Clean Eating

hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
I've been invited to join a clean eating challenge. It's only 7 days long but I'm kind of freaked out about it. Eating is my biggest hurdle. I have no problem exercising but when it comes to what I eat - look out. It's not all horrible. For the most part I do ok but I get lazy. Then it's skipping meals, eating out, overeating.

The challenge starts today. While I'm not completely over the stomach flu I will do my best to eat clean. As the week progresses it could prove very interesting since I haven't been to the grocery store for a while. Hopefully I have enough good food to make it.

Anyone else struggle with their eating habits?


  • mommyonamission418
    mommyonamission418 Posts: 46 Member
    I absolutley do. I will do good for a week and then have a horrible day or 2 its not good and I am trying hard to break the habit
  • flgrl001
    flgrl001 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm good for a while, then I get stressed about something and the refrigerator opens and I eat something I shouldn't.
  • ErynV15
    ErynV15 Posts: 59 Member
    I definitely have problems with consistency. I'll do great for a week or two, and then stray so easily. I am an emotional eater and I also tend to take the route of convenience! It is tough.