Max/Maxine's Challenge 2014



  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Welcome aboard Candi!! It's good news that you haven't gained weight this year, that is a win.

    What do you have to lose? It will be hard, but there is LOTS of support in the MC Forums, on Facebook there is a closed group of really nice ladies and of course we are here too! I look at it this way - in 12 weeks time I am going to be the best version of myself that I can be and it's going to be worth the journey.

    Maybe your sister would like to do it with you for support on the home front?
  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    Quick question, did you ladies and gents go public or private?
    My husband is worried about me putting a pic of me in my undies online lol
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Great news candi that you are going to do the challenge.

    I went private. I was going to go public but in the end didn't have the confidence to put my picture out there for everyone to see.

    Lil, shame about the hassle with supplement mart. I found them really good when I bought my stuff. It was about three weeks ago so maybe my timing worked out.
  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    Took the pic and registered (as private). That picture was very confronting :(
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all,

    Candi love your new picture.

    Did the fitness test this morning. Had a laugh with my son and now I'm sure he thinks I've lost the plot.

    Burpees 15
    Push-ups 34
    Crunches 38
    Lunges 27
    Plank 55

    My goal in the next four weeks is to actually get through the whole minute on all of them.
  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    I have another silly question (sorry guys gonna have to put up with all my newbie questions hahah)

    It doesnt really matter which brand of Protein powder and bars I buy right?
    We are a bit strapped for cash atm and I was gonna get some from catch of the day
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi Candi, I went private too, did last year as well as I would prefer not to have my face all over the internet. I'm still going hard though.

    As you are not eligible for prizes, it doesn't matter what protein powder you use. Get it online - Bulk Nutrients have a good one that is not expensive. I did buy some of the Max's Nite Time but I am now using Optimum Nutrition Gold for my normal protein powder. I got it from Supps R Us for about $85 for a big tub. Pretty happy with that price.

    Love the new photo :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Last day before the official start to the Challenge!! I am excited :smile:

    Having a bit of a day off today. About to do Skim's Garage Workout - Upper, and then having friends over for my birthday party this afternoon. I've been planning it for 2 weeks, which is why I started the challenge 2 weeks ago. I wont eat too badly, but going to be drinking champagne. :drinker:

    Then it will be 12 weeks of clean eating and no alcohol. I'm really going to give this my best shot!! Oh the confidence of pre-challenge!! Let's hope we can keep it up for the entire 12 weeks. And if not - just follow the plan.

    How is everyone else feeling?
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Skim hope your day was gone well today, I'm sure everyone would have had a great time. What perfect timing to start the challenge.

    I'm very excited and determined to give it my best.

    I've actually completed my first full week as I started last Monday, so far so good.

    Today was probably my biggest test so far. Went to lunch but stuck to the plan. Had a Greek salad and water. Didn't take any wedges or bread that was on the table. We then went to haighs chocolate shop and said no to the tastings. So pretty happy with that.

    I've made lentil soup and baked egg plant which will give me eight meals. Have also just finished planning tomorrow's meals.
    I'm adding a few extra foods in to what they say as I want to eat above the 1200 cal at least.

  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    Thanks for the compliments about ym pic. Its from a videogame convention I went to (i'm a total nerd haha)

    Very excited to be starting tomorrow.
    I will be changing up a few things
    I'm going to have my workouts the day later then the plan so as my rest day is Monday because its just easier to workout on weekends for me so my roster will look like the following:
    Thurs- weight

    I will also be moving the meal plan so as it still lines up on the right days.
    I dont have a barbell so will be doing the workouts with my dumbells I have at home.

    I will have to take it easy the first week as I am having a week of fasting and prayer with my church and so will be giving up lunch and using tmy lunch break to go have half an hours prayer. I still get to eat the rest of my meals though :)

    My protein powder/bars have been ordered but until they arrive will be replacing the afternoon snack with a can of tuna and just trying my best. again for the first week may not be perfect due to fasting but it cant be helped.

    I also just did my fitness test (not very good haha)









    (As long as you can)

    32 sec.



    Very excited to be on board and hoping to see some awesome results!!
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Yay for day 1!!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Day One - go team!!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Day One - go team!!
    Dont you mean day 14?? ;)

    All the best everyone.

    I hope to take my first progress pic tonight, don't think there'll be a lot of visual change other than getting rid of the awful bloat, but good to document progress and keep on track.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Exactly Ray, but not all of us started 2 weeks ago.

    I had the weekend off, had my big birthday bash and didn't think too much about anything but enjoying myself. Still had good options available and everyone ate all my fresh vegetable sticks, so it just goes to show that healthy options are popular with everyone!

    Had a rest day today, I'm doing my weights on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, just because that suits me best. More or less following the food plan but not exactly.
  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    sounds like a good plan skim.
    I had my rest day today as well, just suits my week to change up my days :)

    Pretty happy with day one -woo!
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Even though I started a week ago am also going to count today officially as day one.

    Did weights this morning and boxing tonight. Absolutely loving boxing, so wish I had the confidence to start it sooner. Considering I'm the only girl on Monday nights, thinking I've come a long way.

    Yay for us team.

  • lilbodes
    lilbodes Posts: 9 Member
    Just checking in.... Had a bit of a splurge food wise yesterday, just getting it out of my system... My Maxine's products arrived on Friday and the company sent me the wrong flavour shake (Chocolate -- bleyuckkk!)
    Burn bars are on sale along with a multitude of other brand protein bars on Scoupon at the moment ($23.90 a box) with $9 flat for shipping, so got another box of those babys. I love them although they only had the choc fudge and cookies n cream.

    Day has been as per the plan even hubby assisted. totally buggered now and am slightly dreading tomorrow as I know the aches are comming.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I'm officially starting Day one again as well (perhaps I should say started), especially seeing I had the weekend off. But I'm glad I started 2 weeks ago and got back into the groove.

    Lou, I used to do boxing many years ago and it's a great workout - I don't think I could handle the pounding anymore, but it's a fantastic cardio workout and you'll see really good results.

    Lil, shame about the shake flavour - I like the vanilla the best. Great news about the Scoupon purchase as well.

    Day 2 for me is flying by. I did my lower workout this morning and am now (since yesterday) walking an extra long way to work in the mornings, I do a loop around Darling Harbour before I go to the office, just so I can get my steps up a bit more. Food all going well, not hungry at all, and feeling really good. Drinking heaps of water, no complaints!!
  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    Sounds like everyone is doing great so far-go team! :)

    I have decided against the workouts for the first week due to fasting. I am just struggling to get in enough calories and was very dizzy last night when I tried. I am gonna try and get between 8-10k steps still a day if possible and jump in full force next week.

    Anyone else coping attitude about this? My husband is being unusually supportive but my sister and mum were sitting eating chocolate last night telling me they " dont know how you can live like that". very frustrating.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi Candi, it's great that your husband is supporting you.

    What exactly do they mean about eating like this? Filling your body with good healthy and nutritious food? Eating lots of vegetables and lean protein and cutting out recreational sugar and processed food? I eat like this all the time and I happen to think a similar thing about people who eat McDonald's every week.... How do they eat like that???

    My point is, it's all relative.

    In most nutrition plans I've read, it's recommended to cut out processed and sugary foods. So I think the food plan is pretty standard.

    Anyway, I don't have that problem at all. I don't discuss it with work colleagues and my friends are fine with it, most of them are pretty healthy and if not they support me anyway.

    I saw a post on Instagram on the weekend and I put it on my MFP wall, I'll dig it out and re-post it here. Was very good.
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