Ho Ho Ho Challenge Kickoff



  • s258705r
    s258705r Posts: 96 Member
    I love participating in challenges for the extra motivation, and this long term would be good for me to keep my focus. I'm definitely looking forward to shedding some pounds by Christmas :)

    Name: s258705r (stephanie)
    Start weight :210
    Goal weight :180
  • varuca1
    varuca1 Posts: 42 Member
    I need this to get back on track :)

    Name: Varuca1 (Valerie)
    Start weight- 235.2
    Goal weight- 210
  • Onoiam50
    Onoiam50 Posts: 355 Member
    Hope I am not too late to join. My weight loss has stalled this will help me refocus, if I reach my goal I will be below 100kg for the first time in over 20 years. I will still have some work after Christmas however that will be a real achievement.

    Name: Onoiam50
    Start weight- 108kg
    Goal weight- 98kg
    BMI - 33.5
  • BxChelle
    BxChelle Posts: 9 Member
    Good morning! My information has been added to the spreadsheet already but I just realized that I made a huge error! My BMI should be listed at 38, NOT 48. Thank you again for putting this all together! I"m looking forward to starting officially. I weighed in this morning & I was 219.4! Whoo-hoo!!!!
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Name: Kathy
    Challenge Starting Weight: 187
    Challenge Goal Weight: 167
    BMI: 34
  • mom2kgirls
    mom2kgirls Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I'm a little confused about the spreadsheet. Are you going to share it with us through Google docs so we can put our own info in each week? I finally figured out how to pull it up and it told me to ask the owner to share for me to enter info. It would be an awful lot of work for you to enter all of our weights each week!
    I am happy this morning that the weight I lost over the weekend is "real". When I got on the scale yesterday and was down 3 pounds, I was afraid I would go back up today, but the scale is the same! I had finally broken the 200lb mark (weight is 199.8) and would really hate to see it go back up!! I know it is psychological, but seeing a 1 instead of a 2 for that first number is huge to me!
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 490 Member
    Name 1crvygrl
    SW 205.6
    GW 185.6
    UGW 135-145

    I was in the last challenge and actually gained. I didn't have the motivation I guess:embarassed: As of 8/4 I've restarted, unfortunately at my heaviest ever. My husband is cutting back too so that should be of some help or at least not a hinderence:tongue:
  • mom2kgirls
    mom2kgirls Posts: 29 Member
    So glad your husband is doing it with you! I think it makes a difference when our family members join us. I talked to my sister last night about what I am doing and she is thinking about joining MFP also, and maybe even this challenge. These boards are great, but setting goals with your family can really keep you motivated. Good luck!
    Name 1crvygrl
    SW 205.6
    GW 185.6
    UGW 135-145

    I was in the last challenge and actually gained. I didn't have the motivation I guess:embarassed: As of 8/4 I've restarted, unfortunately at my heaviest ever. My husband is cutting back too so that should be of some help or at least not a hinderence:tongue:
  • ColourfulFiasco1
    ColourfulFiasco1 Posts: 37 Member
    Name (screen name is nickname is fine) : Colorfulfiasco
    Start weight :153
    Goal weight: 133 for challenge; 117 overall
    BMI : 27
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Hi! I'm a little confused about the spreadsheet. Are you going to share it with us through Google docs so we can put our own info in each week? I finally figured out how to pull it up and it told me to ask the owner to share for me to enter info. It would be an awful lot of work for you to enter all of our weights each week!
    I am happy this morning that the weight I lost over the weekend is "real". When I got on the scale yesterday and was down 3 pounds, I was afraid I would go back up today, but the scale is the same! I had finally broken the 200lb mark (weight is 199.8) and would really hate to see it go back up!! I know it is psychological, but seeing a 1 instead of a 2 for that first number is huge to me!

    "Onederland" is a wonderful place to be. Welcome, stay awhile, stay for good.
  • bangbangchoochootrain
    I've never done a challenge before and I'd love to join! Please tell me if I've done something incorrectly.

    Name (screen name is nickname is fine): BangBangChooChooTrain
    Start weight: 201
    Goal weight: 180
    BMI: 32.4
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    i'm in yeaaaaaa......

    CW: 213
    GW: 140
    BMI: 33
  • mssmssy
    mssmssy Posts: 32 Member
    I'm soooo in! I just started logging in my cals again August 1, so this is a perfect challenge for me!

    name: mssmssy
    SW: 248.6
    GW: 218.6
    current BMI: 33.7
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    First time ever doing a challenge. So let's hope this works!

    My goal is really to be more 'fit' (able to jump buildings in a single bound, faster than a train, you know, be my own superhero.) rather than tied to a specific number.

    CW: 141
    GW: 126
    BMI: 22.6

    I'm not sure if I'm being too aggressive in my GW. I was fit at 126...but, well, time will tell if after a decade 126 is still a number that means being fit for me.
  • tigersgrowl1093
    tigersgrowl1093 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm very excited about this! Thanks for setting this up!

    CW: 208.4
    GW: 185
    current BMI: 35.8
  • beautifulebony
    beautifulebony Posts: 6 Member

    Can you add my BMI to the spread sheet. I left it out before. Cheers.

    Name: beautifulebony
    BMI: 37.6
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Hi! I'm a little confused about the spreadsheet. Are you going to share it with us through Google docs so we can put our own info in each week? I finally figured out how to pull it up and it told me to ask the owner to share for me to enter info. It would be an awful lot of work for you to enter all of our weights each week!
    I am happy this morning that the weight I lost over the weekend is "real". When I got on the scale yesterday and was down 3 pounds, I was afraid I would go back up today, but the scale is the same! I had finally broken the 200lb mark (weight is 199.8) and would really hate to see it go back up!! I know it is psychological, but seeing a 1 instead of a 2 for that first number is huge to me!

    Congratulations on reaching Onederland!! It's a wonderful feeling!

    I will unlock the spreadsheet when it is ready. You will be able to enter the weight yourself after I unlock it.
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    I just joined. I hope it's ok.
    Please add me to the spreadsheet.

    Name grizziegriz
    Goal weight 135
    BMI 26.7
  • npatten1
    npatten1 Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in....

    Name: npatten1
    SW 360 (now)
    GW 320 (XMAS)
    BMI: 58.1
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Added up to here
This discussion has been closed.