Post your Weigh-ins here!



  • breesie11
    breesie11 Posts: 3,478 Member
    I am in! I weigh 259 currently and hope lose 20 lbs by halloween.
  • nifeadi
    nifeadi Posts: 10
    This works my weigh ins are on Fridays

    CW: 199

    GW: 170

    Looking to be 185 (my freshman college weight and halfway to my goal ) by Halloween!
  • Hello fitness pals! I am currently 182 lbs. and would sooo love to loose 15lbs. and be 167lbs.!!! :love: I have been on a plateau forever at 188lbs. and I finally broke through to 182 lbs. I think it has everything to do with this site and religiously counting calories in my food diary. I'm hopeful that now I can finally start making some progress! Will be interesing to see how this goes! Thanks for creating such a fun and motivational weight loss challenge! Wish you all the best!
  • Wow! 56 lbs. lost! Kudos to you:drinker:
  • 692ecs
    692ecs Posts: 33 Member
    I started last Wednesday night when I got my new Vivofit so my weigh in day will be a Thursday. So this morning I clocked in at 198, 4 lbs lost. Less than 50 to go now to my GW of 150, woohoo!

    I hope to get to at least 178 by haloween, but I am going to be spending most of October in a tent in a field with work and not wholy able to control my food as we will be centrally fed. So I am going to be extra good until then and hope that I can do enough exercise so when I weigh in haloween week I will be pleasantly suprised, I hope...
  • biolay
    biolay Posts: 1 Member
    What an exciting idea to stay motivated. My costume of choice would be the black kitten with the body suit. I've been wearing just the tail, ears, and make-up. Ideal weight is between 120-125 so this is perrrr-fect???? current weight is 139
  • CherylMatthews66
    CherylMatthews66 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm definitely in on this challenge!! I'm currently 8st 7lb so I'll weigh in everyday Fridays I guess :smile:

    Good luck everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • sonnie3
    sonnie3 Posts: 5
    I just started my journey to lose the weight I've gained over the last 4 years. My current weight is 195, and I would like to be 180 by Halloween and my overall goal is to be 150! Weigh in on Fridays works for me. Good Luck everyone!!!
  • OK I will weigh in on Fridays. Good luck to everyone.
    CW 288
    GW 273
  • sarahmoore319
    sarahmoore319 Posts: 11 Member
    Ok, yay for Halloween!! The additional motivation will hopefully help me break through this terrible plateau!

    SW: 208
    CW: 195
    Halloween GW: 180
    Final GW: 120

  • I currently Weigh 182 & I am very excited to join a group! I've been struggling for so long it will be refreshing to have some motivational help! :-)
  • Hi Everyone!

    This challenge sounds awesome =) I'm currently at 175.3.
  • carocr2276
    carocr2276 Posts: 1 Member
    Yay!! Halloween is my favorite!!!

    Also will be attempting a halloween half marathon this is great motivation.

    Weigh in mondays at 160.2
  • sjd1974
    sjd1974 Posts: 12 Member
    Starting weight is 157! Goal is to get to 140 by Halloween! Excited for a challenge!
  • bluehorn74
    bluehorn74 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting weight is 175.6lbs going to start weigh ins starting on Friday. Thanks for setting up this group! Let's get going!:happy:
  • rebeki013
    rebeki013 Posts: 4 Member
    Love this! My CW is 195 and I would love to weigh 180 by Halloween. My overall goal is 150! My weigh in day will also be Fridays.
  • sbjmorgan
    sbjmorgan Posts: 158 Member
    I'm going to weigh in on Fridays, too.

    This week's weigh-in: 331
    Halloween GW: 305

    Ambitious goal, but to be fair, I'm starting on PMS week which always makes me 5 pounds heavier, so here goes nothing! ;)
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I'll be weighing in on Fridays too! I had lost 60lbs and was still losing but I got pregnant and gained it all back. I also love short term goals specially cause my weight loss journey is far from over.

    current weight : 277
  • imducky20
    imducky20 Posts: 14 Member
    My weigh-in day is Tuesday. I am so excited for this!!!!!

    SW: 265
    CW: 260
    Halloween GW: 245
    Final GW: 170
  • Great Idea!! Maybe I'll be able to fit into that airline stewardess costume I have from when I was younger!

    Current Weight is 160 lbs, I was aiming for 150 lbs but I'd love to lose an extra 5! why not!