Alcohol (Whiskey) on Keto

ac8351568 Posts: 4 Member
What are effects of Alcohol (apart from the obvious ones) when on Keto Diet?

I want to remain sociable with occasional drinks. Would that hurt Keto regime?

Also, would anyone have net carb stats for Whiskey / Vodka (Jack Daniels / Black Label / Absolut Vodka)



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,227 Member
    Net carbs are essentially zero for all those. But, it is still not highly recommended. Expect to get drunk a lot easier. Expect worse hangovers for the level of drunk you got. And be diligent about hydration. . . Seriously a full glass of water as a minimum per drink.

    I, personally, have decided to just not drink anymore. It isn't worth it for me. It is possible that I may have a drink or two in the future, but it won't be anytime soon.
  • ac8351568
    ac8351568 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Frob23

    That helps - I drink only socially, haven't touched booze for a few months (as i was warming up for diet-discipline), this is for days when it's difficult to refuse or explain (and holding a glass won't do) - e.g. with boss or client or father-in-law :)

    I anyway would limit to 60ml at a go and only 2/3 such in a month. But it's good to know that I don't have to dive up totally.

  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    Typically if I drink I will have a glass of red wine (Malbec) or a Michelob Ultra and I see no issues (in moderation, of course.) I don't drink a beverage to get drunk. Last weekend, I had some girlfriends visit and we drank a LOT of margarita's by the pool and just enjoyed ourselves. By Monday I had gained 3 lbs and was at a LOW ketones level (per my ketostix). I have just made a choice that until I'm at my goal weight and can "play" a little here and there, alcohol will have to just be a very moderate choice.
  • Your body uses Alcohol before ketones, if you drink lot of alcohol you might be kicked out of Ketosis. One low carb beer or a glass of wine occasionally probably won't make much difference but it depends on individual. You need to use a blood meter to measure your ketone levels after you drink to see what your limits are. ketostix are not very accurate.
  • lebowski8
    lebowski8 Posts: 55 Member
    Drinking alcohol regularly never interfered with my keto stix readings. However, it greatly reduced my weight loss down to 1 lb/ month. When I finally figured this out and committed to being booze free, my weight loss improved to around 5 lb/ month. Now I do planned drinking occasions - about once a month
  • aleehagen
    aleehagen Posts: 41 Member
    I second this, it also slows my weight loss greatly. Even spreading only a few drinks throughout the week will effect things for me.
  • Drinking alcohol regularly never interfered with my keto stix readings. However, it greatly reduced my weight loss down to 1 lb/ month. When I finally figured this out and committed to being booze free, my weight loss improved to around 5 lb/ month. Now I do planned drinking occasions - about once a month

    That is coz Ketostix are useless.
  • MikeEnRegalia
    MikeEnRegalia Posts: 110 Member
    Drinking alcohol while in ketosis can be quite dangerous - the liver will process the alcohol rather than producing ketones, so there's a real chance that you could get hypoglycemia (read: comatose). The solution: Choose drinks with at least some carbs in them. Then you will be temporarily out of ketosis, but you will suffer less.