, your family should support you.
  • SherryIsRunner5
    SherryIsRunner5 Posts: 74 Member
    I agree, kudos on the quitting smoking!! I am a reformed smoker as well!! I also have a hard time with the alcohol-I love my wine!!! Good luck on your journey, it sounds like you have an awesome support system at home!!!