still gaining??

tchoo3 Posts: 9 Member
Hey guys,

So I have been reverse dieting for about 12 weeks now and I went from eating 120g of carbs to 190g. Slow but I didn't want to rush into adding carbs. I didn't really start gaining weight until I hit the 175g mark. When I got to 190g I gained more and decided to stick at 190g for two weeks. I weighed myself this morning and gained again! What should I do?

Also, I started taking this new soy protein thing my coworker didn't want anymore right around 175g of carbs and I'm not sure if thats whats causing the gain. I didn't gain before I started taking the protein so I'm a little convinced that the weight gain really is from the protein. I stopped taking the soy protein yesterday and I was going to see what would happen if I went off the soy protein for the next week and keeping my carbs at 190g.

I just don't understand how I would keep gaining when I have only been adding 5-10g a week. This is so frustrating when I know my weight is supposed to level out when I keep my carb intake consistent..

Any thoughts? I know reverse dieting is mentally very difficult. Seeing the scale continuously increase is freaking me out and I just want to start cutting calories again. ><


  • dazedandconfused87
    I can't speak to the carb thing -- I'll let one of the more qualified EM2WL members comment, but I will say your weight is just a number and it doesn't define you. No matter what, you will eventually need to up your calories to maintenance levels because you cannot be creating a deficit forever. Your body needs food for energy to complete the basic functions that keep you alive, your heart beating, your organs working. Can you focus on some new fitness goals instead of looking at the number on the scale so much? Do your clothes still fit ok?

    It really all is mental and a number on the scale does not guarantee you any kind of happiness. Treat your body well and it can do amazing things!
  • tchoo3
    tchoo3 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for replying! Yeah what I'm supposed to be maintaining at is about 1900 calories and I'm only at 1600. I've been pretty positive about this whole process so I think this is a little breakdown. I can feel my lifts getting stronger. I'm trying to focus on strength rather than aesthetics. My clothes still fit fine but recently I've thought I looked fluffy when I look at the mirror.

    But yeah I will try my best to get through this and tell myself this really is all mental.
  • Jennbecca33
    Jennbecca33 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi tchoo3! First of all, great job on increasing your calories so far!

    So when increasing calories, it's completely normal to see some "gains" on the scale, but even more so if you are from a low-carb background. This is mostly water weight so please don't get discouraged! Carbs are important and your body is just trying to adapt to eating more of them. It's also normal to feel a bit fluffy while you are increasing. I'm not sure if you've checked out out this thread about what to expect when increasing calories, but it specifically addresses coming from a lower carb background.

    As long as you have your macros set to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat, you'll be doing great. I seriously doubt the soy protein has anything to do with your gains. Don't be afraid of the carbs. Your body will adjust and level out eventually! You're doing great so keep going - whatever you do...don't rush back into cutting calories due to fluctuations. From your profile picture, it does not look like you need to cut calories at look great!