Meet weight selection 2nd official meet

Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
I need some more advice please and thank you.

I have my second official meet on the 26th of July. I have finally figured out a way of eating that allows me to lose fat and lift without being famished the entire time. As such I committed myself to the 181lb class for this meet. There was no real reason for me to compete in this class except for motivation to lose fat in a timely manner. Eventually I'd like to compete in the 165 class at the anniversary of my first meet in December, and then compete more seriously while staying in that class. I'm down to 186/187. With 2 more weeks of fat loss and a water load+cut I should be making weight fine. I have a night before weigh in which also helps. This is the longest I've ever been on a deficit without having a break. Embarrassingly it's only been like 10ish weeks I think- It'll be 12 total when I compete.

I've been running 531 for 3 cycles, and before I started I tested my 1RM and did 315/145/360. My original goals for this meet were 325/145/375 (maybe higher depending on how I felt after first 2 DL). At wendler's recommendation I haven't been pushing my 5's or 1's week this cycle and have been doing the required reps. It would appear my ongoing deficit has created a temporary loss of strength. I've gone from doing 8x310 deadlifts in cycle 1 and 7x320 in cycle 2, to only doing 310x6. Would it be wise to adjust my 3rd attempts downward a bit to account for the loss of strength, or will some power eating and adrenaline make up for everything on meet day?

TLDR: Deficit made me weak. Should I adjust my 3rd attempt goals to compensate.


  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    It may not be a complete loss of strength but just something affecting your lifting that week, 3 weeks ago I DL 130kg for reps then last week couldn't get it off the floor. Its frustrating when it happens and obviously cutting over a long period or dropping a vast amount of weight is going to affect your strength a little bit.

    I am assuming you will be deloading and resting leading up to the comp, plus the long wait after weigh in will help with the re-loading. When I compete I look for 1st lift is one I can do 2 reps on, 2nd lift is just above my last PB and final lift is a hell yeah lets go for it based on how lift 2 felt.

    So what I'm getting at is once you have rested up and then with the atmosphere of the comp you may find all will be good.

  • gweneddk
    gweneddk Posts: 183 Member
    I don't decide what my 3rd attempt is going to be until after my 2nd attempt, generally. Why not just give yourself a range? For example, my plan for DL's at my last meet was to open at 265, do 295 or 300 as 2nd attempt (either would have been a PR), then 300-320 as my final attempt depending on how 2nd attempt felt. What ended up happening was I smashed my opener and then missed 303 twice (meet was in kilos). The first miss was a small technical error-it got out of front of me. I fought for it so hard that I couldn't even get it to break the ground on attempt 3.

    I've since had a training session where I hit 305 and missed 315 and 310... which tells me I'm going to have to fight for every 5# gain at this point, heh.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    Thirds are thirds. They're balls out nice to get lifts. Worry about firsts.

    Having said that, I typically have a number in my head but it's usually one I've never gotten in a meet before.

    If you are dropping a lot of weight and cutting water, I'd open light. Last year I cut from 63 to 57 kg and ended up going 4 for 9.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    me personally, i go in knowing exactly what my openers will be, and within 10lbs or so of what my #2's will be... beyond that its all in how #2's felt and most importantly, How I Feel....
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Thirds are thirds. They're balls out nice to get lifts. Worry about firsts.

    Having said that, I typically have a number in my head but it's usually one I've never gotten in a meet before.

    If you are dropping a lot of weight and cutting water, I'd open light. Last year I cut from 63 to 57 kg and ended up going 4 for 9.

    This was so true! Probably not quite as true for me as I'm a chubby chubster and don't have to worry about lbm loss as much, but I still noticed a difference. My fed has 24, 15, and 2 hour weigh ins available. I've done the 15 hour weigh ins both times. This time I was still 3.5 lbs over while nude the day before- I didn't realize I had lost so much water with a week of low carb that the water load/cut wouldn't make as much of a difference. The meet was in my city so I was in and out of the sauna in the afternoon to sweat it all out. Made it by .2 lbs in my shorty shorts and tank! Woohoo. I immediatedly started recarbing and rehydrating. Pedailyte etc. I was back up in weight the next morning, so I thought everything would be good. Squat warmups were tough. I lowered my opener and planned attempts by 10lbs. Hit first and 2nd, 3rd I made it out of the hole, but not past a mid way sticking point. I was just pushing and pushing and nothing happened. :laugh: I kept my planned bench opener, but ended up lowering my 2nd and 3rd attempts since I was a scaredy cat, and because I failed my 2nd bench due to a technical error. (double bounce in the bottom) I got the third at no problem. Deadlift went exactly as planned, and I got to go for a 4th attempt at 385 which I failed just under knees.

    I really appreciate everyone sharing their techniques. I love hearing tons of opinions on something as it gives me different things to try and evaluate how they work for me. :drinker: :heart: