Ready for weekly check in. Wed July 30

Just setting us all up for tomorrow's weekly check in. Can't wait to read how great you all are doing! Ok, see ya tomorrow.


  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Checking in for July 23rd — 29th

    I enjoyed the week living with the Grandson, but I'm very glad to be back in my own home -- there are far less temptations!

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Maintained weight
    -- Didn't eat like the 16-year-old everyday -- just every other day!! embarrassed-smiley16.gif
    -- Worked out in the pool -- finally! yahoo-smiley.gif

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Be within goals for all diet categories
    -- Upper body workout doing yard work and home repairs
    -- Continue working out in the pool swimming.gif

    winnie_the_pooh.gif "A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise."  ~A.A. Milne
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    A lovely week here celebrating our Anniversary.....sadly I have gained a pound... but only to be expected......hoping it disappears before I head off for 6 days in Scotland on Saturday....... I fear for next week as being away does allow different habits to creep in both exercise and foodwise ......

    That said I am about to go off for a morning run with my friend and then Aquafit this afternoon........

    I am not worried as I know that when the summer settles down I will be able to get back on track and lose any pounds that have crept on.......just trying to minimise the damage as far as possible.

    Hope you are all well and enjoying t the summer

  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning all!

    I hope you all had a good week. My week has been a bit crazy at work, but all in all it was a good week. My exercise levels are getting better, although I will likely not hit my goal of walking 60 miles this month since I just broke 50 last night. :tongue:

    This week I am down 1.1 pounds, which is the least I have lost in a month. It is still a loss, but with all the weight I still have to go to reach my goal I always hope for more:smile: I looked back at my diaries for the past week and noticed that I have been eating back more of my exercise calories, so I need to be more aware of that or greatly increase my exercise burn.:ohwell: it's a long journey, so with the help of this group I will continue to push on! I also readjusted my goals, so my calorie goals are down for next week, so we will see how that goes!

    I am looking forward to seeing how you are all doing, it is great to see everyone working so hard towards their goals. Thank you for all your support, and I hope I am offering some in return.

    - JB
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Good Day Everyone: today is going to be a great day, this is the first morning in months that I have woken up and not started listing the things to be done regarding my MIL's house sale and moving her into an independent living retirement residence, YIPPEE. I have to admit that as the house sale closes tomorrow, that final action did float through my less active brain this morning :blushing: :ohwell:

    C-girl, thanks for getting us started and looking forward to reading your post later today!

    Jean, it sounded like your anniversary week was a great one and you did fabulous controlling a 1 pound gain, well done. Yes, as you suggested, enjoy the summer and Scotland and your plan to minimize any gains is a sound plan and very workable, especially for you, as you do so very well!

    JB, Glad your work week went well, it is always so encouraging when that occurs, isn't it. Fully appreciate your comments regarding your 1.1 loss, which continues to be wonderful, all losses are welcome with open arms to us all! Yes, great idea to review your diary as they can be so helpful. I have heard other Friends say that eating back exercise calories is a great thing to review as our bodies are all different, so it is best to find what works for each of us. Walking over 50 miles so far this month is outstanding! Well done indeed. Thank you for your regular posts and they emit your positive and encouraging personality. Good luck next week!

    Good news to report this week as I lost 1 pound, and what is so encouraging for me is that it is the 1 pound I put on the week before during my mini 4 day trip to Ottawa! In the past I wouldn't have been as successful and might not of returned to my plan. Thank you to all my Friends and Members of our 60 Board for all their encouragement and support.

    Now I am very hopeful for the upcoming couple of weeks as my next pound loss will make my total 25 pounds, and that is a real accomplishment for me! This month I didn't join the July challenges as I just knew I had too much on my plate, but I will be there for August, so hope to see you all there too? Have a great week Everyone, cheers Marian
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    Happy Wednesday all.

    It sounds like you are having a good time with your grandson Wooken - hope he is having fun too. Enjoy the pool.

    Jean. It sounds like you are having a great summer. I like that........minimize the damages.

    Slow loss is frustrating JB but at least you are going in the right direction!

    I no longer trust my scales.

    I had hoped to be at goal this week but........ The day after last week's weigh-in, my scales dropped by 3 pounds. Then a few days later up 5 pounds. Yesterday was so high I decided to weigh again today. A little better. Then I moved the scales to weigh my dog (trying to keep her weight up) and then myself again back in my "spot"....up over 1/2# in 15 minutes. Not even I can gain that fast! I hate to change scales during this journey but I am not sure I have a choice. Not certain that I can even find good scales on this island.:tongue:

    On the plus side I did my monthly measurements and they are down. :happy:

    This coming weekend is a 5 day weekend here and we are going to Anegada for 3 days. (If the hurricane goes elsewhere.) Well, maybe only one of us as I do not think our dog can be left with sitters. TMI Every night her ascites goes down and it is like Niagra Falls. She is still a happy dog most of the time.

    Have a good week.

    ps Marian we crossed over. Well done you losing that Ottawa pound. a souvenir you do not need.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Oops Wooken, didn't mean to miss you out! How can I with your witty comments and great graphics! Glad you didn't decide to compete with your 16yo GS and got to practice your flutter kick, well done,

    Wanda! So sorry to hear about those rascally scales, I think they were just put on this earth to drive us crazy; but we won't let them, will we? Glad to hear your little dog is still happy, my thoughts are with you as you care for him. Wow, 5 day long weekend, now
    THAT sounds very civilized! Cheers, Marian
  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Pleased to say I'm down 1/2 a pound which is what I'm trying to lose. Only 3 1/2 more to goal weight.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Congrats Anne-Marie, when you are are so close to goal that is such great progress!
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Up .4 pounds over the week -- but was a vacation week so not too worried. Made mainly good choices and it could have been a lot more backsliding. Onward!
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    Well, I stayed the same this week -- and I even shaved my legs last night! That should have counted for something. :wink: I would have thought that with all the Physical Therapy I've been doing, I would have lost something. My husband, who is NOT even trying, did however lose 4 pounds. :heart: I did decide, however, that I might be going at this the wrong way. Instead of trying to lose weight, maybe I should be trying to gain HEIGHT. If I were about 9 feet 7 inches tall, I would only have a couple pounds to lose...:happy:

    So, with that being said, I will comment on how you are all doing.

    Computershate -- 1/2 a pound...and only 3 1/2 left to go. That is awesome. Keep it up. You are an inspiration!

    Mariang165 -- I'm glad the MIL issue is just about to resolve itself. That, in itself, should be a HUGE weight off your shoulders --which is even better than the one pound you lost this week.

    bvifun (or as Marian165 calls you, Wanda) -- have you tried changing the battery in your scale? That is, if it is a digital one. Measurements are just as good, if not better, than those darned ol' scales any way.

    jbouthiette -- I think 1.1 is a great loss. I also can relate to re-reading your diaries and realizing that you had been eating the calories your exercised off. A goal of walking 60 miles in a month and then hitting the 50 mile mark is great. I look forward to the time I can walk...PERIOD!!!

    CaliforniaGirl -- Thanks for getting us off to another wonderful week...

    wooken -- swimming is so much fun. I'm glad you have a pool that you can enjoy. I love how you keep us in the loop of what's happening in your world.

    My goals for the up-coming week are:

    1. Measure all of my food (I THINK I can "eye-ball" my portion sizes and I somehow ALWAYS error on the side of too much of a good thing and not enough of the healthy things).

    2. Continue on with the Physical Therapy

    3. Being thankful EVERYDAY that I have a good support system, not only with my hubby, but with all of you.

  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    I can't believe it is the end of July :noway: I am not looking forward to Fall even tho I love that time of year, it just seems here in Upstate NY we have not had much of a summer :grumble: I am however happy to be here and looking forward to getting myself into a routine of excercise and better eating habits. Our family is having a BIG family wedding and gathering in NYC on January 2nd and I would like to have lost 30lbs. if I possibly can.

    Well, I'm off back to work!! I will be posting more later :wink:
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    I did not mean to forget jeanmrob, vespertide, and wandakc.

    To jeanmrob and vespertide, you are my heros. Neither of you decided to beat yourselves up for a tiny gain. That has been my downfall in every diet I've ever been on. I feel wonderful when I am losing but the minute I gain even a little bit, I feel as though I have failed. Thank you for showing me to just move one.

    And wandakc, you will actually be gaining in January. You will gain a new member of the family or friend group. In the meantime, we will cheer you on as you reach for your goal.

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    Been a fairly good week. 2 weeks ago I started to do my elliptical or stationary bike in 5 to 15 minute increments throughout the morning. It is working out GREAT! I have done 80 minutes on the elliptical. Could not do that at one time, that's for sure.

    Have not lost any weight this week, but I am ok with that. I need to get back to eating good and not so much ice cream, even though it fits into the calories for the day.

    Happy 40th Anniversary Jean. That is awesome!

    Everyone else you are doing fantastic as usual, keep it all going. I would mention each of you, but in doing so, this would be a very long post and others have already mentioned you, so I will step back. I agree with what they all have said.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Congrats to all of you who lost something (and some quite a bit). JB, a pound is not a bad loss. I would take it! I am the queen of fluctuating and plateaus, so those who gained a little or stayed steady, don't worry, it will come. Mostly I'm glad you guys are taking sometime out for some fun!

    I want to thank Marian. :flowerforyou: She has been bugging me since I asked for someone to nag me to do my resistance bands on workdays. 3 workdays since I asked and she has messaged me every day! It has made me do them! I'm 3 for 3. Now, if I asked husbands, would they say that only Marian is a nag? I had a boss who used to say I was a nag (he needed persistent motivation to keep to schedules). I told him that I had to keep in practice in case I ever decided to get married again. He said he'd write a recommendation! :wink: So, if anyone else would like to nag at me, I will accept!

    I didn't lose anything this week. Stuck at 174.5, but I will lose. I tend to go 10 days to 2 weeks (or longer) on a plateau so I just have to remind myself of that.

    I did have a major NSV though! I started this journey in January wearing a 22W Petite pants and 2X tops. My last pairs of 18WP dress pants were falling off of me and I looked like I was in my big sister's hand-me-downs tops. Now for the drumroll please: Last night I went to Dress Barn and I bought size 14 Petite (notice no W) and a Large top (notice no X -- although the top is a knit because of boobage). I did buy another top that was in the Missus Petite section so that was an XL, but not on the women's plus clothing side! These are not tight! Still a ways to go to get to the 4-6 that I want to be, but, I was really happy! :happy:

    I have been keeping my wardrobe limited and didn't want to splurge too much. I do still have some larger tops that still look okay and my yoga pants, my capri leggings for working out, and jeans and capri jeans are still okay. Although that PXL top needs navy pants, I think I will look at a thrift store.

    As for movement: I did 54 miles walking of which 24 were cardio miles.

    This coming week will be challenging as I'm going to be spending two days at the Irish Festival. I joke, but I usually only have two beers a day when there and I can cut that to one or plan on the beer calories. It is all the food trucks/stands that get me. My plan is to pack a sandwich and some snacks. It isn't supposed to be too hot, so I will just make sure that I walk around the grounds a lot between entertainment! And I should be able to get in an abbreviated workout both days before I go.

    Lyndal: I like the idea of growing. Although, something tells me, I won't have much success.
    Wanda: We are having fall here! The weather is beautiful 70s daytime and 50s at night. I love it! I don't do heat!

    I'm planning carefully today. Meeting daughter at wine bar tonight and except for a beautiful day for a lunchtime walk, I'm going to take a break from exercise. I'm noticing a little muscle tenderness so a day off is due. It is just difficult to get a decent nutritional day and maintain a deficit if I don't go to the gym. Those extra 400-600 calories make all the difference. Well, I have to get going. Lunch is 1/2 over. Time to walk.
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing great this week. Congrats to all who've lost, maintained, and/or achieved goals. You're an inspiration to keep going.

    As for me... the scale is still stuck. :yawn: But, I keep on trying. I'm also keeping to my goals for food and exercise. If only I could budge that old scale!

    A NSV this week is that I got a new pair of shorts in a size that's smaller than I've ever worn. :happy: Made me feel good and encouraged that the exercise is paying off.

    Wooken, I just love the Pooh saying. Thanks for sharing that one. :flowerforyou:

    Wishing a good week to all!

  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Well I think everyone has done really great, and clearly we are all very focused! Even the occasional blip doesn't throw us.

    I forgot to weigh today, but know I've lost 1/2 inch off my hips and my bra seems to be not fitting right again so might be time for a refit!

    Strange that although I fit into all the clothes I wanted to, I can't see my hip bones which I could last time I fitted them.......The fat that is left is distributed differently.

    Happy with the way things are going for now - hope it stays that way.
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello! I actually am down 3 pounds from last week. That feels good. I'm working hard, and I don't even get hungry. For a treat, I let myself have a diet ginger ale in the afternoon.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Wow, I'm impressed with all of you--it seems like there was a lot of losses and NSVs. Congratulations!

    I weigh in on Mondays and there has been no big change for a year. I guess you could say I'm maintaining and that's not all bad.

    I did meet my goals for exercising this last week and very proud of myself. The added benefit from the exercise is that I seem to eat less and that I'll take any day. I, too, had an NSV--I realized that I'm not between sizes any more (8-10)...I'm officially a 10! I finally recycled the jeans that wouldn't stay up no matter what I did (LOL).

    Let's all keep up the good work.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks so much for the great support!!
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    So much good news for all for the week and the month of July! If I take credit for the 1 lb loss i posted last Thursday, then i can say I'm down 1 lb this week!

    My weight loss is terribly slow, but i've stuck to my plan for two months and feel great about my new healthier lifestyle!