Weight loss while hypo

yablomx10 Posts: 34 Member
*I posted this in another board before being informed this group exists.

Hello, all! Over the past 5 years I have gained about 50-60 lbs. During this time I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after the typical symptoms: fatigue, depression, weight gain, anxiety, etc. For the past two years I have been taking synthroid/levothyroxine. After feeling like the medication have been useless for some time, my regular doctor finally is sending me to an endocrinologist. I'm hoping they can get my symptoms under control and help me find a better medication. However, my must frustrating dilemma is that I just cannot lose weight. No matter what I do, nothing seems to help. I have tried limiting my calorie intake, I've done intense exercise, I've cut carbs, done Atkins. It seems I can effectively drop around 10 pounds and then nothing. And then those 10 pounds come back and I'm right back where I started. So to say I've been utterly discouraged is an understatement. My question is for all of you out there who have this same disease. What has worked for you? What foods work best? Exercises? I would love to hear any of your recommendations and suggestions!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and I lost weight just like everybody else—by logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    The advice in this post worked for me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-Sexypants
  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    How are you feeling? Some do just fine on the synthetics, others go to the naturals if they can find a doctor to prescribe it. My first goal was to feel better and then work on the weight. My doctor suggested weight lifting and not just cardio. I love to walk and ride my bike but a little strength training seems to help up my metabolism. Not at goal yet but at least the gaining has stopped . Also log, log and log! Good luck!
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I can relate to you - I still feel as if I can't lose weight but since I have added weight lifting to my routine my body is changing for the better. My numbers haven't changed but the fat is shifting or disappearing none the less. Rather than going by weight alone I also take my measurements. Good luck!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Rather than going by weight alone I also take my measurements.

    Weight loss is not linear, so take measurements and photos, too.
  • Betti2
    Betti2 Posts: 30 Member
    I know exactly how you feel.
    I have been logging everything but nothing is happening with my weight loss. I even became disheartened at one stage & stopped logging everything, but I realised that was a really bad step backwards & I put on more weight.
    My doctor says I can't do anything more & to be thankful that I haven't put on any weight.

    My mother went from a size 10 to a size 22 in just a couple of years when she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's & my niece has also gone to a size 18.....

    It's very frustrating & downright depressing but at least when I log I can see I'm doing the right thing & that's half the battle.
    I've been actively fighting this for 10 years now, I've gone from a size 10 to a size 14, don't give up..never...ever give up....

    I'm on natural thyroid medication, which took some time to get the dose correct & if you are on natural medication you need regular blood tests & reviews. At least I feel great not much tiredness etc anymore & I can cope day to day.

    If you can find someone that does bio-identical medications perhaps you could try them....warning they are expensive...

    My doctor & I are currently researching Anti Obesity Drug (AOD9604), a medication that is not yet available in Australia, this will be a very drastic step for me if I decide to undertake it, but I have other health issues & my weight MUST come down. I wouldn't recommend anyone even looking at this unless you are under constant dietary supervision of your doctor or health expert & can work closely with him/her.

    Don't give up hang in there
  • yablomx10
    yablomx10 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you! I've always been careful with weight training out of fear that it will just make me bigger. However, muscle does burn fat so this is worth a try as well! I do try my very best to log everything. I'll start with weight training and monitor those measurements. Thanks for the tip!
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I have had severe hypo for years and recently they have found thyroid tumors. I take 150dose generic synthrois for now.

    I gained 100lbs in around 4mos in 2010 after my second kid was born,even watching calories and exclusively breastfeeding.I didnt have money for a dr/my meds at the time.I peaked at 355.

    Now,I watch my cals carefully,exercise a lot,and expect slow progress at times. But I try to avoid discouragement bc eventually progress shows.
  • AleshaRae82
    AleshaRae82 Posts: 31 Member
    Making healthy choices, logging food, cut out sodas and sugary drinks (they add up quick) and move your body!

    Right now I am working out 5 days a week. I am fortunate to have a gym where I work so I utilize it during my hour lunch break. First 10-15 minutes I’m doing some for of intense cardio: jogging/running intervals, elliptical or bicycle. Just long enough to get a hearty sweat and bring my heart rate up. After wards I move to weights/machines (30 mins). I can't say I feel like I've "bulked" up but I do feel stronger and its a great feeling.

    The weight is coming off - not nearly as fast as I'd like but body transformations are taking place. Face has slimmed down and shopping for new clothes was actual a pleasant experience for once. Do not be discouraged. I remember feeling so frustrated in the first month because I was working so hard with little results. But patience is paying off. I feel more energized and when I’m busting my *kitten* at the gym I want to make better eating decisions. They both go hand in hand.

    Don't get me wrong - my battles with food haven’t been conquered yet. I do have an occasional binge day and I’m not proud of those moments, but I pick right up and press forward.

    Keep honest with your food diary and make an effort to be active. You will reach your goals!!!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm sorry it's so hard for you. My dr didn't think I could lose all the weight I had gained before I was diagnosed either, but I did; and kept most of it off.