menapause and losing weight

I am 44 and believe I must be in the prime menopause cycle. Iv'e been hard at excersie now for 3 weeks with only one day off. This Sunday will make 2 days off ( within 3 weeks) I have changed my eating habits I am not seeing any weight change and am getting frustrated. Any advice??? PLEASE.. I welcome it


  • Hello there Melissa :)

    I looked through what you have on your diary and I suspect the issue is you are eating too few calories. What was your daily caloric intake before your diet? The reason I ask is because when you drop your caloric intake dramatically, your body suspects that you in starvation mode so it slows down your metabolism to conserve energy. If your metabolism is slow, you won't be able to lose what you need. Another word of advice is to hydrate your body as much as possible. Good luck!
  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    What kind of exercise? I can't say I know much but others have sworn by interval training for any aerobic activity.
    I know where you are coming from--I am 44 and I am having similar issues (although my diet is less than ideal) and have spoken to multiple other women my age who have noticed the same thing.
    Try not to get too frustrated, you must be accomplishing something good for your health, even if the scale isn't showing it.
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi Melissa; I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. I too, have found it is harder to lose/maintain now that I am in my 40's…but it CAN be done. I lost 30 lbs 3 years ago and have managed to keep it off, but it takes a diligent commitment to consistency in my food plan and exercise. For me, strength training was the key…but I will say "you cannot outrun a bad diet"…meaning that personally, for me, I can exercise, run, lift weights all I want, but it's really what I put in my mouth that determines my weight loss. And it's not just calories. I find if I put in junk, I don't get the results I want to see on the scale. If I eat more fresh produce and lean protein, my weight seems to cooperate. I looked at your diary and noticed 2 things: 1) you've only logged the last 2 days so it's hard to get an accurate snapshot of how you've been eating over the 3 weeks and 2) the days you've logged, you're not eating enough and rarely any fresh produce. Try to be patient, 3 weeks really isn't that long, in terms of seeing results, esp as we age. Welcome and good luck to you!
  • kansas_km
    kansas_km Posts: 73 Member
    Your post could be mine. I'm 45 and in menopause. I had been logging for 40 days here and gained 2# then lost .5#. Very frustrating. I do findif I go too low on calories my body hangs on to the fat. I tried 900 calories and got nowhere. If I had done this in my 20's weight would of fallen off. I also now know 1400 or more can make me gain. I strive for 1200-1300. Like another poster said eating fruits and veggies helps over processed or fast food.

    Be patient it all takes longer to accomplish now!
  • ParisRoses
    ParisRoses Posts: 13 Member
    Hello. I am 43 and in early menopause. I have had an extremely difficult time with this as well. From research and experience I have learned a lot of it stems from the hormonal inbalance so maybe look into ways to correct that first. Sugar makes this alot worse. I had to cut way back on sugar, add it with fruits instead of refined sugars and also use whole grains versus white flour products. I also started hIIT/interval training and it's all slowly starting to come off. Hang in there and experiment with different approaches and you will find what works for your body. You are not alone. It has been a 3 year struggle for me so far and I found all natural is working best for me! Good luck!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm 44 and am struggling through the same thing although I'm not menopausal. Yet. It feels like my metabolism has slowed down big time, my skin has loosened a bit and am struggling to lose 15 lbs. The only thing that I can do is exercise, do strength training exercises and eat right (which is my problem because I'm a foodie and love to socialize). Anyway, wishing everyone lots of luck.
  • I'm having same issue. ugg
  • jennmc6
    jennmc6 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 48 and post menopausal (surgical) but even prior to that when I got into my 40's my metabolism really slowed down. I also began to gain weight on my tummy v. just my lower body. I've had to read quite a bit about menopause and blood sugar over the last few yrs and white flour/processed food and fried food is even worse post menopause. The high carb messes with estrogen, which in turn messes with fat storage. Quality is key.
    Personally, I don't eat many more calories than you, I have to stay around 1200 a day to lose and that is slowly. I usually earn about 300-400 working out in a gym and I'm VERY specific about calculation. The my fitness pal default estimates for 30 minutes on the elliptical is about 375 or more. 30 minutes on the elliptical for a 5.2 137 lb 48 yr old woman is about 170. Big, big difference. I think the exercise calories in MFP are for people with much higher BMI. You are close to goal, don't use MFP counts and certainly don't eat that level of extra. I don't log daily movement as calories, I don't log walking back and forth to the gym (about 1.2 miles RT) I log actual exercise when I'm in a cardio zone. I'm only about 15-17 overweight, so my body is not "losing" strolling or doing housework, I have pump my heart to cardio levels. Out of the 300-400 calories I try to only eat 100 calories of it.

    New research states there is not really eating too little unless actually eating under 1000 a day. Malnutrition can be at 2000 - 3000 a day with poor quality food. If eating very balanced, high quality food it is fine to be on the low end. White carb/fat
    Poor choices in food now will not feed your collagen or elastin either (face/body toning) the days of fries except as a treat are pretty much over unless baked.

    "Energy drinks" should be avoided at all costs. Beer is of course not great, but some have less sugar/sodium than "Energy Drinks" (a terrible gimmick)

    Suggestion what works for me:

    check real exercise calories that include age/height/weight and get accurate figures. With so little to lose and your age, I think your exercise calorie figures are way off and the actual burn is lower unless you are in cardio for many hours. you can google a better calorie estimator.

    Try to have a cheat day for wings/beer etc once a week or even 2. Just no go for those days as real food during the week.

    Limit the bread/sandwich. Subway is OK if NOT using those terrible dressings or the hot steak sandwich/hot saucy type meats. If you go to the sight you can build your own sandwich calories. Sure turkey is x calories add about 800 more if you use the creamy dressing, avocado spread or get cheese etc etc. You can create a 325 calorie sandwich into a 1000 + sandwich with all those extras and the cheese bread.
    That being said, once a day. Try to forgo the chips if you can. If not, make it one of only 2-3 snack type things a day.

    No energy drinks/soda. They are just terrible and a huge sodium/sugar. Better to eat a snicker bar, it has nutrition, even better-real food or coffee if you are seeking caffeine or a glass of juice.
    Yes, sigh ...the hated increase veg. Put in smoothies with protein powder. I buy frozen kale or other greens and put half a cup in smoothie with frozen blueberries/strawberries and a scoop of protein powder. Buy salad packs with dressings and eat single portions so you don't have to think much about salad eating.
    Take a multi vitamin.
    Unless lactose intollerant, put some sort of probiotic in the diet like kefir or greek yogurt. Great for menopause swings in hormones and bones. Calcium has been shown to promote weight loss

    You are on the lower end of lbs to lose, it makes it tough, menopause/peri menopause makes it harder but be grateful you only have a skip and a jump to go.

    Lastly, getting older sucks. I'm trying to accept it myself with each little .5 lb eking off me :)

  • I can totally relate. I am 44 and have gained 25 pounds in the last year. I did not eat as well as I should/could but no diffrent than I have most of my life. I 100% beleive that hormones have played a huge role. I have been working with a wellness physician in my area that offers Sotopelle pellet injections. Basically you get these pellets made up of what you need. They are inserted under your skin in your hip. You are good to go for 3-4 months. The great thing is they are bioidential not synthetic. I am working with him to balance my hormones and beleive that with his help and improving my diet and starting an regualr exercise progrom I will win this battle. Pellets have been amazing for many many things. I am day 3 of myfitness pal. I half tried before but now I am committed.

    There is no boubt that I need fewer carbs, surars and fat and more protiens!!!!

    And it seems that exercise will have to be a must!!!! Working on that one.

    Good luck ladies. We can do this. :)
  • jennmc6
    jennmc6 Posts: 9 Member

    Wow, sotopelle...googling :)

  • gruvkitty
    gruvkitty Posts: 12 Member
    Great post Jennmc6! Thanks for the tips!

    I would recommend Vitex herbal supplements for hormone imbalance. It's pretty cheap and I took 2, 400 mg pills a day for the first month, then cut back to 1 a day. It helps your body to balance and regulate your hormones- it's not adding anything. I have had big improvements with my irregular periods and PMS (I'm almost 45). I use Nature's Way brand, but there are others. I did not care for the Femaprin brand- I and a really bad 5 weeks when I switched to that one. I have friends who have also had improvements using this holistic remedy.
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I am 45 and been going through memapause for 5 years,they say it can last for 10? Half way there!

    My hot flashes and night sweats would come and go but it's been a real long time sense I have had any.How long? (who cares they are gone!) I still average about 2 cycles per year (very light).

    I am taking no hormones or herbs.

    I am just doing MFP, nutra bulleting green sludge and running.

    I feel great but just sad that daughter is going off to FSU on the 20th.
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    The per-menopause stage has hit me this summer. The hot flashes at night come and go and then there is that Power surge that cones out of no where.

    I have gained weight, mostly because my sleep has suffered (yet another side effect) I run. I run half marathons but I sure have been slacking because i cant get up at 5:45 to run with no sleep. Going to the doc on Monday. Starting a full marathon training program this week. I am going to fight this tooth an nail!!

    I have started a protein shake this week, almased. Made of soy, yogurt and honey. Heard soy helps with the flashes.
  • hmeahl
    hmeahl Posts: 8
    Wow - I have so much to say after reading all of your posts, most of which I could have written myself. I too am 44 and am definitley in peri-menopause. I used to weigh between 115 - 120 for many years (5'3 1/2") and ate sensibly pretty healthy food but mostly just kept calorie count and stayed around 1200. I walked 3-5 times per week. Then 2 years ago I started gaining and yet nothing had changed in the way I ate or lived. I just started gaining weight and it is/was beyond frustrating. Along with a host of other symptoms (I have chronic migraine disease, connective tissue disease and fibromylagia) the high stress level, pain and lack of good quality sleep I know was not helping my weight. After much research and searching, I went to an integrative medical doctor who confirmed what I knew, that my hormones were drastically out of balance. I basically had no progesterone or testosterone, only estrogen. I have begun taking these hormones (bioidentical) along with supplementing DHEA, D3 and Fish oil. It has only been a few weeks so I will have to repost with a status update to let all know how it is going.
    I firmly believe that most of your challenges are centered around hormone imbalance. Just make sure you search out a dr who treats with bio-identical hormones and not synthetic. Also, read one of Suzanne Somers books - she really knows a lot on the subject and can provide a lot of information and guidance.
    One more thing - has anyone out there read the book - "Wheat Belly"? My integrative medicine doctor reccomended it and I am reading it, but thought I would see if anyone else had anything to offer up about it.
    Also, I would suggest that most of us are getting too much sugar in our diet. Even if it is natural sugar, from fruits, it can still be too much for your body to handle at this stage of your life as it throws your blood glucose levels off.
    Hang in there - the solution is out there, but it is NOT easy anymore :)
    Heather :noway:
  • hmeahl
    hmeahl Posts: 8

    It sounds like you have done a ton of research just as I have. I would love to catch up with you somehow to see if we could trade/share information learned - it may prove helpful. Have you read "Wheat Belly" ?

  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I think I finally found the right thread. The hormone imbalance has made me bloat and despite working out 5-6 days a week and eating healthy, I have been gaining weight.

    I found that black cohosh and maca root do help with the hot flashes. My doc also suggest DIM which is a supplement made from spinach and broccoli.

    I also found that for diet, eating higher amounts of fruit and veggies and lower amounts of sugar, breads/pastas, and even meat is helpful. I would look into the flexitarian or paleo diets.

    If none of this works, then you might have a hormone problem like me. I took the hormone saliva test and found that my estrogen was really low, progesterone was too high and my pregnenolone was low (precursor to estrogen). So, I am now on supplements to attempt to balance. I am taking Wild Yam and a very low dose of pregnenolone.

    Anyway, I thought I would share with you if you are having some challenges like me. If nothing is working, it probably is hormone problems and you can get tested to find out what is wrong.
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    Well, this was a good thread to latch on to. I have been having many underlying issues for almost two years now that encircle peri-menopause. Comforting to know I am not alone. I have always been one to work out and adjust my calories to lose weight, if need be. My weight has fluctuated often over the years mainly due to what I was eating. I am an exercise guru. I run, mountain bike, lift heavy weights, and cannot sit still. I have a hard time incorporating a rest day. I don't feel right if I don't do something each and every day.

    Since I joined MFP two years ago, I have struggled to lose weight and just watched the scale ever so creepily go up. About two months ago I began to look into the paleo/primal diet and try to follow as much as I can but, unfortunately, the budget does not always allow me to do so. I can report that while following a higher fat/protein and low(er) carb way of eating I was losing but really needed to keep my fat numbers up to approx 60% of my calories.

    Someone mentioned Wheat Belly of which I have not read but have read numerous excerpts on it during some research. I was then steered toward the which led me another path. There is so much information out there I constantly feel like I am on overload and cannot put it all together. In any case, right now I am eating low carb, no sugar fake or processed. Kinda surreal going for my coffee without sugar cold turkey but I have had no problems managing through.

    I can report that I did lose 4 lbs but am up 2 again today. I seem to hover at this weight and it is definitely not one I want to hover at...

    I actually had a doctors appointment this morning because aside from weight gain or inability to lose weight, I have been having a lot of swelling in my hands and feet - anytime of day - and joint pain when exercising. Of course, I keep going like the energizer bunny regardless of the pain for fear of gaining more weight. Not sure if its all related but going to check blood for thyroid issues among some other things. Definitely most frustrating when you do things right and no results come through.

    In any case, hope we all get to the bottom of this!

  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    I had been at a standstill with my weight for 2-3 years. Slowly gaining a few pounds here and there but mostly maintaining. I just turned 49 but still on birth control so hormones are hopefully still in check. Doctor is taking me off them next year when I turn 50 so who knows what might happen! lol

    I finally broke my plateau by doing a Whole30 ( Might be worth looking into. For 30 days you will eliminate, Grains, Dairy, Sugar, Alcohol, Processed foods.

    At the end of 30 days you can start adding some of the foods back in.

    Right now I try to keep my macro's at 55-60% fat, 20% carbs, 20% protein Healthy proteins, full fat dairy, Healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts, olives, etc..)

    I also agree with others that your calories are a bit low for all the exercise you are doing. I also believe that all the exercise might be stressing your system and you need to take more breaks (rest days)...
  • sarahthecamper
    sarahthecamper Posts: 45 Member
    You ladies know your stuff (although what is right for me, that's the trick). I'll be following, and I'm looking up whole30 right now, kmsnomaha. Thanks!
  • ssjones999
    ssjones999 Posts: 42 Member
    I can totally relate. I am 44 and have gained 25 pounds in the last year. I did not eat as well as I should/could but no diffrent than I have most of my life. I 100% beleive that hormones have played a huge role. I have been working with a wellness physician in my area that offers Sotopelle pellet injections. Basically you get these pellets made up of what you need. They are inserted under your skin in your hip. You are good to go for 3-4 months. The great thing is they are bioidential not synthetic. I am working with him to balance my hormones and beleive that with his help and improving my diet and starting an regualr exercise progrom I will win this battle. Pellets have been amazing for many many things. I am day 3 of myfitness pal. I half tried before but now I am committed.

    There is no boubt that I need fewer carbs, surars and fat and more protiens!!!!

    And it seems that exercise will have to be a must!!!! Working on that one.

    Good luck ladies. We can do this. :)

    I am on my 2nd pellet insert as well. I have 30lbs to lose and I am commited this time! I feel so much better with the hormone replacement.