August Goals/Challenges

Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
While I didn't lose any weight in July…I didn't gain any either so I'll take that as a Win!ugly_smiley_39.gif

For August, I'm setting trackable goals -- I seem to function better with firm commitments.

Hand Bike -- 4x a week -- Building up to 30-minutes workouts by end of the month
Pool Exercise -- 4x a week -- 1 hour sessions

Eating back no more than 1/4 of exercise calories
Staying within daily goals after verify all nutrition values
-- Many of the values in the database are incorrect or left blank causing the carbs/fat number to be too low.

tourist.gif"A commitment without a goal is like a trip without a map: odds are you won’t get where you want to be." ~Mark Sanborn

top.gifHave a Great August Everyone! top.gif


  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Early Morning!! I am happy to start out August on a good note. My goal is to reach a 6lb loss this month. I am changing my weigh in day to Sunday. I think I will have better luck remembering!

    Sunday weigh in

    Goal 1 6 lb weight loss

    Walk 3 days/week I will check in tomorrow, I wish everyone a great day!!
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning all, So let's start with my July goals...

    July Goals;
    Exercise goal - Walk 60 miles during July - Missed this one, but close 53.5 miles :ohwell:
    Food/Diary Goal - Be under my daily goal 95% of the month - Right on the money on this :smile:
    Weight Loss goal- Lose 10 lbs during the month of July. - Did not quite make this, ended up losing 8 lbs in July

    August Goals:
    Exercise - Walk 60 miles / increase to 60 minutes 6 days a week, Play More Golf :laugh:
    Food/Diary Goal - Be under my daily goal 95% of the month
    Weight Loss - Lose 10 lbs during August (it's a long month :wink: )

    I know that setting a weight loss goal may not be such a great idea, but I hope it will help me stay focused
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I posted my July goal accomplishments and failures under July goals, so here goes:

    Starting weight 174.5
    Goal by August 31: 166.5
    Continue with 1000 calories a day deficit.

    Continue walking.
    Continue Stationary Bike.

    Do resistance bands 20 times or some type of strength training.
    Try a new form of exercise at least 3 times to see if I like it.
    Try to get more sleep.

    (Non-weight related goal: Try to save money for September vacation!)

    Good luck, everyone!
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    August for me is to keep my head above water. I just can't think about weight lose or exercise under the situation I 'm in with Mom. Just staying where I am and sane will be a big one.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good Morning!!
    I am so ready for August! So, August here I come!!

    1. I will NOT eat when I am stressed!! I must learn to deal with stress -

    2. Stay within my calorie allowance

    3. Continue building on steps - I0,000 per day

    4. Go for loss of 1.5 lb / week = 243 lb

    August 1st is a 60* morning!! I would love to see August like this all month - but we will enjoy the day that we have and not wish it away!

    I hope each of you have a wonderful day!!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,126 Member
    Good Morning All: happy to be back as I didn't join our July challenges as I had too much to do with the sale of my MIL's house and move to the independent living retirement residence. Your Resident's Sloth's goals are:

    Number of walks: 16

    Time per walk: 20 minute minimum

    Research: local community programs for the fall, maybe aqua fit, or length swimming, or a fitness machine - all of which sounds frightening! :noway:

    Weight Loss: No real goals for weight loss :ohwell: too much pressure for me to handle, I am good with logging and weighing, so I hope that I will continue to lose weight this month

    NSV: if I can meet my exercise goals for 2 months straight I will graduate from the Sloth Academy of Exercise (& get a new title!) so this is month 1!

    Good Luck everyone, remember we don't have to be perfect, just happily show some improvement over time! Cheers Marian
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    NSV: if I can meet my exercise goals for 2 months straight I will graduate from the Sloth Academy of Exercise (& get a new title!) so this is month 1!

    Hey let's have a contest for your new title!! :bigsmile:
    Because we know you are going to deserve it! :drinker:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Wooken--looks like you have achievable goals. Go for it and good luck!

    Marian--I'm right there with you at the Sloth Academy and I'm really trying to do better. I get bored with the entire program and always have to find new things to do that are fun. Good luck to both of us for graduating from the Sloth Academy!!!!

    Reba--easy way to stop eating when you are stressed is not to be stressed (LOL) There's a saying that used to be popular that went something like "don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff." I know it's easier said than done, but it is worth trying.

    My goals for the month are simple--keep doing my fun workouts to try to firm up this old flab and stay flexible; and staying within 100 calories of 1200 calories each day no matter how many calories I burn.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Wooken, love your humorous icons that go with your strong commitments - thanks!

    I had success in July with a weight loss of 2 lbs that I have kept off. Moving off my plateau of 3.5 years (cough, cough) finally!

    My goal for Aug is 2 lbs. My starting weight in July was 155.0 and I weigh 153.0 today. End of month I want to weigh 151.0 lbs. I will exercise 60 min a day and have a 250 calorie deficit a day. I still am aiming for 0.5 lbs a week but I am really stepping it up this month and next month because we are going on vacation end of Sept.

    Rebamae and friends: I read a few behavioral changes for weight loss this morning off the internet that I'd like to share with you and our group:
    ^^Eat smaller pieces. (I started cutting up my grilled cheese sandwiches into bite sizes)
    ^^Take 15 min walk to boost metabolism before eating,
    ^^Use ginger, cinnamon, rosemary and basil to increase sensory enjoyment,
    ^^Eat rye crackers and bread,
    ^^Slow down when eating putting utensils down between bites and take a deep breath.

    Marian: You are beautiful as you are - sloth or no sloth :)
    Sara: You have your heart in the right place, sending you strength to deal with your Mom.
    Charlie, JB, Wanda: You have a hefty goal that's do-able. It is good and all about the journey - I will walk with you.

    We are going to go out to eat tonight so I am going to work out my full time before we go. I hope to see a good movie too. Hope you are all able to find enjoyment to be alive this day and every day :) Peace and Love:love:
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    I realize it is the journey and not the actual destination that makes life worth living.

    My relationship with food had a story to tell, so I told it. And regardless of what the numbers reveal on any particular scale, I can choose to be happy (or not) about the results. Who knew I could have that much power!

    I am in the process of writing about my journey with my life long struggle with weight and the above is quote from that book. I can honestly say that my journey has been considerably more pleasurable since I found some great friends in the 60 and older group on MFP.

    My measureable goals for August 2014 are: :happy:

    1. I will log everything that goes in my mouth.

    2. I will exercise away at least 700 calories each week (with the week starting on Wednesday morning and ending on Tuesday evening). Each week will begin again on Wednesday (no carry-overs from the week before).

    3. I will allow my body to heal from the surgery but I will not use the surgery as an excuse to do be unhealthy. I'm not sure how I will measure this...any suggestions?

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member

    If you log what you eat and you log your exercise, I think you will be measuring the health benefits. You can look at your nutrients and we know that exercise is needed for fitness! If you succeed with 1 & 2, you will automatically fulfill 3! Good luck. Great goals and great attitude! :flowerforyou:

  • ustillcan
    August Goals:
    Walk every single day without fail.
    Eat to improve my health with just a little to satisfy my spirit
    Lose 4 lbs (that's one a week which is a struggle for me)
    Try to enjoy something about every single summer day before it slips away!

    :glasses: Wishing everyone good health and a good month!

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you for commenting on my food intake regularly I appreciate it. Love your quotes and it seems like you have goals etc. all together. Good luck.
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    You have done so well and are inspiring. Your travels are the best. Keep up the spirit.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    August goals -

    Coach bocce at the Special Olympics tournament on August 9th and 10th

    Take a first aid class and a CPR class

    Get to the gym 5 x per week between 6 and 7 each morning :sick: Alternate days of cardio and strength.

    Do simple yoga every day - like "sleeping baby" and "dog-and-cat". These are extremely easy stretches.

    Bike 10 miles on one day each week, extend it 10% every ride.

    Meet the August Accountability Challenge. that group requires me to sign in every day, stay under the calories, and exercise 20 minutes per day.

    Brew two batches of beer - one a dark porter, the other a gruit.:drinker:

    Get started on that model railroad. I've been procrastinating for months

    Hopefully all that will help me lose 8 lbs this month and increase my cycling distance to 15 miles.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    ukaryote--you have a very busy month planned. Can you send some of the beer this way (LOL) Enjoy!
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    My August goals

    More of the same - gym 4 or 5 times a week to do a mixture of heavy weights and HIIT exercise in order to assist with body recomposition

    2 or 3 short runs between 30 and 40 mins each week

    1 proper chin up or pull up

    Keep on eating the way I am doing, and not slip back into old habits. The remaining fat around my middle and hips IS going to melt away!!
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    I am so thrilled to have just found this group! My August goals are:

    *Continue to weigh myself daily - because it keeps me honest and because I want to get used to normal weight fluctuations as a fact of life and not a reason to freak out or feel depressed.

    *Find a way to cope with my back problems so that I can walk more. This would include getting real about building some abdominal strength.

    *Stick to my program while away from home. I spend a few days each month with my mom and am going away to meet my first grandchild in an area with LOTS of yummy restaurants.

    This will be a challenge!
  • zosia141
    zosia141 Posts: 44 Member
    My goal for August is to do 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, not counting walking the dog who seems to be getting as little slower on our walks. And to do 2 weight workouts a week at the gym using free weights and machines.
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    I only lost 1 lb in July - not my goal at all, but at least I didn't put it on. I want to loose 3 lbs in August - summer is so hard for me to exercise in! Nothing like the heat and humidity to wear you out quick.

    Let's all have a great month and hit our goals!