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armywife924 Posts: 55
edited March 1 in Social Groups
Hi everyone, I hope that you are having a wonderful day, whether you are just starting or just ending. I was wondering what everyone's short term and long term goals are. That way we have a better idea of what everyone is trying to achieve.

So my short term goals, to lose 35 pounds by Christmas. About four months of working out, that is close to 9 pounds a month, and I feel that is doable, if I lose more I will be excited. Next week I hope to work out one more day, for a total of 4 days a week. I plan to drink two more glasses of water a day.

Long Term goals, in six months I want to be 50 pounds down, I want to be working out 5 days a week. I want to be able to walk at least 3 miles without passing out. I want to be able to start doing P90X, and actually do the whole workout.


  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey all and armywife! Goals... hmmm...

    Short term (next 4 weeks):get to having lost 15 kgs, and be under 90. (Im now 93.3 put on a little the last few weeks, :( )

    Medium term(next 3 months): be more ccontroled with portion sizes and treats. Learn to strength train without shoulder getting in the way.

    Long term(6 months +) : learn to run! This is a big one for me. Always wanted to be able too, never quite got there.
  • Eviebee03. Those are awesome goals. Its okay if you put on a little, because you are not going to give up and that is what matters. As long as you keep pushing towards your goal. I could use a little portion control myself, it is so hard to stick to portion for me. So great job. Your long term goal is awesome, its also something that I have never been able to do. So hopefully we can do it together.
  • amjmom
    amjmom Posts: 32
    My short term goal is to lose 10 lbs per month. My long term is to lose about 110 more pounds. I want to be down about 70 lbs in 7 months although 60 in the 7 months would be great because 7 months from tomorrow my family leaves on a surprise trip to Disney and I want to be able to ride the rides. I am not doing much for exercise at the moment other than some walking. I want to introduce more exercise slowly as I become more energetic.
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    My first and main goal is to lose 2 pounds/week. But what drives me is my top 2 goals of completing another marathon and (the good Lord willing) complete a full distance IRONMAN triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run). I have no timetable for the marathon or the Ironman, but I need to train (and lose weight) smart and hopefully stay injury free. The biggest problem I'll face will probably be my feet. I've have 7 foot/ankle surgeries over the years and I'm already developing a foot problem (that should be treatable by the podiatrist with a few injections). I have to lose 80 pounds before I'll start running as I refuse to run when I'm over 200 pounds.

    Completing a full distance Ironman triathlon is VERY emotional for me (I'm crying as I write this). I used to smoke 1-2 packs of cigarettes/day and drink 12-18 beers a day (I'm obviously an alcoholic). Thankfully I quit both back in 2005 and have been smoke and alcohol free since. In 2005 (while watching the Ironman on tv) I promised my mother that I would be an Ironman before she died. In 2007 I entered Ironman Wisconsin, but I missed the swim cut-off time so my dream of being an Ironman was unfulfilled. I tried again in 2009, but 2 months before the event I injured my ankle on a training run. The injury probably wouldn't have been that bad, except I was SO committed that I continued to complete my run (another 5 miles) on a bum ankle. My doctor really chewed me out for this, and I needed another surgery, so my 2009 effort was over before I even got in the water. Since then, I got into a bad marriage (it's over now), gained 135 pounds, and lost my mother to old age (she was 90 when she died). My mother will never get to see me cross the finish line, but I pray that I'll be able to drop this weight and make my Ironman dream come true and she'll see me become an Ironman from heaven instead of at the finish line.
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Argh just wrote a massive msg then lost it. Anyway...
    AArmywife-thank you so much for your support. I find it incredibly hard to write goals, esp with my depression and anxiety and not being able to look forward more than one day at a time. So your kind words are extremely helpful in terms of making me feel maybe I can writw goals, and as long as I dont focus on them too much then I will be ok and not have panic attacks.

    Strikes, that is amazing u wrote all that, and felt able to share with us. I feel very privileged to be a part of your journey, and I think your mom is proud of u for your first ironman, and for planning to do another one dedicated to her, and for you rededicating yourself to a healthy lifestyle. Quitting smoking for me is something im still struggling with. Im on patches and lozenges at the mo still, but been almost 3 months since I had a ciggie. Thats hard for me. Smoking was always my stress relief and I cant turn to the two hig things people normally turn to after quitting. Food or exercise.

    In other news, shoulders being horrible today. Im in alot of pain. Back in the sling. Havent eaten much today. 2nd day with no coffee, something I got from dr libby, an amazing lady if anyone wants to google. She talks about how caffiene can send your body into ober drive, and stress it out making you hold onto weight particularly around the belly and essential organs area. Which is my big prob at the mo. So another mini goal for me is no coffee for a week and see how I feel, and no2 try wearing my shoulder sling more to help with pain levels.
  • Amjmom: Thank you sharing your goals. I understand wanting to add more excersise as you get more energy. Having two little ones I am always drained of energy it seems. I wish taking care of them was enough excerisise. That would certainly make my life easier. lol. Hope you had a great day yesterday. And that you are able to reach your goals today.

    Strikes: I have never heard of Ironman triathlon's, but I have confidence that you will be able to accomplish your goal. You Mom and your Dad will be waiting across that finish line and they will be cheering you on. Just like they are right now, and I am sure they are so, so, so proud of you for making better choices, to quit smoking, and drinking. Now you are tackling the final obstacle that is between you and your final goal of Ironman, and that is so awesome. I hope you had a good day yesterday, and were able to meet your goals. I wasn't but, today is a new day, and so hopefully today we can all reach our goals. Keep Going, your doing great!

    Evie: Yes, I sometimes find that if I write them down that it makes them more concrete. I am not always able to keep them. And it is okay to have bad days, we all have them. I had a meltdown yesterday. My 21 month year old spilled my nail polish and then tried painting herself. My 5 month old is teething and refused to stop screaming. My husband had a horrible night sleeping the night before because of issues he deals with. And my sister who has been with us this summer is going home tomorrow, and so she is stressed, and I am stressed because the extra hands are gone. We are human, and so today I told myself that yesterday already happened but today hasn't and so it is up to me to make the best of it. I am SUPER sorry your shoulder hurts so bad. I hope and pray they can fix that soon. That is awesome that you did not drink coffee. I can't anymore, it makes me sick, but sweet tea, now that is something I am always fighting. Good luck with today, I believe in you, and believe that you can do it :) Hope you have a great day hun. If you ever need anything please email me armywife924@gmail.com.

    That goes for anyone, if you need anything. Having a bad day, or just need a little tough love (even I need that sometimes) please feel free to email me, armywife924@gmail.com just let me know in subject your from MFP.

  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Oh v, I am so sorry u had such a rough day! Thats horrible. Sounds very stressful! When I get stressed I either eat wayyy to much or stop. Neither is good for me. I hope u can find some more helping hands if u need it! Husband having issues at night? Something I can completly relate to, I have so many issues at night its not funny. I often feel real bad for my bf and all he has to deal with. Poor thing. So my heart reaches out to u for struggling. As for the kids I dont really know anything that could help there. If u were closer id say I'll babysit! Thats what I do for my frds at the mo when they need some space. Maybr u could take 2secs, do 10 deep breaths and just realign? That can help me sometimes. Or hide in a cupboard for 10 secs and just breath.

    The coffee thing wasnt too bad for me. I didnt drink it til about 18months ago when my bf converted me... to coffee! Lol then I managed to cut down to 1 cup a day. So I think it was more an emotional attachment to the sweet . morning pick up than anything.

    Anyway good luck to u all!!! Do awesome work and exercise well and est to niurish ur body!
  • Evie, its okay. It happened and is over. I used to over eat when I was stressed out, or eat the wrong thing. Now, I just do not eat, I have to go get a bowl of cereal, or yogurt, and tell myself my body needs it, even if my mind does not. I think we get in this notion that if overeating is bad, then not eating is good, because then that means less calories, which turns into fat, which can then go right to my butt. Or maybe it is just me who thinks like that, I dunno, in any case I just have to make better choices. But, there are days that it just won't happen, that it is okay, but nothing I can do about it. Except make the next day better. Yes, he has issues, better now then when we were dating, I am so proud of him. But he has days, or nights when it comes back. We think he might also have Sleep Apnea, so waiting for VA to check him for that. But, that could be years from now, so I have to be proactive with him. I got him some sleep aid pills, that are holistic, I believe that it is like a melatonin combination. It is called Calms Forte, and he slept hard. I also have been rubbing his back, with tiger balm, and that seems to help too, because I think it relaxes him. I am sorry you have bad nights, my prayers go out to you. The kids, well, I have to just walk away a few times, put Bella in her crib for nap time, and then give JT a few teething tablets. Then I wonder to myself people actually had 4+ kids and some of them would be this small, how did they ever do it. The stressful part is at the end of the day I feel like I have not done anything, I feel like I had these plans to do laundry, clean the bathrooms, clean out the fridge, take the garbage out, make dinner. But instead I am cleaning finger nail polish, rocking baby, having honey pick up Chick-Fil-A. So I feel like I failed. I appreciate that you would watch them for me. If I had the money I would put Bella in a care program at a church up the street that happens like 2-3 times a week, just till noon. That way she can meet friends and maybe I could get a few things done, then I realize that nope, because JT would be wanting my attention so.. I just got to do what I can and not worry about what I can't. I will say this, if I had money and was rich, I would hire a massage therapist to come to my house on Saturday afternoons, and I would get a Swedish massage for my back and shoulders. Yep, that is what I would do!! LOL.

    Good luck today everyone, and Keep on Smiling:)
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