How Many Daily Carbs Do You Eat?

bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
I've been eating around 20 - 25 carbs for about a week now and testing my blood sugar to see what effect it's having. I don't have a blood sugar problem but I was probably borderline. The two readings I've taken have been 72 and 84 (fasting), which is great. But I don't see being able to stick with 20 grams a day for much longer and have raised my goal to 40. I'm just curious what everyone else's net carb target is?


  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Oh my goodness....I know I'm of no help, because I've just started going low carb, but my health coach has my goal around 100g a day.
    For the last 2 days I've been able to do it. But's not super fun.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I have upper limit of carbs of 50 gm if I don't work out. I stay in ketosis and after experimentation I found out my limit is 60 g of carbs with out any work outs. If I am going on a 2-3 hrs run, I can eat 150 g of carbs and still be fine. I tend to recover slow from my work outs if I eat lot of carbs, for me those extra carbs are not worth the trouble. Most days I stay in 30-40 gm range but I also eat 2500-3000 cals per day.
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    Most days I eat under 20 grams of net carbs. Once or twice every two weeks I've gone up to 50 net grams on a splurge or a travel incident and still been ok. I try not to do that too often or for two days in a row. I want to stay in ketosis, so i don't think I could get up to 100 net grams because I just don't have the time to work out enough.
  • memubo99
    memubo99 Posts: 58 Member
    I try to stay around 20 carbs per day but sometimes its upto 50. You get used to it.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    My current goal is <10 g/day.

    I have gone up to 30-40 g/day without really causing any issues. I just find that I feel better when I eat very little.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    My current goal is 25g per day. I haven't really experimented to find where my limit is while staying in Ketosis. My average for the past month has been 15g / day.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    If I'm active (30 mins moderate exercise) I can lose on up to 75grams once I'm in keto. 75-100 is a murky area, if I lose it's minimal. 100 - 150 I maintain. 150+ I gain unless I'm runnimg
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Does anyone else do very low carb with lots of exercise? I weight train 3 times a week doing heavy lifting and two days a week I walk about 3 1/2 miles. The other two days I wank too but the mileage varies. I'm feeling fine except for some heart palpitations yesterday. But I don't think I'll be happy long term on a very low carb plan. I'm thinking around 50 a day will probably end up as my threshold.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    If I'm active (30 mins moderate exercise) I can lose on up to 75grams once I'm in keto. 75-100 is a murky area, if I lose it's minimal. 100 - 150 I maintain. 150+ I gain unless I'm runnimg

    Thanks GiGi. I was hoping that being very active would mean that I could eat a few more carbs. I love vegetables and I hate restricting them.
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    Right now I shoot for 18-22, sometimes I do go under or over by a smidgen. I exercise 5-6 days a week, several include circuit training. I'm starting to integrate HIIT workouts. I don't have any problem with this limit most of the time. Then again, I'm only on week 2, but I'm loving this new way of eating. It's up my alley most of the time.
  • Boringdoug
    Boringdoug Posts: 72 Member
    I shoot for no more than 20. I usually end up in a 18-21 range.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    If I'm active (30 mins moderate exercise) I can lose on up to 75grams once I'm in keto. 75-100 is a murky area, if I lose it's minimal. 100 - 150 I maintain. 150+ I gain unless I'm runnimg

    Thanks GiGi. I was hoping that being very active would mean that I could eat a few more carbs. I love vegetables and I hate restricting them.

    I never felt that I couldn't eat vegetables because of low carb. Now if we are talking about starches like potatoes. It's a different story.
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    I do under 20g most of the time. Since I still want to stay in Induction, I'll probably stay that low till I get closer to my goal. I agree @msmindyf, for me low carb just works the best. It relieves my mind to not have to count calories. I don't need to worry about calories cause I don't have a problem with overeating on Induction due to lack of appetite. It's so nice to feel in control!
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    I never felt that I couldn't eat vegetables because of low carb. Now if we are talking about starches like potatoes. It's a different story.

    No, not talking about potatoes or other starchy veggies. I can easily consume 40 grams of carbs just by eating onions, peppers, zucchini, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, etc...

    Looking at the open diaries, it looks like I eat differently than a lot of you. I can't eat just meat, fat and cheese. I have to have other tastes and textures. I'm a foodie though and love to cook and try different recipes. But, I do realize that it's my love of food, and a wide variety of it, that got me where I am so I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I never felt that I couldn't eat vegetables because of low carb. Now if we are talking about starches like potatoes. It's a different story.

    No, not talking about potatoes or other starchy veggies. I can easily consume 40 grams of carbs just by eating onions, peppers, zucchini, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, etc...

    Looking at the open diaries, it looks like I eat differently than a lot of you. I can't eat just meat, fat and cheese. I have to have other tastes and textures. I'm a foodie though and love to cook and try different recipes. But, I do realize that it's my love of food, and a wide variety of it, that got me where I am so I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing.

    Onions have ton of carbs, I use them in limited quantities. I eat big salads time to time, with Spinach, cherry tomatoes, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, cucumbers, spaghetti squash etc., most of the green vegetables also have high fiber in them. I cook my meals with ton of different stuff, its just figuring out initially what fits in and doesn't is the key.
  • TwizzleBit
    TwizzleBit Posts: 23 Member
    Last week I averaged less than 120 for the whole week. Usually its about 20-25 grams per day. Varies on what I've been eating. I don't feel any side effects really. No huge withdrawals. Probably because I've been fairly low carb for a number of years.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Around 5-10 daily. higher end on weekends due to a extra cups of coffee.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I feel restricted a bit on veggies going low carb as well, because I love them! Esp. summer squashes, and I could eat loads of that stuff and go over my carb count easily.

    And for instance, spaghetti squash is a lower carb squash, but in the quantity I'd like to eat, it tends to make my carb count difficult to meet.

    My aim is 20-25 net carbs per day, but I average it out over the week. Unfortunately, I've had a bit of carb creep, and last week I was averaging around 25, and didn't lose any weight, and even gained a bit.

    I already know from past history that my carbohydrate level for maintenance is very low, and therefore, my carbohydrate level for losing is extremely low, too.

    If I keep on creeping up toward 30, I will definitely not lose, and will slowly gain weight.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Reading this makes me realize how high my carbs are, I'm usually eating between 40 and 150 a day!
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Reading this makes me realize how high my carbs are, I'm usually eating between 40 and 150 a day!

    Different people can eat different amounts of carbohydrates. Some folks can eat many more carbs than others and still lose weight. This principle is explained and driven home when you do the 4 steps in the Atkins plan.

    I've done it before and lost 45 lbs in 5 months. I felt fantastic, but I was dumb and let myself regain. I am kicking myself in the butt everyday for doing so, because this time around, it's been much slower and harder to lose weight. I have to make a permanent lifestyle change, or I'm bound to be an insulin dependent diabetic.

    I found out during my 4 phases of Atkins that I have extreme sensitivity to carbs, even slow digesting, low GI carbs. My maintenance carbs were under 40 g net carbs per day. Many, many folks can lose like gangbusters on this low level of carbs. I don't lose at all with that many, and will stay the same weight. Go over it and I will gain very quickly.

    This 28 lbs that I regained, I gained between Christmas of 2013, and May 31, 2014. I was exercising and eating healthy, just too many carbs.

    I say, if you can stay at a healthy weight on 40-150 carbs a day, you are very, and enjoy it!
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Reading this makes me realize how high my carbs are, I'm usually eating between 40 and 150 a day!

    Different people can eat different amounts of carbohydrates. Some folks can eat many more carbs than others and still lose weight. This principle is explained and driven home when you do the 4 steps in the Atkins plan.

    I've done it before and lost 45 lbs in 5 months. I felt fantastic, but I was dumb and let myself regain. I am kicking myself in the butt everyday for doing so, because this time around, it's been much slower and harder to lose weight. I have to make a permanent lifestyle change, or I'm bound to be an insulin dependent diabetic.

    I found out during my 4 phases of Atkins that I have extreme sensitivity to carbs, even slow digesting, low GI carbs. My maintenance carbs were under 40 g net carbs per day. Many, many folks can lose like gangbusters on this low level of carbs. I don't lose at all with that many, and will stay the same weight. Go over it and I will gain very quickly.

    This 28 lbs that I regained, I gained between Christmas of 2013, and May 31, 2014. I was exercising and eating healthy, just too many carbs.

    I say, if you can stay at a healthy weight on 40-150 carbs a day, you are very, and enjoy it!

    I agree. I lost 50 pounds counting calories and keeping my carbs under 150 a day. I was really hopeful that lowering my carbs to around 20 a day would really jump start my weight loss again but it hasn't. I've lost about 2 pounds in the last 10 days. That's not the big loss I was expecting and I'm not even sure I can attribute it to the lowered carbs or just the lowered calories. I think I'm going to work my way back up to a more enjoyable number of carbs, under 100, and not stress so much about whether I can have a salad with dinner or add some onions to my stir fry.
  • kkmulholland2
    kkmulholland2 Posts: 8 Member
    My goal is 65g net carbs but I find that I can still lose on up to 85g net. More than that and loss comes to a halt. Oh, also MUST get in 64oz fluids too and watch sodium! Just getting back to LC now after a months-long carb bender... feeling awful!
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    My daily goal is under 40g. Generally is go below 25g I don't feel so hot.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Reading this makes me realize how high my carbs are, I'm usually eating between 40 and 150 a day!

    Different people can eat different amounts of carbohydrates. Some folks can eat many more carbs than others and still lose weight. This principle is explained and driven home when you do the 4 steps in the Atkins plan.

    I've done it before and lost 45 lbs in 5 months. I felt fantastic, but I was dumb and let myself regain. I am kicking myself in the butt everyday for doing so, because this time around, it's been much slower and harder to lose weight. I have to make a permanent lifestyle change, or I'm bound to be an insulin dependent diabetic.

    I found out during my 4 phases of Atkins that I have extreme sensitivity to carbs, even slow digesting, low GI carbs. My maintenance carbs were under 40 g net carbs per day. Many, many folks can lose like gangbusters on this low level of carbs. I don't lose at all with that many, and will stay the same weight. Go over it and I will gain very quickly.

    This 28 lbs that I regained, I gained between Christmas of 2013, and May 31, 2014. I was exercising and eating healthy, just too many carbs.

    I say, if you can stay at a healthy weight on 40-150 carbs a day, you are very, and enjoy it!

    Interesting, Yes I remain 6 pack lean on up to 150g a day, even once I notice a little fat gain I can just remain strict (like less than 100g a day) for a few weeks and the fat drops off, guess I'm lucky
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Reading this makes me realize how high my carbs are, I'm usually eating between 40 and 150 a day!

    Different people can eat different amounts of carbohydrates. Some folks can eat many more carbs than others and still lose weight. This principle is explained and driven home when you do the 4 steps in the Atkins plan.

    I've done it before and lost 45 lbs in 5 months. I felt fantastic, but I was dumb and let myself regain. I am kicking myself in the butt everyday for doing so, because this time around, it's been much slower and harder to lose weight. I have to make a permanent lifestyle change, or I'm bound to be an insulin dependent diabetic.

    I found out during my 4 phases of Atkins that I have extreme sensitivity to carbs, even slow digesting, low GI carbs. My maintenance carbs were under 40 g net carbs per day. Many, many folks can lose like gangbusters on this low level of carbs. I don't lose at all with that many, and will stay the same weight. Go over it and I will gain very quickly.

    This 28 lbs that I regained, I gained between Christmas of 2013, and May 31, 2014. I was exercising and eating healthy, just too many carbs.

    I say, if you can stay at a healthy weight on 40-150 carbs a day, you are very, and enjoy it!

    I agree. I lost 50 pounds counting calories and keeping my carbs under 150 a day. I was really hopeful that lowering my carbs to around 20 a day would really jump start my weight loss again but it hasn't. I've lost about 2 pounds in the last 10 days. That's not the big loss I was expecting and I'm not even sure I can attribute it to the lowered carbs or just the lowered calories. I think I'm going to work my way back up to a more enjoyable number of carbs, under 100, and not stress so much about whether I can have a salad with dinner or add some onions to my stir fry.

    I think thats it, a consistent steady appraoch that is maintainable long term obviously works better than staying say under 20g then falling off the wagon. Needs to be maintainable and for me eating between 50g and 150g a day is easy as pie (no eating of pie though!)
  • I am trying to stay under 50 g a day. I am finding it hard because I am getting bored with what I am eating. If anyone wants to add me , feel free. I would love to peak at your food journals for some ideas. I have 60 pounds to go so I could use the help.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Reading this makes me realize how high my carbs are, I'm usually eating between 40 and 150 a day!

    Different people can eat different amounts of carbohydrates. Some folks can eat many more carbs than others and still lose weight. This principle is explained and driven home when you do the 4 steps in the Atkins plan.

    I've done it before and lost 45 lbs in 5 months. I felt fantastic, but I was dumb and let myself regain. I am kicking myself in the butt everyday for doing so, because this time around, it's been much slower and harder to lose weight. I have to make a permanent lifestyle change, or I'm bound to be an insulin dependent diabetic.

    I found out during my 4 phases of Atkins that I have extreme sensitivity to carbs, even slow digesting, low GI carbs. My maintenance carbs were under 40 g net carbs per day. Many, many folks can lose like gangbusters on this low level of carbs. I don't lose at all with that many, and will stay the same weight. Go over it and I will gain very quickly.

    This 28 lbs that I regained, I gained between Christmas of 2013, and May 31, 2014. I was exercising and eating healthy, just too many carbs.

    I say, if you can stay at a healthy weight on 40-150 carbs a day, you are very, and enjoy it!

    Interesting, Yes I remain 6 pack lean on up to 150g a day, even once I notice a little fat gain I can just remain strict (like less than 100g a day) for a few weeks and the fat drops off, guess I'm lucky

    Yes, you are lucky to have a body that uses the preferred fuel (glycogen) efficiently. I do have insulin resistance and some other health issues related to hormones. It's a struggle, but it is doable, as I've proven before. I just have to stay vigilant at counting (not just carbs, but calories as well). I can't eat over my calories or let in the carb creep, no matter how much vigorous cardio or strength training I participate in, I will gain.

    I say do what works for you (and that goes for everyone) because I'm 100% positive that the same WOE doesn't work for everyone's goals, and since not everyone on MFP has the same goals or enjoys the same physical activities, or has the same degree of health, results are going to vary.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Reading this makes me realize how high my carbs are, I'm usually eating between 40 and 150 a day!

    Different people can eat different amounts of carbohydrates. Some folks can eat many more carbs than others and still lose weight. This principle is explained and driven home when you do the 4 steps in the Atkins plan.

    I've done it before and lost 45 lbs in 5 months. I felt fantastic, but I was dumb and let myself regain. I am kicking myself in the butt everyday for doing so, because this time around, it's been much slower and harder to lose weight. I have to make a permanent lifestyle change, or I'm bound to be an insulin dependent diabetic.

    I found out during my 4 phases of Atkins that I have extreme sensitivity to carbs, even slow digesting, low GI carbs. My maintenance carbs were under 40 g net carbs per day. Many, many folks can lose like gangbusters on this low level of carbs. I don't lose at all with that many, and will stay the same weight. Go over it and I will gain very quickly.

    This 28 lbs that I regained, I gained between Christmas of 2013, and May 31, 2014. I was exercising and eating healthy, just too many carbs.

    I say, if you can stay at a healthy weight on 40-150 carbs a day, you are very, and enjoy it!

    Interesting, Yes I remain 6 pack lean on up to 150g a day, even once I notice a little fat gain I can just remain strict (like less than 100g a day) for a few weeks and the fat drops off, guess I'm lucky

    Yes, you are lucky to have a body that uses the preferred fuel (glycogen) efficiently. I do have insulin resistance and some other health issues related to hormones. It's a struggle, but it is doable, as I've proven before. I just have to stay vigilant at counting (not just carbs, but calories as well). I can't eat over my calories or let in the carb creep, no matter how much vigorous cardio or strength training I participate in, I will gain.

    I say do what works for you (and that goes for everyone) because I'm 100% positive that the same WOE doesn't work for everyone's goals, and since not everyone on MFP has the same goals or enjoys the same physical activities, or has the same degree of health, results are going to vary.

    Very true, I do swear by low carb though, it simply works. The amount any individual can eat varies depending on insulin resistance. The only physical activity I do is 2 very high intensity strength training sessions a week which last just 30 mins a time, and I do zero cardio which blows right in the face of conventional wisdom of “do cardio x days a week, eat low fat high carb diet, weight train 3 days a week for 2 hours a time”

    People often ask me how I stay in the shape I’m in and actually don’t believe me when I tell them the above (including my Dr!)
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    18g total is my 5% goal, so I aim for that but don't beat myself up if I eat 20-23g total. I try to net as close to 10g as possible.
  • mary6468
    mary6468 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm trying to keep my net carbs at 100g, but I've only restarted MFP in the past couple weeks so that will probably be adjusted depending on how my weight loss is going. I don't think I'm mentally ready to go under 50g yet, but who knows. Right now I'm just trying to keep most of the refined carbs out of my diet and I'm even limiting my fruit intake. I have increased my veggie intake as my neighbor has a huge garden and gives me a lot of vegetables to eat.