Scooby Vs. IIFYM Calculator


Quick question - I am working on my reset and am eating between 2100 - 2500 calories daily, depending on what my meals are. 4x a week weights - arms and legs.

Noticing that I am feeling overall puffier -- not weighing myself but my smaller jeans are feeling super tight around the waist band, I'm breaking out now (which I don't know if this is because I am eating way more dairy to get more calories in or if it's just a reaction to my body having more energy to produce acne :|).

I know that I am resetting my body but I have a wedding coming up SOON and I am just worried I won't fit into my dress anymore if I keep putting on weight -- even if it's water weight.

According to IIFYM, my TDEE should be : 1967
According to Scooby, my TDEE should be: 2151

Not a huge difference but just wondering if there is one calculator that is more accurate over another, etc.



  • Jennbecca33
    Jennbecca33 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi there! Great job on working on your reset. :) I am fairly sure that IIFYM underestimates TDEE by quite a bit. I would stick with the Scooby numbers for the benefit of your reset. Maybe another moderator or some other members will give some more input on this if they have experience. I know from personal experience, IIFYM was way under for me and I've heard the same for others as well.

    I totally understand your concern about the puffiness and the wedding coming up! Yikes!! :) I'm not sure how long you've been on your reset, but it comes with that bloated and puffy feeling from adding the calories back and water weight gain, which will eventually stabilize. I'm pretty sure that is all you are experiencing at this point, rather than actual fat gain.

    You could lay off any heavy workouts and maybe just do some walking the week of the wedding and that may help alleviate some water retention and make sure to drink plenty of water. I'm hoping some others may have some more suggestions or input for you! But for sure, you will still look beautiful in your dress! :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Another way to get better estimate, is actually basing it on LBM, incase you have less than average gal your age, weight, height.

    Get bodyfat % estimate, or several and average them together, then use the Scooby Most Accurate link, and select the Katch BMR method, using that BF%.

    Many that have a lot to lose have their BMR inflated by 200-400 by wrong method, which means the TDEE is inflated by 350-500 easily, which means even with a deficit taken off, they are actually eating at TDEE then.
    Which means when eating at TDEE number that is inflated, can't escape gaining fat.
  • dazedandconfused87
    Thanks guys!

    I am tracking calories and making sure I'm eating close if not slightly over the Scooby TDEE, lifting weights and doing some light HIIT style routines (only 2x per week). I haven't stepped on the scale yet because I don't want to discourage myself or get too fixated on the numbers but overall I am feeling good - I'm hungrier all the time, more energy. Clothes still fit if just marginally tighter so I'm not going to worry about that.

    I'm trying to reduce dairy consumption for this week just to see if it'll make any difference with the skin & bloating feeling around the tummy since right after the wedding I have a beach vacation (LOL all such great timing) but if that doesn't work for me long term, it doesn't work for me long term!

    Thanks so much for the help :)