Water Wednesday 7/23 - Drink UP

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
Along with checking in on food, exercise, and how you are doing, also focus on water today.



  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    "I been drankin"...in my Beyonce voice. I have already finished my gallon jug and I'm working on a single 16.9 ounce bottle....so I'll be done with 18 cups of water by the end of the day. My food choices today were on point....I did have a craving and wanted to stop for fast food after work, but I had a protein shake and a few grapes until I got home to eat my dinner that was already pre-prepped and in Tupperware. The water does make a difference in how you feel the next day.
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    Water and I have a love/hate relationship! I found that sticking with a small bottle and refilling is the best way for me to get my water in. I've tired huge jugs in the past, but they intimdate me. The make the task of drinking water seem daunting and overwhelming. I also get a bit of exercise walking back and forth to the fountain. (Yes! I drink city water...I know) As far as exercise, doing ok. Did Zumba Monday and going back today. I'm actually looking forward to today's class. Food...Yesterday was not my best. I had a morning training and after work I helped my parents w/ their move...That's said, I snacked on all kinds of unhealthy goodies all day. Fries, apple pie, skittles, soda... I'm probably leaving something out. I'm not stressing it tho...Today is a new day!!! Good luck to you all!!! Keep up the hard work. S/n: I cooked Sunday and yesterday (part of my weekly goal)!!!
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    Texaxbeu2y.... Great job!!! Sounds like you are really focused! keep it up!!!
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    I have my water-mate at work, and we keep each other accountable and motivated to get our daily water in. We try to aim for 5 bottles of water, which would be 10 cups, at the minimum.

    Let's do this!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    So far I have drank 10oz, which for me isn't good as it's 9:30 here and I've been awake since 4:30...

    I had 1 egg and 1 piece of bacon this morning for breakfast. To me this is better than bread or the stuff I pull from the freezer because it's not processed. But... now I'm hungry. No banana in my lunch today means nothing I like to snack on...

    Lunch will be left overs from last night (2 small homemade turkey & cheese tacos, creamed corn, and a peach). Which again, means not much for snacking on.

    Today is going to be 12 hours at work for sure. From putting in breakfast and lunch, I will have 460 calories left for dinner (without adding exercise). I do need to stop at the store for a few items, tonight so hopefully I'll keep healthy thoughts in mind and not buy any junk!

    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Texas - How is no pizza coming for you? I said 'no' to breakfast pizza this morning at work. Couldn't believe it (still want it, but it's not worth it, right?)

    Shan - I drink tap water whether it's well or city too. I don't see an issue with it but I'm not as informed on water as other things. Also, I hope Zumba tonight is just as fun tonight. Is that a local class at a gym or something special?

    Jiagetsfit - Thanks for answering my question yesterday. I'll have to youtube/google her sometime to see how different the moves are. It's interesting all the different ways we can work the same muscle groups - but it's good you are sore!

    Rachel - Glad you did well yesterday! I technically did not exercise Tuesday either. The main reason we have the 'focuses' for the days is just as a reminder of the different key aspects of health so working out Wednesday instead of Tuesday is fine. (Or you could be like me and not officially work out at all right now - but I don't recommend that, lol.)
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    My alarm didn't go off in the morning coz my phone died midnight. So i didn't workout in the morning. Surprisingly i felt guilty for missing my workout. Now that is definitely a new feeling for me.

    In the evening, did four Blogilates videos, all upper body work which has endless planks. Needless to say, but gonna be super sore. Also I'm doing IF today.
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Doing okay on my water today, still have a bit more to go. Stuck to my pre-op diet 100% today, found my brain bargaining me for more food haha. Today went very well.
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm sorry that my Monday goals didn't post - I tried (and failed) to do it on my phone. I am on target for my planned workouts thus far and logging all foods daily. Today I still need to walk and do my trainer homework exercises. Tomorrow and Sunday are Orange Theory workouts. Friday is a walk and Saturday is a session with my trainer.

    I'm behind on my water intake since I've been running a bunch of errands today. Taking along a water bottle would have been a good idea. I've noticed that I don't want to eat out as much because that makes logging more of a guess. Yay, side benefit! Now to be patient for the scale to catch up to my daily progress.
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    Way to go Texasbeu2y for waiting out your fast food craving. :happy: They really do pass.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    48 oz water down and working on another 16. It's been a pretty good day so far I made it to the dunes and hiked the 3 dunes. I think the one dune is around 160 feet. One of the dunes is all stairs, actually easier than climbing in the sand.

    So we went out for lunch to a mediterranean place, I stuck with grilled chicken, it was pretty good. When I got home I decided to fit in my 30 day shred, so far I'm meeting my exercise goals. I'm feeling it too!

    For dinner I baked a turkey bacon crescent roll casserole, it was pretty yummy, but a I didn't stick with one piece, I had half a second piece. It was so good. I might have to go for a walk tonight to burn off this dinner.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    I've been visiting my elderly dad, who has no internet, so all I could do was my food and exercise diary on my iphone! I did great with my water today - I'm about to pour my tenth glass and I'm still thirsty - think I've had a little too much salt. My ankles are starting to cankle! Hopefully that's just a one day fluke.

    I stayed within my calories today, but didn't exercise. Tomorrow I'm helping my daughter pack up her classroom, so hopefully I'll get at least a little exercise.

    Tomorrow is another day!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Meredith - I had the same problem earlier this week. I could not seem to post on the board through my phone browser. It was really frustrating. Glad to hear you are doing well though! If you figure out how to drag along a water bottle easily let me know. I either get things wet from condensate off the bottle or end up forgetting it places.

    Kashaas - That turkey bacon crescent roll casserole sounds dangerously good. I'm not so great at the just one thing at all. And going up hills is tough! I can do stairs, not inclines. I learned this many times the hard way! Hope your calves aren't sore tomorrow!

    Queen -Great job on the water! Salt or no, still great. Good luck with helping on the packing! I'm sure that will be exercise in its own way. :)

    For me - Tonight... Gah, fail. Back at my own apartment that I keep for when I work late. Ate too much, probably nearly 1,000 calories at dinner due to Chinese (Egg-rolls and wantons anyone?). Bah. What's worse - they weren't even that good! I don't know what I was craving, but that taste no longer is that great to me. Need to find a good alternative to hit the craving but not over eat. I know I over ate cause I let myself get too hungry. I always over eat when I'm hungry (vs a little hungry). I tracked it though - but annoyed.

    My water count for the day ended up being 64oz - so at least hit the 8 glasses they always say, but not my own personal goal for the day.