What happened when you upped your calories?

kiknitwite Posts: 36 Member
Hi guys, I've been keto for about a month now, and I'm trying to work through the kinks! I'm looking to get to a regular losing state, like 2 pounds a week on average or at least a steady consistent drop.

To sum it up, I started with a fat fast, lost 5 pounds in about 3 days, did a lot of research and decided to make a lifestyle change. Prior to that I was already eating "low carb" for about 3 weeks and had lost about 14 pounds. Since switching to keto, I've lost 5 pounds, in total for a whole month. In fact, I stopped losing and gained 5 pounds over a not so great weekend... I lost 2 of those pounds in one day. I was eating about 1000-1100 calories and I was STRONGLY encouraged by the keto community to up those. I redid my macros and now I'm at 1565 calories, 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs. I regained 2 pounds and then lost those 2 pounds 2 days later. The long and short of it is, my lowest weight over 2 weeks ago was 255, since then I've gone up and down but have never seen that 255 again. My last weight in was Wednesday, about 5 days ago, and I was 258. (Down 2 pounds since upping my calories). I used to weigh in everyday and I was told to NOT weight for 2 weeks. So I gave my friend my scale and I'm not weighing in until August 5th.

My questions for you guys is, has anyone one else had this issue and then up their calories and then start losing consistently? I'm really trying to get out of feeling like I'm racing, I'd be ok with a steady loss, because everyone's body is different. I'm disappointed because I've never seen that HUGE beginning drop like others...


  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    You aren't gaining and losing fat that quickly. Any gains you see on your scale is your body retaining water. The scale can also go up depending on what day of your menstrual cycle you are on. How much water are you drinking per day? You should be aiming for 96oz. Too little is hard on your kidneys and will also make you retain water.
    1000-1100 calories is really low and you should be at a minimum of 1300.
    You were already eating low carb which is why you didn't see a huge drop on weight when you first went into ketosis. I dropped my first 40lbs relatively quickly and then I started to lose about 4lbs a month. My body likes to play with me as well. I will drop weight (0.5-1lb) and then spend the next few days or so heavier than that before dropping again. It can be frustrating for sure but as long as the numbers keep going down. Remember that this isn't a race but a lifestyle change. You will get there eventually.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Are you counting calories? What are you doing for exercise?

    Keto or not...to lose weight, you must know your maintenance & caloric intake & keep within those boundaries.

    It doesn't seem that way for a ton of reasons you probably already know, but it's true :blushing:

    I did a little experiment to figure out what my maintenance calories were & found the range that works for me.
    It was surprisingly anti-climactic and I'll spare you the gory details :laugh:

    In short, figure out what your maintenance calories are to keep at your current weight & take a 4-500 cal cut from that.
  • courtneymaybe
    First off, you're awesome. Way to go not only losing all that weight, but in tracking data so diligently so that you may pin down what's really effective for you. I'm not just saying that, that's fantastic!

    To be honest, I had never tracked calories in the past, but still had decent results. That huge drop in weight at the beginning is almost always due to water weight. If you didn't experience that initial drop, I would guess (from personal experience, I'm no expert), either one of two things may be happening:

    1. You weren't retaining much water to begin with. Was your diet decently healthy before keto? I find that even when I'm not doing keto, as long as I'm not eating a ton of junk food, I don't bloat up and/or retain water TOO bad. Maybe you simply didn't have all those extra water pounds to shed.

    2. On the other hand, if you're not drinking enough water, you could be triggering your body to retain water despite keto. (I believe, and once again, I'm no expert, but I can try to dig up some info if you're interested) that dehydration actually causes your body to cling to any water it can get; because, in a sense, it doesn't "know" that it will get more water to replace it.

    I think temporarily giving up your scale is a great idea. I have done the same in the past. Try to aim for the 1500-ish you mentioned. But at the same time, if you're simply not hungry--don't eat. Listen to your body! If you need more calories, you'll crave more calories! Just make sure they're keto-calories. And drink a TON of water and/or unsweetened iced tea. Nothing helps flush out retained water better than simply drinking water (backwards, I know!)
  • eatingfatbeingfat
    eatingfatbeingfat Posts: 41 Member
    The most bizarre thing for me to adapt to with keto was the hormone cycle and the post water weight slump. Lost a lot of water weight, than stalled for 2-3 weeks, then starting loosing again.

    When I was simply restricting calories, my period had very little influence on my weight. However right now I feel like I am in a Cycle.

    Period Week: gain water weight/feel bloated/painful cramps/SO FREAKING HUNGRY/WANT TO EAT ALL THE THINGS
    Post-Period Week: weight literally flys off body, not particularly hungry
    Week 3: Slows down to moderate weight loss (2 pounds a week)
    Week 4: Slows down more

    and repeat

    I do not have any conclusive data for this - it may only apply to me - however I find myself much more sensitive to the state of my hormones than I ever have in my life. Very bizarre.

    Keeping this in mind helps me not freak out when I feel like I am gaining/slowing down.

    Also I have seen many people say they lose inches rather than pounds. Weighing in once a month may be a better idea if you can stand the suspense.

    Good luck ;)
  • trickyfoxster710
    trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
    The most bizarre thing for me to adapt to with keto was the hormone cycle and the post water weight slump. Lost a lot of water weight, than stalled for 2-3 weeks, then starting loosing again.

    When I was simply restricting calories, my period had very little influence on my weight. However right now I feel like I am in a Cycle.

    Period Week: gain water weight/feel bloated/painful cramps/SO FREAKING HUNGRY/WANT TO EAT ALL THE THINGS
    Post-Period Week: weight literally flys off body, not particularly hungry
    Week 3: Slows down to moderate weight loss (2 pounds a week)
    Week 4: Slows down more

    and repeat

    I do not have any conclusive data for this - it may only apply to me - however I find myself much more sensitive to the state of my hormones than I ever have in my life. Very bizarre.

    Keeping this in mind helps me not freak out when I feel like I am gaining/slowing down.

    Also I have seen many people say they lose inches rather than pounds. Weighing in once a month may be a better idea if you can stand the suspense.

    Good luck ;)

    This is me too working on week 6 now and have now experienced 2 cycles( on second 1 now). I have found hormones are a huge contributor. Also, having identical cycle experience.