Calorie targets?

FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
Hi guys, it's been a while since the last thread. What is everyone's calorie target? Mine is 1,500 a day but I always eat less and exercise. Has anyone found a specific number that works for them?


  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    I'm going with 1325 a day..5'6 and 132 right now...goal is 125..i exercise here and there...for example some weeks i play tennis 3-4 times a week others not at all...some weeks i do cross fit...but not on a regular basis so i don't eat back my calories...i will see i have maintained over the last few i may need to cut back on my calories again:(
  • RebelMiltonMom
    RebelMiltonMom Posts: 20 Member
    I go with 1200/day but actually shoot for 8500/week or under. Some days I eat significantly over and some under so the weekly calculation works for me. I try to anticipate an over eating day and cut some calories the few days before and after. It works for me but it's not a real popular idea around here. Also, I'm not "dieting," I eat what the rest of the family eats...smaller portions, skipping obviously horrible items, and making little adjustments (ie; skip buns, either potato salad or macaroni NOT both, a beer or ice cream NOT both, etc...). To me this makes it a lot easier to lose if I'm not trying to be a separate entity and also doesn't focus anyone else on my diet.
  • BlueberryWatermelon
    BlueberryWatermelon Posts: 73 Member
    I started with 1200 calories, but I recently upped it to 1300 so I don't have to see the red if I go over by a few calories. (It's psychological, haha.) I'm mostly sedentary, so I manually add in my exercise and eat back the calories. I usually underestimate my exercise calories, though, since I read that the MFP's calorie burns can be way too high.

    I can hit my target pretty easily on most days, but I find it difficult when I have long days at work (12-hour shifts + long commute) with no time for exercise. I'm trying to work on that.
  • NotJustADieter
    NotJustADieter Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I eat at least my BMR, which is 1450 last I checked.
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 5'2" and weight 128.5. I would love to go lower as I feel I am still overweight although I am proud of the progress I have made thus far. As I can't seem to motivate myself to exercise I find I must eat at or below 1100 call to lose any weight, even a smidgen per week.
  • DaniW130
    DaniW130 Posts: 18 Member
    I aim for 1,200 net but always seem to go over somewhere like 1500 or 1600 net but still losing steadily. I'm sure if I did 1200 net I would be losing 2 lbs a week for sure. Maybe it's time to kick it into high gear. I love my fitbit for this since it tracks my steps and tells me exactly how many calories I've burned and links to MFP and tells me how many cals I have extra above my goal of 1200.