Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
WoW!! Just read all the comments from last week and we are a goin' and blown' group! With summer in full swing, folks are really logging in the exercise.

Then there are the desert rats like me who are hiding out just waiting for the heat to break.beachside.gif

Checking in for July 16th — 22nd

Major wins for the past week:
-- Maintained weight
-- Arrived late for Happy Hour so bar food was all dried out and soggy
-- Continued working core muscle groups

Challenges for the coming week:
-- Living at the Grandson's house for the week while the folks are out-of-town
-- Exercise: no excuse as there is a pool in the back yard
-- Not eating a 16-year'-old's diet

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible." ~Audrey Hepburn



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I weighed this a.m. and I won't be home tomorrow morning to weigh, so this is my report:

    Last week I was stuck on a plateau, but this week I had a 5.5 pound loss! I am really following my fitbit totals. I plan my day and keep watch how much I am burning to maintain a 1000 calories a day deficit. I either eat more so I eat enough, or exercise more to accommodate my eating. It really has worked well this week. I'm losing more, yet all-and-all I'm eating more. I am using the 1000 calories a day deficit for now because I won't be able to do that for much longer as my caloric needs decrease.

    Of course, I'm on my mini retreat and I really ate over today. About 400 calories OVER what I burned. But, this is a special getaway (was my reward to myself reaching 185) and I enjoyed every minute of my wine tasting and then my gourmet dinner from appetizer through dessert. The B&B is lovely and I still have tomorrow before I go home in the evening and back to work on Thursday.

    So, I did a new haircut after the first 15 pounds (215). A swimsuit for the second 15 (200). This getaway for the third 15 (185). I only have 4.5 pounds until my next 15. Haven't decided on what that will be yet. Any ideas? Clothes don't count! I do need some, but I hate shopping and I'm not really into clothes, so it isn't a treat for me. I thought about a massage. What would you do?
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    A massage sounds wonderful! You certainly deserve it! Well done!:flowerforyou:

    I have maintained this week...or rather put on and then lost 2 pounds....haha!

    That is not bad as I was away in London for the weekend.

    I am still feeling bloated which I think is due to the oestrogen cream I am having to use.

    I am very focussed at the moment with both food and exercise.......have set up a direct debit for a year's membership at our local sports centre so swimming, Aquafit, Zumba and whatever else I decide to try are really on my agenda now. In an hour I am meeting a friend to go for a run so a good start to today! :bigsmile:

    I will be away again at the weekend for our 40th Wedding Anniversary so need to be positive and not do too much damage..we are going to the coast so hopefully I can run on the beach which I really love! :laugh:

    Looking forward to reading your check-ins.

  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    We all seem to be doing so well at the moment - let's keep it up.

    No weight loss here this week, but wasn't expecting any as I am back in the gym after a few weeks off.

    Feeling almost 100% again, and it is great having a virtually new wardrobe, as all my "old" clothes fit. Not so old that they are looking dated. Let's face it, these days anything goes anyway. But it is lovely being able to wear nice slinky summer clothes without worrying about the bulges. Big thanks to my PT for really pushing me over the last 6 months, my time with him is almost at an end and I can't really afford to see him twice a week any more. May manage twice a month, but I also want to save up to go to Cuba next February or March, so think I will have to go it alone. I'm in the right mindset now so should be able to maintain things on my own. Can't have a crutch for the rest of my life as much as I have enjoyed training with him.

    Need to think of some new challenges for myself now!
  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    @ grandmothercharlie--some kind of self-care sounds good! a mani-pedi with reflexology foot massage and/or a massage sound scrumptious!

    I'm trying to wrap things up at work this week, so I can let work go completely while grandson and I are on our 5th annual "Nana/Ashur Adventure" to the Black Hills of South Dakota! We are both so excited and since I haven't seen him since last summer, it's something really special. We live on opposite coasts and only get one or two visits a year. Looking forward to seeing Mount Rushmore, Custer State Park, Crazy Horse Memorial, going horseback riding, gold panning and MAYBE riding the Alpine Slide from the top of Mt. Rushmore! Highly doubtful on that last one! :noway:

    Visited the Social Security office on Monday to sign up for part A Medicare and was pleasantly surprised to discover that I can withdraw my late husband's benefits, which will be about $600 more a month than mine! That will make a big difference in how long my retirement funds will last. So glad he planned ahead for retirement and had good insurance. Winding down my last year before retirement and am feeling pretty good about it.

    Also feeling the healthiest I have in decades, thanks to MFP and my wonderful supportive group of friends on here! :love:
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    No loss, but I'm maintaining, so that's all to the good.
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Morning All :flowerforyou:

    Everyone seems to be doing so well. Congratulations.

    Wooken, thanks for those graphics. They made me start off with a BIG smile.

    Charlie, I'd vote for either the massage or the mani-pedi. You've done so great that it's a good point for some pampering. :smile:

    The scale is still not moving for me. :cry: But I'm happy that, at least, it's not moving up. I am keeping to my July goals because I'm jogging twice a week - not very fast - but at least I'm trying. And, I've started exercising in the pool twice a week too. I really feel like the increased exercise is making me feel better and helping my clothes to fit better. I'm satisfied with that for now.

    We're heading for the downside of the week and cruising to another weekend - WooHoo!

  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Wow, What a group! Everyone is make great progress. it is really great to see!

    Charlie, that is a great loss over the last week, I can see how hard you worked at it with all your exercise and close calorie tracking. Congrats on another great week, and enjoy your few days of relaxation!

    I am happy to report that I am down another 1.9 lbs this week, I still have a long way to go. I am finally within reach of my lowest weight on MFP, and hope to blow right by that in the next month :happy: I still have a long road ahead to get to my goal weight, so I am thankful for all the encouragement I am receiving from this group!

    Keep up the good work everyone, and enjoy the hot summer, winter is not that far off :glasses:

    - JB
  • Susanm1943
    Susanm1943 Posts: 13 Member
    Nothing constructive to add but enjoyed reading!
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    Well, this is y first Wednesday morning check-in. As a life-time dieter, I'm used to starting a program on Monday -- not Wednesday. I am happy to report that I weigh three pounds less than I did when I started!!! :happy:

    Writing everything down is the key...and knowing that I have a group of folks who are right there with me helps, as well. I hope everyone has a great week.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    As I'm hanging out at the Grandson's house this week, I've got lots of free time for posting. This is kind of like a vacation from being retired. :laugh:

    @grandmotherch: WoW - what a loss! Once again you have proven that if you burn off more calories than you take in…you lose weight/inches. My vote is to go for a Spa Day -- the whole package!

    @jeanmrob: A weekend on the coast, what a great way to celebrate your 40th!

    @53welshlady: Being forced to buy smaller size clothing is one of the best NSV there is. I feel your pain regarding choosing between the PT and travel. We were forced to chose home repairs over traveling during the hot summer months this year. :explode:

    @physyl: You and the GS are going to have a blast making memories in the Black Hills--especially on the Alpine Slide--be sure to take lots of photos. Wonderful news regarding Soc Sec :happy:

    @Fig_1946: Maintaining is a good thing -- and not easy to do, wtg!!

    @RLF022012: Thanks for positive feedback regarding the Smiley graphics. Like you, they make me smile. I too am stuck in maintaining mode but like you said, "it's not moving up"! :bigsmile:

    @jbouthlette: Great to see the weight continue to drop off. Regarding the weather…I had to laugh this morning as Phoenix is under an extreme heat warning this week while a MFP in New Zealand commented on her nasty cold/wet winter weather.

    @Susanm: Hey GF, you are maintaining and that is a big deal! :heart:

    @Lyndal816; Glad to see you found the check-in page :) Congratulations on the loss! :drinker:

  • ppaolini4340
    Did not loose anything this week but did not gain anything either. Went off the wagon as they say of Friday and enjoyed a wonderful Carb fest all day. Pizza and hot italian bread for lunch and then the same as leftovers for dinner. It was well worth it. Then had the two granddaughters over for the weekend so the house was full of goodies and ice cream.

    We have a western store in town that is going out of business so I managed to spend all next month's grocery money on new boots for me and hubby. Guess we will be eating veggies from the garden and all the wonderful frest fruits that are in season all month. I added 9 more quarts of pickles to my stash this year. still waiting on the big tomatoes to ripen. Been giving the small grape tomatoes away by the bucket loads.

    Been keeping up on my walking and gardening and woodworking to burn calories. All in all, it was a great week.

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Well this week I lost about 1/4 of a lb, but I'll take it. Life has been a roller coaster lately, so anything positive is a plus. Even if I do 1/4 lb a week, that is 1 lb a month. I'd be a happy camper :smooched:

    Everyone is doing well - congratulations to all.

    This week I would love to increase my activity some, going to give it a shot. Have a wonderful week everyone
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,120 Member
    Good Day Everyone and sincere congrats on all your losses and maintenance successes! July has been someone what of an overwhelming month for me as this is the month my MIL moves into her new retirement resident and her house sale closes! Sorry I have missed the past few Wednesday checkins! Welcome :flowerforyou: to all our newer members, how very nice you joined us and TKS to Wooken for starting us going again :smile:

    They say in life there has to be balance so to balance out all your great losses I must report that I gained 1 pound this past week and honestly I am relieved and quite happy, yes I did say happy! My DH and I escaped for 4 days to Ottawa, it was a last minute thing as he needed a break from work and all the work he has been doing this spring to assist his 92yo Mother sell her house and make arrangements to move! I really tried to walk a lot in Ottawa and make the best food choices possible but it was a mini holiday, with glorious weather and wine! :drinker: I really am quietly happy I only gained the one pound and now have started back eating more simple food and reduced my wine intake :cry: As usual, getting myself off the couch or away from my ipad and out for a walk is my challenge :blushing:

    So good luck everyone and have a good week!

    Oops, Charlie I would go for a spa day. My girlfriend and did one to celebrate our friendship and it was great! You ran around in lovely velvety robes, went swimming, got a massage, ate a gourmet lunch ( all very healthy and slimming like) with special teas, etc and ended with a hair style and mani / pedi. We took the whole day but the half day package sounded very nice as well. Perhaps your daughter could join you?

    Cheers, Marian
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    I am still trying to figure out how to do this stuff. I tried to reply to one of the posts but ended up just having another post.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Well Good Afternoon everyone!! I'm discouraged :frown: I have not been losing weight!! However i'm not sure why the 3lb loss did not show up. I think know why~~~~ I am not consistently excercising :sad: I have been working a lot of overtime and I'm completely shot after work. I am hoping to slow down and re-kindle my focus on me!! I really want this to work :smile:
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Lost another 2.4 this week. If I'd measured Monday it would have been 3.8, but salty sushi has thrown things off. This weeks challenge a 5 day mini vacation with a group of friends. Risks: too much food around, Benefits: lots of exercise.
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    >GrandmotherCH.. how about a visit to a personal trainer to design an exercise program, or invite a friend to an outdoor music event or fair.

    My milestone rewards so far (with mini rewards for each week of logging) have been more flattering summer dresses and a lighter purse/messenger bag so that I don;t list to the right. Mini rewards are things like 1 iTune song, new lipstick, or Vitamin waters (a guilty pleasure).
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Wed check in - no loss this week. One one hand it makes me sad and frustrated, on the other hand I know i stuck to the plan and will keep on stickin' to it. Exercised an hour every day and stayed below my calorie goal every day. That's an accomplishment already.

    Impressive loss Charlie! You are doing so awesome, helps keep me inspired. I love all your rewards, so do what speaks to you. Lots of good suggestions here.

    Celebrating our 43 Anniversary tomorrow - Yikes! where did those years go? Another thing to be very grateful for - a loving husband and great family.

    Have a great week everyone and keep up the good work and stay focused on the healthy lifestyle.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Happy Anniversary ustillcan.

    Congratulations to all of you who are happy with your week and for the others........don't give up ........this is a l o n g process.

    I broke my up and down pattern this week and lost weight 2 weeks in a row. .4 pounds to goal now. I have not been eating healthily this week and have had several days with no appetite and difficulty in getting in enough calories. Except Saturday when I had the most fantastic day at Necker Island and was so active (for me) that I had a whole, small pizza for supper. Yummy.

    I wish you all a wonderful week.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Several (4) decades ago I broke an ankle badly and occasionally it is a bit stiff. A teensy bit. Today I can hardly walk on it after using the leg extension machine. Crud. How do you do cardio exercises with a bum leg?
    I weighed this a.m. and I won't be home tomorrow morning to weigh, so this is my report:

    Last week I was stuck on a plateau, but this week I had a 5.5 pound loss! I am really following my fitbit totals. I plan my day and keep watch how much I am burning to maintain a 1000 calories a day deficit.
    I thought, 5.5 lbs, no way in a week! But if you have a 1kcal deficit, that makes sense. 500 calories per day is 1 lb per week.