So kiwis what are your goals?!



  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member
    1. Get to my 'first goal' of 72 kgs.

    2. Not waste a week of sensible eating by going nuts on the weekend.

    3. Doing a 10k fun walk on the 10th August - complete that without hurting my back.

    4. Try to keep this diet/exercising roller coaster in perspective.
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    Hi all.

    Great idea setting monthly goals!

    Goals for August are:

    1. maintain the momentum gained by doing Dry July and keep my consumption down to weekends if at all
    2. Undo the damage done over the past two months (continued celebration of getting married through eating whatever I feel like and not logging)
    3. Gym at least 3 times a week
    4. Lose 2kgs
    5. Complete my squat challenge (250 in a row)

    Are we checking back in at the end of the month to report on how we did?
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    My goals for August:

    - Finish 12 weeks of Stronglifts and take one full rest week at maintenance
    - get more active with my son as the weather warms a little
    - Squat my body weight for 5x5
    - take some annual leave from work - not really a fitness goal, but for my mental health is very much needed
  • mullycathNZ
    mullycathNZ Posts: 64 Member
    Back in for August! June was a success and July was a washout.... So my August goals are pretty much same as my June goals:

    - no drinking for the month;
    - Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred plus biking to work and running two/three times a week
    - log log log and stick to daily cals
    - PLUS get back into my uni study and stick to it (without bingeing at the same time!)

    This should, once again, result in a loss on the scales and around the waist and getting my general wellbeing and energy levels back on track!

    Oh and I might go on a blind date....LOL
  • gr8_changes
    @mullycathNZ Go You!! Good Luck on your blind date :)

    Hey Guys

    My Goals for August are:

    1) Stay on track with clean eating
    2) Logging in daily (back on day 1 streak today)
    3) Stay positive through the whole month
    4) Dont allow for stress to make me eat crap food
    5) Reduce my stress levels by finally finding a way home (stuck here for 8 months :()

    Hopefully I can stick to these. Very motivated!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    How are we going on our goals?