Labor Day Challenge



  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    A little worried that I might not hit my goal this time, but will try. I finally saw a loss after a three week long stall (something I haven't had since the dreaded "three week post-op stall" which for me also lasted three weeks.

    Ten pounds in a month is a tad bit steep for me this far out, but I'm sure not impossible.

    How is everyone else doing?

    I got a little sidetracked by the plague. OK not the plague but a horrible cold. I know some people still work out when they are sick, but I am not one of them. Being sick drains me of all energy. I am back on track though. We've got 5 more weeks, we can do it!
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    A little worried that I might not hit my goal this time, but will try. I finally saw a loss after a three week long stall (something I haven't had since the dreaded "three week post-op stall" which for me also lasted three weeks.

    Ten pounds in a month is a tad bit steep for me this far out, but I'm sure not impossible.

    How is everyone else doing?

    I got a little sidetracked by the plague. OK not the plague but a horrible cold. I know some people still work out when they are sick, but I am not one of them. Being sick drains me of all energy. I am back on track though. We've got 5 more weeks, we can do it!

    Summer colds are the worst! I am totally not one of those who work out while sick, either. I just usually lay there like a log, eat little, sleep lots. We do have 5 weeks, and whatever happens we will do our best. :wink:
  • murphyraven
    murphyraven Posts: 163 Member
    I'm coming late to the challenge party. I am still on my 3 month pre op diet. I have been working with my Nut each month with new goals. I am already trying to eat like a post op, small meals, cutting processed food, no soda, focused on protein.

    For August my challenge is going to be eating slowly, really chewing my food well and not drinking with meals. I'd also like to lose another 5 lbs before my final pre op appointment on the 21st.

    HW 262
    CW 249
    GW 150 (+/- 5)
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    Such awesome goals I'm seeing from all of you! Way to go!
  • This is my first challenge as I have just joined the group, so here goes !

    CW 241
    GW 235

    This may seem like a small goal but it is already 8/3 and the weight does not come off as quickly these days !

    Here's to a good month !
  • CW: 290
    GW: 175

    I am now two weeks out of surgery just getting ready to start on pureed foods. This is my first challenge and I am doing well and am hoping to lose a lot more. I am down 50 pounds so far!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    My goal is to stick with my current plan. exercise 30min 3xwk, try to stay around1350 cal. and drink 16 glasses (8 oz)of water daily. It seems to be working for me, so not broke....don't fix it. This challenge will help me to stay on track. :flowerforyou:

    Ok so I have upped the ante a little. I am now doing 30 min. 4x wk. and trying to get back to drinking my 16 glasses of water. I have fallen a little short there. I have been getting in around 14 glasses.

    How is everyone else progress???
  • MindyMac51
    MindyMac51 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all. Here's my update. RNY 11/02/10; Working off regain of 38 lbs. over past 18 months; 11 down, 39 to goal

    Wt. goals:
    SW 213 when I started this challenge
    CW 209
    GW 204 by Labor Day; maybe lower it to 202
    GW 170 by 11/02/15 or sooner!

    Exercise: 60-75 Minutes walking 6x a week; Increase from 3 mi. To 3.5; maybe add a little jogging in
    Keeping Track: continue tracking exercise & diet at MFP every day; 1100-1200 cal./day.
  • kenziesmom_2000
    kenziesmom_2000 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 7 weeks out so still in the losing phase. I want to lose another 8 lbs by labor day, and step up my exercise routine.

    cw 187
    gw 179

    cant wait to see how everyone does!
  • april731
    april731 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm in again!

    CW: 264.6
    GW: 240

    Exercise goals: Exercise at least 30 minutes every single day. Finish the C25K program!

    Though I would post a mid-challenge update:

    I'm a little over halfway to my Labor Day weight goal - currently at 250.2. I'm optimistic I'll be at 240 and still think this is a realistic goal to meet by Labor Day (but if I don't, I'm still happy with the progress!). Had a hiccup with C25K because I started having thigh pain when I was increasing my run times, but I'm still working on it!

    How's it going for everybody else?
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I really don't think I'll hit my goal now (210). It's been a couple weeks since I checked in last and am still sitting at 220. The good news is that my weight is steady, but it is slightly depressing to see no loss in a long while. I had a three week stall, then a nice 5 lb drop, and it's been another couple weeks since the scale has budged.

    I have been incredibly busy this summer with tons of wedding, including one I am heavily involved in, and is becoming a bit of a burden and unfortunately making me feel resentment towards the bride, who is a bit of a bridezilla :( Plus, I've been looking for a full time job to start one school starts, I've got a very involved & stressful volunteer position that is busiest in the summer, and I've got house projects going on in my 1926 new-ish to me house.

    Anyway, I know that all this stress is not helping anything. I'm eating well most days, but some days are questionable. I haven't been working out nearly enough, too.

    I already know that I need to learn to say no to things (I keep getting asked to do things for the wedding and just keep saying yes), and I am seriously pondering stepping back from my current position with the non-profit I volunteer for.

    Sorry, I feel better now that I've vented a little bit. While I need to re-focus on my physical health (weight & fitness) I also realize that I need to clear my head of unnecessary mental stress. It is all tied together. :)

    Great job to all of you on track to meet your goals!!!
  • MindyMac51
    MindyMac51 Posts: 38 Member
    Tomorrow is only two weeks away from Labor Day! How's everybody doing?

    Here's my update (last one August 5): been keeping up with my goals!

    RNY 11/02/10 (SW: 260; HW: 280; LW: 182); Working off regain of 38 lbs. since June 26, 2014; 14 down, 36 to goal
    Wt. goals:
    SW 213 when I started this challenge
    8/5 209
    CW 206
    GW 204 by Labor Day; maybe lower it to 202??
    GW 170 by 11/02/15 or sooner!

    Been on track with my exercise goals: Exercise: 60-75 Minutes walking 6x a week; Increase from 3 mi. To 3.5; maybe add a little jogging in (still not much but a little)
    Keeping Track: continue tracking exercise & diet at MFP every day; 1100-1200 cal./day.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    I have now increased by exercise from 30 min 3xwk to 45min 5x wk. I have pretty much kept my water at 16 glasses. I also added a challenge not to weigh in for 1 month on Sept 10. So far so good, I am happy with my increased exercise.
    I hope everyone is doing well with their goals. Good luck. Will check back on labour day.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Almost there!

    On July 11, I posted that my CW was 202.5 and my GW for 9/1 is 185. I also had a non-weight goal of increasing exercise.


    I am at 190, down 12.5 lbs, with 5 more lbs to go in 12 days. I have started body weight exercises and cardio, but I am not as consistent as I would like to be. It is going to be tough to get to 185, but I'm going to work it :)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have really been working hard to reach my goal for this challenge, but I have hit my very first stall in almost 11 months since my surgery. I can't complain, I can tell I am still losing inches, but still..!!
  • kenziesmom_2000
    kenziesmom_2000 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 7 weeks out so still in the losing phase. I want to lose another 8 lbs by labor day, and step up my exercise routine.

    cw 187
    gw 179

    cant wait to see how everyone does!

    I MADE IT !!! 179 as of this morning ... and a week ahead of schedule!!! I am so excitted! This surgery was the best thing I have ever done for myself -- couldnt be happier. :0)
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    I can't believe we only have 1 week to go! That's crazy!

    It's never to late to join! If you haven't gotten in on this challenge, please share your goals!

    One week to go - how are you doing???
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I am 1 pound away from my goal! I have been going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week! I can do this! Loving kickboxing and Zumba classes!
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I met my July 4th challenge on July7th!!! fought for that last pound....

    My goals for labor day are to continue with Turbo fire rotation. Starting week 3 this week, and will be going to gym once a week!
    CW 224
    GW 209

    I made my goals! Now for the next one!
  • bbhofmann
    bbhofmann Posts: 12 Member
    Didn't quite make my any of my Labor goals... Oh well.. still weight is down; three pound shy of Labor Day goal...... maybe for the next challenge I have to be a little more realistic.... Should have figured in vacation time. Need to get better at weighing and measuring,,,, and also going back to the gym.... Can't use cleaning as an exercise.... not enough sweat equity... :laugh: