Weight Gain Trauma - Levothyroxine

Im newly diagnosed with Hashimotos after having a biopsy and tests on a lump on my thyroid.

I'm still not eating very much (roughly one meal a day but recently I've included 20g of all bran with unsweetened almond milk for breakfast) but I've gained 4 pounds in 3 weeks.
I am regimented with my diet and exercise. For the last two years I have lived like this. It's miserable. But it worked for a while and I lost 3st. However I've put on around 25lbs in the last year - 14lbs of it in the last 3 months.

Three weeks ago I visited my doctor and he weighed me and I've gained from then. Ten days ago I started 25mg of Levothyroxine and three days ago the dosage was doubled to 50mg.
Thyroid has gone from 3.58 to 4.6 (0.27-4.2) in the same space of time.
On top of that, my bloodpressure is astronomical. 175/120. I'm 23. What even is that?!

Have the meds just not kicked in yet and I gained those pounds beforehand?
Can any one give me any clarity or insight - what's with the dramatic weight gain.? I'm devastated by this. However the swelling in my stomach and bloating seems to have gone down significantly.

I'm on generic Levo and in the UK.
Please please Help :(


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I thought I was gaining for no good reason, but logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly was a huge wake up call. Get a digital food scale, and weigh everything you eat—even packaged food.

    The advice in the Sexypants post worked for me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    I lost all the weight before my levels ever reached the "normal" range. The meds reduce the fatigue so I can be more active. But I gained & gained on the meds until I got my logging down.
  • wlorenm
    wlorenm Posts: 37
    I thought I was gaining for no good reason, but logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly was a huge wake up call. Get a digital food scale, and weigh everything you eat—even packaged food.

    The advice in the Sexypants post worked for me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    I lost all the weight before my levels ever reached the "normal" range. The meds reduce the fatigue so I can be more active. But I gained & gained on the meds until I got my logging down.

    I know this all makes sense but I do weigh and measure everything. Like I'm definitely not eating over my calories when I'm eating half of a baked chicken breast and steamed veg. Even my doctor acknowledges that it's impossible. Especially as I lost weight with it initially.
    I've been starving for the last two years.

    I suggested starvation mode to my doctor and he basically said there was no way. Not for the length of time I've ate this way.
  • thatredheadedBAMF
    thatredheadedBAMF Posts: 25 Member
    This isn't going to get better in a week or a month or even two months and there is nothing you can do to change that. You need to be patient. There is no quick fix.

    Levothyroxine builds up in the blood over time. It's standard of care to have a TSH blood test 6-8 weeks following a dosage change as that is when it has reached it's full effect in the blood and the doctor can tell if you need more or not. HOWEVER, just because your blood may show positive results doesn't mean your body is operating normally. It can take some time for the body to catch up.
  • wlorenm
    wlorenm Posts: 37
    This isn't going to get better in a week or a month or even two months and there is nothing you can do to change that. You need to be patient. There is no quick fix.

    Levothyroxine builds up in the blood over time. It's standard of care to have a TSH blood test 6-8 weeks following a dosage change as that is when it has reached it's full effect in the blood and the doctor can tell if you need more or not. HOWEVER, just because your blood may show positive results doesn't mean your body is operating normally. It can take some time for the body to catch up.

    Thanks so much. I just need to know in going to be able to get back to normal. Even if it takes a while ❤️
  • thatredheadedBAMF
    thatredheadedBAMF Posts: 25 Member
    You will get back to normal, not to worry!

    I know it's hard to be patient. It sounds like you are doing everything right that is within your control and that's all you can do right now.
  • maracuya23
    maracuya23 Posts: 122
    It's incredibly hard when you've been eating so little for so long! It probably sounds really frustrating, but give it another several months at least. As your dose gets built up in your system, your body can start doing the work of repairing itself one cell at a time. It's slow, but you'll get there. In the meantime, the thing that helped me the most was logging, both to get a handle on my calories, and to make sure I was getting enough good nutrition (I tend to underconsume iron-rich foods, and iron is crucial for T4-T3 conversion).

    You'll get there!