Back and lost!?

letsdothis84 Posts: 77 Member
I’m back again and confused on how to use the spreadsheet could someone please help?

Below are my stats

CW- 127
Gw- 120
Lifting/ strength training 4 times a week – 60 mins – 240 mins
Light walking- general walk to and from bus stop- 60 mins
Light cardio as part of my warm up @ the gym- 45 mins per week

I burn on average 400 calories per gym session.

Ive been on to the calculator and on the first tab it suggests i eat around 1000 calories a day, im currently struggling with 1500 as find myself pretty hungry despite eating clean and well. Sorry im just so hopeless with spreadsheets and there is so many tabs/ info on this one 

I burn on average 400 calories per gym session.

Any help would be welcomed as im getting married in a few months and really want to start to blast some body fat.



  • Hello

    you might want to to give a try as its simpler to get your details as yes 1000 does sound very low

    note of caution though you seem to want to lose 7lb and this WOL is not a quick fix - it will depend on your background of diets - or not - as to whether you need to rest or just eat at cut etc etc

    So you might need to supply more background of eating habits :) If it snot low cal eating though you should be able to get your TDEE figure from above and take 10 or 15% from that figure and eat at that

    Good luck
  • letsdothis84
    letsdothis84 Posts: 77 Member
    HI- What does WOL mean?

    So a typical day for me would be:

    B- Omelette or something egg based with veggies
    L- Salad with chicken
    Mid afternoon before the gym- Greek yoghurt and some berries

    After the gym- Protein shake

    Dinner, some meat and vegetables

    Usually this comes in around 1500-1700 calories but i have been known to have the odd treat which obviously can soon add it up to more than this.

    I generally eat well 80% of the tine and get enough protein in my diet but although ive been working hard at the gym my weight doesn’t seem to change at all, I’ve actually gained a few pounds as I was initially around 125 pounds.

  • WOL - way of life - sorry :)

    Did you check that link and redo your figures?

    once you know your TDEE then you can work from that
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Definitely plug your numbers into the Scooby calculator. It's fast and easy and will give you a quick snapshot of how much you should be eating in less than one minute. 1,000 sounds really low, especially burning 400 calories at the gym. So run your numbers through Scooby and see what that gives you, and come back and let us know :-)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I’m back again and confused on how to use the spreadsheet could someone please help?

    Below are my stats

    CW- 127
    Gw- 120
    Lifting/ strength training 4 times a week – 60 mins – 240 mins
    Light walking- general walk to and from bus stop- 60 mins
    Light cardio as part of my warm up @ the gym- 45 mins per week

    I burn on average 400 calories per gym session.

    Ive been on to the calculator and on the first tab it suggests i eat around 1000 calories a day, im currently struggling with 1500 as find myself pretty hungry despite eating clean and well. Sorry im just so hopeless with spreadsheets and there is so many tabs/ info on this one 

    I burn on average 400 calories per gym session.

    Any help would be welcomed as im getting married in a few months and really want to start to blast some body fat.


    You stay on the Simple Setup and Progress tabs, want to measure progress hopefully, because it may be more inches than weight.

    You didn't give enough stats to confirm, what is your height and bodyfat estimate?
    Only way you got 1000 is if you are 4 ft tall, which you could be, and BF around 50%, which you could be.
    That would make your BMR so low, your TDEE would indeed be low, and a deficit would be around 1000.
    But I'm betting you aren't.

    And I doubt you are burning 400 on lifting workout, with walking warmup.
    Or what do you mean by light cardio, same as walking between 3-4 mph?
    Or actually as easy as walking slower than 3 mph?

    The reason for using the TDEE method is you don't need to know exactly the burn of the workout, spreadsheet is giving best estimate for the differences in that walking and lifting.
    Which is different, obviously 1 hr walking isn't the same burn as 1 hr of lifting.
    Because while that may be 5.75 hrs of what you are calling exercise, that walking to bus stop sounds mighty easy.
  • letsdothis84
    letsdothis84 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi- I wear a heart rate monitor each time I go to the gym for accurate calorie burn, so i looked back over the last few weeks and the 400 is an average I’ve taken per session. the calories burnt include my warmup and any cardio I do over the course of my session which often includes around 15- 20 mins of rowing/ running as well as my strength training reps. A typical session would last 1-1.5 hours including warmup etc...

    I took my measurements and plugged it into the body fat section, i done this with tape measurement and fat callipers and my body fat has come out at average of around 19.7%

    I am 5ft 2.5 inches
    126-127 pounds, fluctuates

    Ill go back to the simple set up tab and re-enter and see what comes out, but i guess im confused it it tells me to eat 1500 calories and not eat back exercise as essentially if im burning say 400 at the gym then im only eating 1100 rhat day which leaves me still hungry. Apologises for acting silly in realtion to the spreadsheet, i guess there are so many tabs and cells its just slightly confusing,

    Thanks in advance for any help

  • letsdothis84
    letsdothis84 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi- So I’ve gone on to Scooby calculator and selected the following:

    Moderate exercise- as figure I go 4 times a week so this would fall into this category- But maybe not if im not doing heavy cardio each session??

    Loose 20% Fat- Getting married in 11 weeks so want to work hard at this and see a difference.

    My results are:

    BMR- 1449
    TDDE- 2246
    Daily calories – 1797 (20% fat loss)
    1909/ (15% fat)

    So does this basically mean i eat the calories above daily and don’t eat anything back from exercise?

  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hi- So I’ve gone on to Scooby calculator and selected the following:

    Moderate exercise- as figure I go 4 times a week so this would fall into this category- But maybe not if im not doing heavy cardio each session??

    Loose 20% Fat- Getting married in 11 weeks so want to work hard at this and see a difference.

    My results are:

    BMR- 1449
    TDDE- 2246
    Daily calories – 1797 (20% fat loss)
    1909/ (15% fat)

    So does this basically mean i eat the calories above daily and don’t eat anything back from exercise?


    I know you have a deadline of sorts, but with so little to lose, you may not want to take such a drastic cut from TDEE. I'd say 15%, or maybe even 10%. You'll move a little slower with scale weight, but if you stick with it, keep going with your workouts and if you aren't already, lift heavier. You'll reshape your body and the number on the scale wouldn't even matter!

    If you follow the cut from TDEE method, than no, you do not eat back any exercise calories, as they are figured in when you are estimating TDEE.

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!
  • letsdothis84
    letsdothis84 Posts: 77 Member
    Do you think that 1900 calories per day is sufficient to drop some pounds?? Seems a lot but ill trust the calculator and give it a bash. Read on here that a lot of people think Scooby calculator over estimates the calories. Can i ask what your own experience has been?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi- I wear a heart rate monitor each time I go to the gym for accurate calorie burn, so i looked back over the last few weeks and the 400 is an average I’ve taken per session. the calories burnt include my warmup and any cardio I do over the course of my session which often includes around 15- 20 mins of rowing/ running as well as my strength training reps. A typical session would last 1-1.5 hours including warmup etc...

    I took my measurements and plugged it into the body fat section, i done this with tape measurement and fat callipers and my body fat has come out at average of around 19.7%

    I am 5ft 2.5 inches
    126-127 pounds, fluctuates

    Ill go back to the simple set up tab and re-enter and see what comes out, but i guess im confused it it tells me to eat 1500 calories and not eat back exercise as essentially if im burning say 400 at the gym then im only eating 1100 rhat day which leaves me still hungry. Apologises for acting silly in realtion to the spreadsheet, i guess there are so many tabs and cells its just slightly confusing,

    Thanks in advance for any help


    HRM for accurate calorie burn, for lifting?
    Huh - no. Greatly inflated. HRM formula for calorie burn is ONLY having a chance of decent estimate for steady-state aerobic, same HR for 2-4 min in aerobic zone.
    Lifting is both non-steady-state and anaerobic if done correctly - so inflated on both counts.
    You aren't burning 400.
    Besides which, that 400 there includes what you would have burned at rest for that time already.
    So even if we pretended 400 was correct, you would not subtract 400 from 1500, but more like 300 for that much time.
    Besides which, probably half of that 400, or whatever the correct value is - is fat burn from easy cardio.

    And yours may or may not be reflecting the cardio correctly anyway.

    But again - that's why the TDEE method the actual calorie burn doesn't matter anyway.

    And think about this - are you eating 1100 or 1500 daily? Do you exercise that much every day? No.
    So some days you actually burn slightly more, some days you actually burn slightly less.
    There's the benefit of taking a weekly average down to a daily level.

    Don't do the tabs in the spreadsheet that don't matter to you. Have you looked at all the web pages on Scooby's site? He's got daily weight analysis and meal by meal breakdown of macros and such. That's not confusing? Or you skipped what didn't apply? See.

    Confirm the level of cardio you do for the workouts, compared to walking, which is pretty simple compare. Each of those levels is about 2 x the calorie burn of lower level, so low, medium, or high cardio is important choice.

    About your stats and BMR.
    You must not be using equal stats in both spreadsheet and Scooby site.
    29 age - 127 CW - 62.5 height - 19.7% BF
    Mifflin BMR - 1262
    Katch BMR - 1369

    But, recommend do eat the 1900 for a month and see what happens. I've got over 50 I've helped use the spreadsheet because indeed Scooby was overestimating and they lost no weight for 3-5 months because of eating too much.
    Now, your's is different a bit, in that your BF is really low compared to other extreme.

    Just be aware that if you are clearly coming in from high side and you don't lose weight, you are eating at maintenance.
    And while exercise can help you lose fat and inches and make body improvements, if weight needs to be gone for those adverse health effects (not likely in your case) then that's not enough.

    Oh yeah - using Scooby wrong, it's not days a week, it's hours a week. And you are there a long time for those 4 days.
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    With so little to loose I would stick with a 10% cut. Your body won't let go of the fat at such a high deficit. That's why they always say the last 10 lbs are the hardest to loose. Being too aggressive. :wink:
  • scooby has always been pretty spot on with me to be honest

    and yes I agree don't cut quite so harshly