soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
Hey there, are people still active here?? So, I haven't been diagnosed but I'm positive that PMDD is my problem every month. I hesitate to mention it to my doctor because I don't just want pills (which is what I'd get), I want a real fix. I know everyone says diet an exercise helps their symptoms but it doesn't help me. I get ridiculous fatigue about a week before my period for 2-3 days and during that time nothing helps. Even when I exercise I just get MORE tired! I also get in the worst mood and everyone and everything gets on my nerves. I literally can't stand ANYone during this time! ... SO, my question is: what kind of natural remedies help? I've done a little research and found some vitamins/supplements that are supposed to help. Has anyone had any experience with any natural remedies you care to share? Please and Thank you! :)


  • Sarahwell66
    Sarahwell66 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new to the group as well and hope the other members are still active. I did take a PMDD self assessment quiz on this site At the end there was an ad for herbal treatments. I'm still looking around so I didn't buy anything. It's tough some months to just get through the mood swings without feeling awful about how I acted or something I said. I'm hoping to find some natural remedy to help lessen the symptoms.