Looking for more pals!

Hi everyone I am looking for more friends on MFP to have some motivation! please add me if you like :)


  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    I am trying to lose the last few pounds from a big loss that keep creeping on/coming off/creeping on/coming off.... you get the idea.

    Feel free to add me.
  • fitasacello
    fitasacello Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I'd like to add more friends too!

    I'm 34 and my goal is to lose my last 8 lbs and benchpress 100. I have an open diary (for better or worse...)
  • ramurray8
    ramurray8 Posts: 25 Member
    I could use some inspirational/motivational buddies too! go ahead and add me too
  • AndreaBG
    AndreaBG Posts: 16 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well. I would like some more inspiration! Looking to lose the last 10 lbs.
  • dcdbeetlelover
    dcdbeetlelover Posts: 11 Member
    I'm looking for motivation pals! I like exercise and data on Map My Ride and Fitbit apps, but need encouragement in figuring out this portion control and diet side of my fitness journey. I'm making it priority to log my food on this site, but need friend accountability out there. Anyone in same boat?
  • baldnavywife
    baldnavywife Posts: 36 Member
    Hey MFP fam! please add me ,I'm in need of some friends
  • Add me please
  • CherylMatthews66
    CherylMatthews66 Posts: 44 Member
    Heyy, I'm more than happy to be your friend :smile: I'll add you :happy:
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Happy to have more friends. I'm maintaining, but still very active on here!

    Now 112 pounds, 5ft 4, age 46.
  • marymom
    marymom Posts: 26
    Add me please. I need to stay on track. I need weekend motivation and accountability especially!
  • slenderme2012
    slenderme2012 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm restarting my weight loss journey and could also use some support and definitely want to give support.!!!:smile::smile:
  • mixedbag4444
    mixedbag4444 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello! I would also love to have some new friends and share the love :D
  • Hi!! Im looking for amazing people to add me ;) Getting my body fit for my graduation ceremony in November!!
  • CassC76
    CassC76 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Looking to add some friends as I am fairly new to MFP. I switched from the "Lose It" app to MFP, so that I could sync other cool apps to help kick my butt into gear. It has taken me a LONG time to get here (over 2 years), but once I was ready - everything just clicked for me!! My total loss since 2013 has been 25 lbs. I have my ups and downs, but overall I am in this for the long haul.

    These last 10 pounds are really HARD to lose. I try to workout at least 5 days per week (if not everyday); even if its just for 20 mins. I have lost inches, so I know that I am gaining muscle while my weight has hit a plateau. I use fit star (personal trainer app), I love my elliptical, and I just bought the fit bit today!

    Please feel free to add me!! My goal is to be fit and healthy. I have health issues, but I am in remission and plan to stay that way :)

  • theBeesKnees35
    theBeesKnees35 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! looking for friends to keep me on track+motivated. My goal is 120lbs for my 28th birthday at the end of november
  • I am looking for soms pals too because I really need some motivazion :D I want to get rid of 15kg
    Feel free to add me or write me :D
  • Hi! I'm new to all this, but I would totally like some new pals! Feel free to add me! :)
  • DreamBigEatLarge
    DreamBigEatLarge Posts: 162 Member
    Feel free to add me as well...I'm always looking for inspiration :)
  • I'm new here as well and looking for friends to motivate me as well. If you want feel free to add me
  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm back for my second round on MFP and going strong with 22 day streak, no plans on going anywhere this time so anyone feel free to add me up :)
  • Just starting up and needing to shift the weight that's been piling on for a while! Looking for friendly people to chat to and motivate each other. Feel free to add me :)
  • edamamechan39
    edamamechan39 Posts: 7 Member
    Also looking for friends! Last time I tried MFP I gave up after a week. I think having friends would hold me more accountable. I have 6lbs to lose, but it's stubborn!
  • Will add you for sure! Geez... can your profile pic be any hotter??? I'm jealous!!! My goal is to post a pic like that soon :) And hey girls... add me as well. I'm really into motivating! I like making people smile... I guess it's the Mommy in me!
  • AndreaBG
    AndreaBG Posts: 16 Member
    Would anybody be up for a 5-10 lbs by Thanksgiving challenge? I think somebody posted about this but I can't find it.
  • dancedivine
    dancedivine Posts: 18 Member
    Me, too!!!! I just recently got active on MyFitnessPal... So, I'd love to add some motivation friends to my "friends list..." I'm in maintenance mode, but I'm trying to build muscle & get more serious about my weight lifting... And, who couldn't use more support and encouragement? Feel free to add me!!! :)
  • I'd like to be your pal. I'm new here
  • CodeHuntress
    CodeHuntress Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I, like all of you, am also looking for a new support network. So, I am going to add you all. Feel free to add me.

    Now, a little blurb. I am a recent college graduate who has had a rough time after moving to a new city to start to fellowship that didn't exactly go as planned. I am trying to lose about 10 lbs to get down to my cross country weight before hopefully starting a graduate program within the next year. More importantly this time around though is I am trying to do it healthfully with a vegetarian diet. I am also a bike commuter.

    I look forward to getting to know you all better and helping to support and motivate one another.

  • ttennheat
    ttennheat Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for encouragement. Looking for someone who is similar in size and goals. 5ft, 136lbs. Would love to see 104lbs again, but looking at 114.
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    I'm new and need pals for sure. Please add me if you know what it's like to be in shape but kids and age are getting you down! I'm 49, snowboarder, sup, and river guide but mostly a working mom putting on pounds and losing muscle. Not happy about that last part one bit and it I just can't seem to get back in shape on my own these days.

    Here's to changing that up!

  • JBondon
    JBondon Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am usually not someone who would join a group with strangers but I have been struggling with consistency and thought maybe if I had some people to help motivate and push me I might reach my goal. I am 5'3" 130 lbs and looking to hit 115ish. If you would like to walk along side me in my health journey, that would be great!