July Chat



  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Hi Karen, welcome :flowerforyou: Good for you for deciding to take some action while your health is good. Sounds like you are the caregiver for your lovely pets, so yes, time to take care of yourself! I know the feeling about thinking we are beached whales in bathing suits! Lots of lovely, fun and supportive people in our Group, so glad you found us! Cheers Marian
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Welcome, Karen! I live alone, too! This is a great, non-judgmental group! (Although I want some nagging to remind me to do my resistance bands -- I'm awful about doing them).

    I don't have the pets. I just don't want the responsibility. Maybe I'm going through my rebellious years!

    When I hit 200, my reward was a bathing suit. Definitely not a bikini. But this working out and eating lighter is paying off. I need a new bathing suit already!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi to my dear friends!!

    Welcome to all of our newbies :flowerforyou: I am so glad you found us. This is a great supportive group.

    We finally finished wheat harvest - the latest we have ever been. It has been a very stressful month + for my dear hubby. I am so glad it is done.
    The last field is an hour away from our home, so that means moving equipment up and then back to the farm. We will move the equipment back on Monday.

    We have had extremely hot weather the last few days, consequently I did not walk outside. But as of tomorrow we will have a break from the 100+ temps. It will be in the 80's+ Hurray!! :bigsmile:

    I am still struggling with night time eating - but I will get a handle on this yet.
    I am not going to quit MFP! I will do this!

    I hope each of you have a great week-end!!:drinker:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hey dear MFP friends!

    Our coffeemaker just decided to bite the dust!
    I would love opinions as to which is the best brand.

    I don't think I want a one cup maker as Larry and I take our coffee to the deck most mornings - I don't want to go back and forth to the kitchen to get more coffee. But, if you love your 1 cup then tell me about it please!!

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Rebamae--Glad you finally got the harvest in. I know that here in northern Illinois, farmers were hit early with too much rain and lost some early crops. My local farm did not have too many peas ( which I love) because part of the field got flooded. I know, too, that you will get a handle on the night snacking. One suggestion might be to keep fruit or veggies around that you like, that way you might consume less calories. I know, for the summer, grapes are my "go to" night time snack.

    I think I've finally got a handle on the exercise--I didn't think that would ever happen! I'm addicted to the weighted hula hoop and can't wait to get downstairs, almost every day, to use it. I also stretch every day and use my hand weights several times a week. It has been a week with my new routine and I feel pretty good. Also, because it is warmer now, I eat more salads and less of the heavy, comfort foods I love. So progress is being made after a long period of being discouraged.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Gramanana, I am so proud of you for the progress you are making! :flowerforyou:
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Hi all-

    Rebamae - i'll chime in on coffeemakers. I've got at least 3!! I bought a Keurig pod maker about a year ago. The cost is much higher for coffee and it is more limiting. I love experimenting with flavored coffees and the smell of a fresh ground bag. You never get that with the pods. They are very convenience, but when mine broke a couple months ago and was less than a year old I was more than happy to pull out my old carafe coffee maker. Especially on the weekends, i like to make a big pot and keep sipping.

    Coming off a big weekend, trip in the motorhome to our hometown. Lots of emotional ups and downs, visiting parents in the nursing home and then a class reunion. 44 years. I can't believe how old all those people got. I'm glad I didn't get that old! lol

    Overall even with all the family and events i did well and got in a few good walks. It's raining cats and dogs and I'm curled up for some TV on Sunday night.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Hello at the end of another weekend.

    Charlie. It is easy to get room for that beer .... a few jigs and reels will provide all the room you need.

    Welcome Karen and I wish you success in your efforts.

    Reba. I am glad this harvest is in and hope you got a good yield.
    I was thinking about your night time eating. A lot of people try to not eat anything in the evening because the calories are not needed while sleeping. This sounds reasonable but I found out decades ago that it does not work for me. I need a snack before bed or I will wake up in a few hours. (A heavy meal or alcohol before bed now have the same affect too.:huh: ) I have tried all kinds of things....fruit does not work, vegetables do not work, even meat does not work......the only thing that seems to work is starch foods. (No carb free for me). My favorites are nuts, granola bars and popcorn. Knowing I have that snack coming up at 9 pm keeps me from grazing after dinner.

    Gramanana. I looked up a video on the weighted hula hoop and have some questions for you. Does it bother you knees at all? Looking at how the knees work when they are using it concerns me as I have one knee that does not like lateral motion. Is it really easier than an unweighted hula hoop? How heavy is yours?

    I just went outside with the pups and both the frangipani and the lady-of-the-night is blooming and it smells so wonderful out there. :smile:

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    happy monday everyone!
    we sure have a busy group here - love it. We spent most of the weekend with our Grandson (15) on the golf course, he was playing in a tournament. We followed iin a golf cart, but I would walk every other hole. Can't wait to get this back issue resolved, but it was so nice being outside and enjoying the good family time.

    I would love to know how the hulahoop exercise works out. How does it feel on your knees? AHHHHH remember the younger days when we could all do that like crazy and think nothing of it?

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week - enjoy!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Bvifun--I have no idea how much my weighted hula hoop weighs because my neighbor gave it to me. If I had to guess, I would say about 2 pounds. It is easier for me to use than a regular hoop, but I can't explain why. My neighbor said she could never get it to work herself. As far as the knees, my knees were already giving me problems after trying to use a non-motorized treadmill. The weighted hula hoop is easier on my knees because I try to use my hips and waist more than my legs. I do have a bruise on one hip, so hubby told me to take it easier for awhile. (I tend to get excited with an exercise that's fun and over do it. Then my asthma or some other problem kicks in and I have to quit exercising for awhile.)

    Rebamae--thanks for your encouragement on my progress. I tend to get discouraged easily by the scale that either stays the same or goes up a couple of pounds and then, of course, I want to quit trying. However, I'm doing this mainly for me, so I keep on with the program. I do feel better and I'm not between sizes any more, I've actually finally settled at the lower size (8) so I'll just stop my whining and keep going. Any positive feedback I get from my hubby and my MFP friends really helps. So a BIG THANKS to you.

    In general, yesterday was a fun day with a long time friend and hubby walking around a great care show we have every year out here and then going back to the friend's place to use his pool. I was the only one that went in to play, but I loved it! Really have to stop eating out because I think that even though I'm staying within my calories, the fat/sugar content might be what's holding me back. All I can do is keep trying new strategies to see what works for me.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Almost out of July so I figure I have made a good start to losing weight. I fall off the motivation wagon often and so have not been losing weight. This month I started at 155.2 and today weigh 153.0. My goal is to lose 1/2 lb a week, so basically 2 lbs a month. It looks like I did it, but I have to wait and see at the end of the week. I tend to eat more than I need and put what I lost right back on. It is not fun trying and trying and then backsliding. I am a piece of work here. Even though I have had success in the past, I don't seem to sustain my effort long enough like I need to lose weight for good. Anyways, encouragement out to all of you, congrats to all of you for choosing to be here. This is a positive step ;)
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    It has been an interesting Monday!
    I could not sleep last night (finally west to bed at 4:00) - :sad: but that is the first time in a long time.

    DH woke me early as I needed to drive my men so they could bring harvest equipment from the field an hour away. So, did not get to do what I had planned - but so very glad to be done with the worst harvest in our history. And we say "OH, WELL" :frown: and move on to the next chapter of being farmers. Actually the combine just drove in our drive :happy:

    I am having the Sclerosing Mesenteritis flare ups again - :grumble: that I do not like at all. The medicine has kept me symptom free, so wondering what is going on. I will be sticking to a bland/soft diet again for a while. :frown: I am just praying that takes care of it. It was a good thing I had time to stop at the grocery store on my drive home.

    Ate a late breakfast with my older DB & SIL. They are in the process of moving to a city 3 hours away - I am so happy for them :drinker: but I am having a hard time letting them go. I know 3 hours isn't far, but you all know how I feel I need to be close by to DH during these busy times.

    DH will be walking in a few minutes so will talk later!!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Rebamae--sure hope you feel better soon. I had to look up the illness you were talking about and it doesn't sound good--but digestive problems are never easy to diagnose or deal with. Hang in there and hope it passes quickly and the meds start to work again.

    Smilesback--I can relate to not staying focused and loosing interest. I've lost 99.9% of the weight I wanted to lose during the past 2 years. Now I'm struggling to maintain it and my interest in staying healthy and fit. After so long, it gets harder and harder to find new ways to make the program interesting and fun. I just know that I have to do it and it sounds like you know you still have weight you need to lose. I know that you can and will meet your goals.

    I've actually had a great day today (first one in a long time). I had lots of energy and got lots done. Hope everyone else has a good day, too.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    As I said on the July Challenge thread - this month of July has been a total disaster for me, so I am ready to start August! So August 1st here I come!!
  • LittleSkinnyCat
    Hello All,

    I'm Barbara and have only been on the site for two weeks. I've lost 8 pounds, and it's not been too hard so far, except for that bag of microwave popcorn that caused me to poof up....don't think the salt has washed out, yet!!

    I hope to get to know all of you!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Hi, Barbara. Welcome. You'll like it here.

    Reba: Ouch. I hope you get feeling better. I agree. August can't come quickly enough for you. Get out from that gray cloud hanging over you. Unfortunately, that cloud hasn't brought you much rain.

    We, on the other hand, had a deluge yesterday. I have never seen it rain harder and had tornado siren going off several times. Nothing hit around here though.

    Wanda: I like the way you think. I will have to practice my jigs!

    Smilesback and Gramanana: I find everyone here helps with the focus, but it doesn't take much to stray. I can't imagine how hard it will be when I am as successful as you have been and I am at or closer to goal.

    Gramanana: You've got me interested in the hoola hoop!

    Finally, I just wanted to comment on something in the newfeed posts. I thought it was funny (and Reba, you are right, several of us seem to be the exact same personalities) that so many of us said the same things on the newsfeed posts. We don't go or hold garage sales. We do not go to home parties as a matter of priniciple. We don't like shopping. And, if we must shop, we do the majority of it on the internet! Were we all separated at birth? :laugh:

    Not much of the month left,
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Welcome Barbara and Karen........:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Been away for a long weekend for our 40th Wedding Anniversary...it was a fab weekend but have to get back to it now...I think I have added a couple of pounds...will see tomorrow for the weigh in......:ohwell:

    Reading your posts I have to say I have a proper adult hula hoop and find it very easy to keep going.........it is easier than with a lighter one. I will be going back to Zumba as I have signed up...and paid up...for a year membership at the local Fitness centre......so busy at the moment but in a couple of weeks I intend being back to swimming, Aquafit and Zumba.....you have inspired me too so I am going outside right now for a hula hoop session!

    Almost the end of another month.......where does the time go!!!! Yikes..almost August! :sad:

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I think I've started something with my weighted hula hoop--"the hula hoop craze for older people"--I love it! Glad I've been able to inspire you.

    Jeanrob--congratulations on your 40th anniversary!

    Welcome Barbara and congratulations on the 8 pound loss in such a short period of time. That's good work!

    Rebamae--hope you're feeling better and that next month will be a good one for you.

    Next month will be very busy for me. I'm turning 65 at the end of August so there will be one big party and a couple of smaller ones for people who are unavailable for the big one. I love celebrating birthdays and plan on having lots of fun! Not so sure it will be good for weight loss/maintenance, but I only have one birthday a year and plan to make the most of it!
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Charlie your humor is great today - *spot on*. I watch too much TV I know :blushing: I am sure that losing weight takes a lot of determination. The best advice I was given is to make smaller goals. I aim for 0.5 lbs a week now. I also aim for 250 calories deficit a day. And even those goals are challenging for me. I am convinced that the first 5 lbs weight loss is the target because once I am in the groove I can sustain that to the finish line of 30 lbs. Anyways at this rate you will see me here struggling, giving and getting support. Makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time. :sad: :laugh: Happy Ending of July, one more day. Ciao!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Happy National Cheesecake Day!

    smiley-happy093.gifBefore you run out to the Cheesecake Factory to take advantage of their annual "Happy NationalCheeseCake Day - any slice, half price" sale today and tomorrow, you might wanna read the Xtreme Eating 2014 winners, err…losers, err…The Best of the Worse!

    Yep, The Cheesecake Factory was named the winning 2014 eatery for "extreme" calories.

    ==> http://www.abc15.com/news/national/cheesecake-factory-others-shamed-for-extreme-calorie-offerings

    So of course where did Hubby and I have lunch today? Now this was before I read the article but may as well tell the true and shame the Devil..devil_smiley_011.gif..I would of gone anyhow.

    Today's Lunch …
    Cheesecake Factory - Skinnylicious Grilled Turkey Burger- No Mayo W/ Broccoli, 1 burger + broccoli ==>445 calories

    Cheesecake Factory - White Chocolate Caramel Macadamia Nut Cheesecake, 0.75 slice ==>735 calories
    -- We were to have split it but I was a lot faster with the fork than Hubby. :blushing:

    If you need me for the rest of the day, I'll be in the pool burning calories right after I take a sugar induced nap!smiley_to_sleep016.gif
