Late Start

fhill1 Posts: 11 Member
I was searching for a Piyo group and found you all! I just started Piyo yesturday so I am a bit behind but wanted to see if I could still join you all! It's nice to read your posts and see what I have to look forward to. The other Beachbody programs have been so hard on my joints I hope that this will give them a break! Happy Piyo!


  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member

    I think you will enjoy this.. PiYo is not taxing on the joints such as knees, ankles.. it will give you a workout and I do think you will enjoy it.. We have just started our second week and you will be fine...

  • fhill1
    fhill1 Posts: 11 Member
    THANKS for letting me join! It will be fun... Lets do this!!
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    I just completed Day 2 this morning. Looking to get my PiYo workout in before work then do another workout later at night. I also have Insanity and P90X so I may just pick a workout to do that night, but not follow any specific schedule.
    I'm always looking for motivating buddies on MFP to compare notes on workouts and meals. It's always easier when you've got partners that are doing the same things.